Are all girls airheads?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
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DJinTraining06 said:
omg yea that happens to me too. My gf and others have asked why i know certain thing. ive been called the king of usuless information - which i actually find funny. But when she makes cracks at me beign weird or a lsoer cuz of it i get pissed off. I am my own man, not what society tells me to be cuz im 25. I love to learn. I read whatver i can get my hands on. If that makes me weird, so be it I rather die old and alone
Yeah, I'd put that back on them. I mean, calibrate to the situation. If it's just a comment or so, then no need for much. If they use words like loser, then tell them they aren't making sense. Someone's a loser for being intelligent? C'mon, they're having more than just geography problems. Maybe they just feel awkward because they don't know things.

From what was said in the original post, it looks like the friends were intimidated, or just felt stupid, so got defensive. Let their actions and your actions say who's cool and who's not. Information is never useless. It's a tool, you take it off the shelf when you need it, and tuck it away when you are done. Curious thing about this information tool.. as you use it, it grows sharper, instead of becoming dull.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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Christ almighty.....for such a self-proclaimed genius, you sure write like a 9 year old. I don't care if this is the internet or not....learn to spell.

by the way, if people are putting you down for being more knowledgable than they are, nine and a half times out of ten it's because they're jealous and insecure about their own intelligence.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Master Bates said:
Christ almighty.....for such a self-proclaimed genius, you sure write like a 9 year old. I don't care if this is the internet or not....learn to spell.

by the way, if people are putting you down for being more knowledgable than they are, nine and a half times out of ten it's because they're jealous and insecure about their own intelligence.

aight stop being picky about spelling errors and abbreviations on a damm message board. I use this at work for the most part so I try to type fast.

But anyway, u may be right. But i dunno i also sense a look of dissaproval everytime i talk about some topic i know alot about. As if im being a nerd.

Just last night we were having a great night, we went to a bar after dinner for a drink. And we got to talking about "barbarians" She brought it up cuz some kid at her hospital she works at was pretending to be a barbarian. So she asked him if he knew what a barbarian acutlally was in history. And he didnt know. So Iinterject, "oh isnt that what the ancient Romans called the people who used to invade them?

I may not even be rigt on that one, i not good with anceint hsitory, but anyway she goes "why do u know that" - like she was all weirded out.
I called her out on it a little, i said "why shouldnt i know that" "I like to read, i aint apologizing for knowing things" And she just was like "nothign wrong with that" and changed the subject. I'm glad i did that cuz normall y i just laugh it off with her and act like shes right and im weird, but i refuse to do that anymore.

I dunno next time she does it im gonna flip out cuz this is ridiculous, its been like 4 times now where shes flat out asked me "why do u know that" or "how do u know that" It's as if she cant even comprehend why i would know something historical or intelligent. Cuz after all im a guy and im 25, im supposed to only care about sports, sex, and beer right? Oyyy


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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DJinTraining06 said:
So I interject that i always have been interested in geography and history, and I was reading the book 1776 at the moment on the train in the morning.
Well since you're such a genius at history, could you describe for me:

1) The development of the inquisition in the Catholic city-state of Koln?
2) The dynastical alliances between the German states from 1600-1750?
3) The creation of Spain as a united kingdom, and the dynastical alliances that led to its formation?
4) The amount of sex the average nerd gets?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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diplomatic_lies said:
Well since you're such a genius at history, could you describe for me:

1) The development of the inquisition in the Catholic city-state of Koln?
2) The dynastical alliances between the German states from 1600-1750?
3) The creation of Spain as a united kingdom, and the dynastical alliances that led to its formation?
4) The amount of sex the average nerd gets?
Umm in which post did I ever mention that i thought I was a genius in history or anythign else for that matter. What I was referring to was the fact that she acts as if i'm weird because I read books, newspapers, or watch news occasionally. And that she acts like she is proud of the fact that she never ever reads news or watches news, and knows nothing about politics. She's 23 of course she isnt that interested in such things. i'm not that interested either, but from time to time I read stuff and i remember it.

