Hooligan Harry said:
I dont think its the pill, although i think its an interesting theory. For me it has more to do with the fact that in the west we have created a society of victims. Everyone from minority groups to women feel that they have been victimized in the past. This gives them an excuse for poor performances or bad behavior. It also allows them to push for special treatment.
Feminism is not about equality. Its about giving women an advantage because without it they cant compete. Everyone is a civil rights activist these days and everyone is a psychologist. No one is getting on with the job anymore. The problem is that unless you are a sympathizer you are seen as part of the problem and ostracized. Its why men have become AFC's and women have become nazis. They want to fit in and hold views that others find acceptable.
I am fortunate enough to be very well traveled for someone still so young. I have seen the differences in cultures when it comes to gender, not to mention the difference in views on life in general. I mean no offense when I say this but Americans in particular have become pussies. As economic and cultural world leaders, you rub off on Britain and Australia, who are quickly becoming just as soft. This is a few years? My Grandfather and great uncles, who fought in the second world war, always used to speak about "Them Yanks" with a sense of awe. He was a hard nut himself and gave no one credit for anything. I dont see it. I see materialism and a sense of deep ignorance at times.
While the west provides the best standard of living and quality of life for its people what it has failed to really provide is happiness. War torn countries and abject poverty do not make for happy people but you would be surprised how happy most people are who live in third world countries. They have little but they appreciate what they have. Humans are social creatures and the west has created societies where you could live in a city of 5 million people and feel alone.
Well, no surprise I don't agree that Americans are pussies. I've traveled in Europe and what I saw were a lot of lazy whiners who don't want to work more than 30 hrs a week, take entire summers off, and seem to have trouble with bathing and dental work. Head to head America kicks Europe's azz economically, scientifically, militarily, creatively, and in just about every other category. Our women are also a lot better looking than what you got over in England, and they shave their legs and armpits.
However, where America has gone wrong is its women. They have turned into men. And the men have turned into girls. I blame the pill because it fundamentally shifts the female biology. Prior to the pill, sex was risky for women due to pregnancy. Once on the pill women no longer have the pregnancy risk. This means they can be much more sexually assertive, "spin more plates", and have more conquests. More sexually available women means that men can be more passive and let the women chase them. Think about it. If there were one women and 100 men you'dhave a riot. If there are 100 women and one man he'd lay back and do nothing. So the pill increases availability of women making men more passive.
Secondly, the pill tricks the body into thinking it is always pregnant. A pregnant woman is more aggressive due to the hormones, which may serve a protective function for the young. Once pregnant, a woman benefits if many men think she's carrying their baby. So there can be a biological incentive for a woman who is knocked up and not showing to sleep around more, gaining the protection of more men. Hormones that simulate pregnancy may stimulate such subconscious behavior, resulting in yet more sexual aggression from females, and more passive men. Lots of pregnant women report being horny as hell.
Finally, like I said, many chemicals now in our water supply are estrogen mimickers, including birth control pills, which further changes the biology of women, and of men. We've got male fish that lay eggs, massive declines in sperm counts of frogs and fish, etc. etc. We've conducted a big experiment on ourselves biochemically -- here in America -- and we are now living the results, which are becoming a psychosexual hell.
As for the feminists, you are right they see themselves as victims, which is how the Nazi's saw themselves, too. You can bet that whomever whines loudest about being a victim is attempting to exploit their status to oppress another party and feminists are no exception. But nobody on SS would stand up for a feminist so this is just preaching to the choir.