I never said I know alot, in fact I admit don't know an extraordinary amount of history or politics. But the little I do know, according to her actions, makes me weird or nerdy in her eyes (at least it seems). Which is what #4 on ur brilliant post says above. The funny thing is I hardly even talk about such stuff, not like im being all nerdy about it. the rare time it comes up in conversation, she makes me feel as if im odd for knowing stuff.

So basically your a neandrathal idiot sheep, who acts as society tells him to as a man. If I wanna read the news one day or read a book one day, that does not make me a nerd. I watch sports, i go to bars and drink with my friends, i watch dumb reality tv, play video games, go to the gym and at the same time I like to do intelligent things once in a while, such as reading about topics that interest me, like history and current events. if that makes me a nerd, oh well. I'm getting laid a plenty, most of the posters above agreed with me that theres nothign wrong with knowing sh*t.

But go make sure u live you conform to the steryotypes of being a man, and god forbid u ever do somethin u want to, without worrying if its "nerdy".

My point here is that I am a normal guy, i do all the normal guy stuff, and yet I have other interests as well, and a man with any backbone does what he wants. If i'm being nerdy for reading a book on the ny times bestseller list which interests me. Ok so be it. I got laid twice last night. And had a fun weekend with my friends. My post was simply a comment on women today and how they all seem to view knwoing stuff in a negative light. And i just wonder if its just this girl or if theyre all like that. The above posters have said there are plenty of intelligent women around, and maybe they r right. I've just been meeting girls like this all the time so i'm skeptical lately. And they're usually girls with high gpa's or good jobs, so u think theyd have a level of sophistication, but im starting to think its really not so. Every girl i know remembers every episode of Newlyweds with Nick and Jessica yet they cant name the speaker of the house or both Ny senators. I watch so much stupid sh*t on tv too, but i also know top political people in our gvt. and recent news stories. I guess im weird!


Oct 22, 2006
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DJinTraining06 said:
I've just been meeting girls like this all the time so i'm skeptical lately. And they're usually girls with high gpa's or good jobs, so u think theyd have a level of sophistication, but im starting to think its really not so.
gpa and good jobs really have no meaning as to how intelligent a person is. it's just how much work they put into school or work (or how much they cheat or get lucky)

DJinTraining06 said:
Every girl i know remembers every episode of Newlyweds with Nick and Jessica yet they cant name the speaker of the house or both Ny senators.
yup, that's the way society is these girl i knew didnt even know who the president of the united states was during Vietnam, yet she new the name of every desperate housewife on desperate housewives.sad isnt it?


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2005
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You wanna hear what I think?

I think this girl and whoever makes fun of you for being a "nerd" doesn't have any respect for you. They're just waiting for a book or something similar as an excuse for it, y'know?

Afterall, if you were truly studly in their eyes, they'd probably be more like "WTF? What the hell can't this guy do?"

Maybe you need to hit the weights or something, because there's obviously no passion if she even jokes about you being a loser. And why would you want a women with that kind of knowledge anyways? You honestly would like to talk about politics and world issues with the girl? Damn man what ever happened to having fun?

P.S. There are plenty of smart women. Btw note the word women As alot of the time the intelligence makes the distinction between a girl and a women, along with maturity. You just haven't found them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
Most are, yeah.

I asked this blonde (I can't remember why actually) "Where does the pope live, I'll give you a clue it begins with 'V' and rhymes with 'Smatican City'"

Her: Vietnam?

lol this is 100% true. :D

I think girls generally know f.uck all cos they're emotional while guys are logical. Things like politics geography etc don't elicit emotions so most girls aren't interested in them.

Damn, she's thick...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2004
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Girl I started dating in fall 2004 didn't know who was running for president, which I assume also meant she didn't know who the current president was. Any word longer than three syllables I'd have to define for her as well.

Sad thing is, she was a teacher...a special ed teacher actually. But, I suppose she didn't have to know too much except how to pop a tape in the VCR and take a punch from the autistic kid.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
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I don't think airheadedness can be put on girls alone. Most people are retarded and don't know what is going on in the world.

And intelligent girls aren't really that ugly. I have a few friends at ivy league schools and I check out their friends on facebook (lots of free time when the market isn't doing anything) and surprisingly the Harvard and Georgetown girls are HB7+


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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American girls are generally far dumber and less concerned about the outside world (ouside of the mall, COSMO & their bathroom mirrors) because they don't have to be. They are spoiled-rotten and overprivileged in this society. They get the red carpet treatment wherever they go and everything done for them. Money and opportunity are thrown at them from every corner.

So, why would they care about anything other than themselves?

As dumb as some guys are, I can't imagine some guys being as dumb as the girls' examples mentioned in this thread. Which are actually not atypical at all.

I can't remember the last time I had a discussion about geopolitics with a girl. Most are entirely clueless. Although they could tell you what happened in every episode of "Sex And The City" or where the priciest shoes in town are.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
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Yeah, girls are expected to know less. But Monday Night Football is as useless as "Grey's Anatomy" if you regard an interest in the outside world as important. How many guys know the exact number of yards some running back rushed for but don't know who the NSA is? Some people just don't care and thats alright. Just have to find the pockets of people with the same interests as you.

If you ask a girl a question she might give you a silly answer, a guy will just say I don't know or not say anything.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Maybe you guys are just getting girls from the wrong places. You shouldn't complain about airheads if you pick up at clubs, bars, rock concerts, etc.

Also most of you "smart" guys seem to only know American politics and current affairs. Without using Google, how many of you can name Germany's current chancellor? Do you guys know all the European countries which still maintain a monarchy? What is the official language of Tunisia? These are simple facts that anyone should know from the top of their head.

Don't call the kettle black until you're clean :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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Celadus said:
Yeah, girls are expected to know less. But Monday Night Football is as useless as "Grey's Anatomy" if you regard an interest in the outside world as important. How many guys know the exact number of yards some running back rushed for but don't know who the NSA is? Some people just don't care and thats alright. Just have to find the pockets of people with the same interests as you.

If you ask a girl a question she might give you a silly answer, a guy will just say I don't know or not say anything.

Well theres a difference between who the NSA is and not knowing where the pope lives, or thinking Indianapolis is a state. Im just talkin bout basic stuff here. How do u go thru grade school, high school, college, and grad school without knowing the US states?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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PersonalJesus said:
You wanna hear what I think?

I think this girl and whoever makes fun of you for being a "nerd" doesn't have any respect for you. They're just waiting for a book or something similar as an excuse for it, y'know?

Afterall, if you were truly studly in their eyes, they'd probably be more like "WTF? What the hell can't this guy do?"

Maybe you need to hit the weights or something, because there's obviously no passion if she even jokes about you being a loser. And why would you want a women with that kind of knowledge anyways? You honestly would like to talk about politics and world issues with the girl? Damn man what ever happened to having fun?

This is not an insecurity issue. I said it in my initial post. People r so quick with that word "insecurity". it's such a general word and its used way too much these days in my opinion. Everybody is insecure. The people who seem like theyre not are prob just as insecure.

What this actually is, is that i really like this girl alot, and it bothers me that i'm finding out she has this narrowmindedness about certain things, and its not insecurity, but my pride that prompted me to write this post. Because as i mentioned, eveyr girl i meet no matter what their occupation, gpa, etc. is the same way. So it's not insecurity, i dont let it bother me in fornt of her, but it does irk me a bit and thats why i posted. I really dont see how u think its insecurity, i see it more as dissapointment, cuz i like history and news, and girls see it as dorky. Least every girl i meet.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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PersonalJesus said:
You wanna hear what I think?

I think this girl and whoever makes fun of you for being a "nerd" doesn't have any respect for you. They're just waiting for a book or something similar as an excuse for it, y'know?

Afterall, if you were truly studly in their eyes, they'd probably be more like "WTF? What the hell can't this guy do?"

Maybe you need to hit the weights or something, because there's obviously no passion if she even jokes about you being a loser. And why would you want a women with that kind of knowledge anyways? You honestly would like to talk about politics and world issues with the girl? Damn man what ever happened to having fun?

P.S. There are plenty of smart women. Btw note the word women As alot of the time the intelligence makes the distinction between a girl and a women, along with maturity. You just haven't found them.
BTW she was jokin bout the loser thing. She said it with a laugh. but just the fact she joked made me think she was an idiot, and annoyed me cuz i know yself and i dont change for anybody. As for wanting to talk politics with a girl, no i do not and thats the amazing thing here. I'm referring to when 2 people talk all the time, many diff topics come up from A to Z, and if I make the slightest comment that shows i know something, she asks "why do u know that?" Trust me you'd have to be there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
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I actually called her out on this the other night. When she made another comment like "why do u know that". I said "why shouldnt i know that? Your scaring me here"

Since then ive made some more knowledgable comments just to test her, and she doesnt say a word anymore. Well see if it lasts, but I think i showed her I don't put up wit that sh*t.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i can honestly say that i do not know everything when it comes to history or politics, however i watch a lot of history things on t.v. that do interest me and my husband talks politics 24/7 so you are bound to pick up on things.

i blame the school system for lack of education when it comes to history , the government , English, spelling, handwriting, math skills, and geography.
1. if you don't know what the Boston tea party was or who we were rebelling against and why.... then you should go back to the fifth grade.
2 if you cant pass the us citizenship test
then clearly you weren't paying attention in 4th grade, 5th grade, 8th grade or 11th grade.
3 in real life, not online, if you have trouble spelling basic words, someone wasn't grading your spelling test correctly.
4. in real life, not online, if no one can read your hand writing, so you print at all times, your 3rd grade teacher should have noticed.
5. if you cant go into a store and look down at your merchandise and guess how much the sales tax is, how will you know if you have enough money?
6. if you don't know all 50 states, be able to at least take a stab at their capital cities and remember the 13 colonies, then again you weren't paying attention back in the 6th grade.

you don't have to know all the details of everything but knowing at least the bill of rights is greatly important. so many people died fighting for them.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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penkitten said:
1. if you don't know what the Boston tea party was or who we were rebelling against and why.... then you should go back to the fifth grade.
5. if you cant go into a store and look down at your merchandise and guess how much the sales tax is, how will you know if you have enough money?
6. if you don't know all 50 states, be able to at least take a stab at their capital cities and remember the 13 colonies, then again you weren't paying attention back in the 6th grade.
1. I don't know what the Boston tea party is.

5. By sales tax, are you referring to the GST, KK-M Tax, Special Threshold Taxation Allowance, or the National Sales and Import Tax Scheme?

6. Actually there isn't 50 states. Lets count them all...NSW, VIC, ACT, QLD, NT, WA, TAS, SA...that's 8 in total (6 states and 2 territories). Maybe YOU weren't paying attention in 6th grade.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
diplomatic_lies said:
1. I don't know what the Boston tea party is.

5. By sales tax, are you referring to the GST, KK-M Tax, Special Threshold Taxation Allowance, or the National Sales and Import Tax Scheme?

6. Actually there isn't 50 states. Lets count them all...NSW, VIC, ACT, QLD, NT, WA, TAS, SA...that's 8 in total (6 states and 2 territories). Maybe YOU weren't paying attention in 6th grade.
obviously my post was about the country i live in, usa, not canada.
you have different geography, politics, history and sales tax sweetie.
the above two links are about the boston tea party.