Approaching women in clubs...


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
Chamber36 said:
TBH I've got some out-of-bounds advice to give here.

I wouldn't approach girls for the sake of approaching girls. That will make it weird because it's too direct.

If there's a fire, and you yell at everyone: "the fire escape is right here!" people will all be glad that you talked to them.

So just tell people things that are directly important for them to know. Once you take practicality, efficiency and importance into mind, it's much easier to have something interesting/important to say. Plus you're not wasting your time talking about nonsense. Problem is though, most people in the club will be Attention Whoring and talking complete nonsense just for the sake of sounding important. Keep that in mind, and just have a mind which thinks in terms of practicality, efficiency and importance.

So ask girls if they're enjoying themselves, what they're drinking, if they go to the club often, that sort of thing. It's often hard to step into the mind-spectrum of a female and think in terms of what she finds important, but it's good to ask questions concerning whatever girl you're talking to specifically.

And if you just feel the urge to approach a girl and give her a compliment, like a warm-up set, you can do that too, just don't go out of your way and approach her from across the bar. Walk past her and give her the compliment over your shoulder, sort of indirectly. Mystery Method style. Just don't expect to have a 1% chance of sleeping with her now that you've already given her what she wanted(affirmation).
Chamber36 made a great point!

I would like to add that the club, while a "target-rich" environment, isn't necessarily the best place to interact with girls if you have problems initiating conversations with them in the first place.

First off, most women there are in groups (sets in you understand PUA lingo), and if you aren't decent at approaching one, how are you gonna handle talking to a group of three or more. Plus, it's loud, people are drunk, etc.

There are ways around those obstacles, of course, and some people thrive in such environments. But why not try starting conversations in everyday environments first, then work your way up to clubs?


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Well I just read Adonis' book Secrets of Same Night Lays.

And I have something to add concerning thinking in terms of efficiency and practicality.

The book gives lots of lines and routines, but the most important thing that I saw in it, is that there are 5 things you need to find out from a girl.

"Who are you here with?/How do you all know each other?"
"How did you get here?"
"What are your plans for later?"
"What time do you have to get up in the morning?"

When you go out you need to keep the end goal in mind, and by thinking about these 5 questions, you will be able to map out the logistics in order to get the SNL.

It's happened to me that I'd be talking to a chick who's interested, but by neglecting to ask these questions, the girl gets impatient and moves on to the next guy.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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double post

Don Juan
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
yeah, ask her when she has to get up the next morning, that's really important.


clubs are bad hookup-spots when you have low confidence and trouble with game. girls can choose the best looking/most alpha guy available. it's a survival of the fittest and if you don't look particularly good or are well built you need a ton of game and even then pretty boy just might outrun you. it's all about looks at clubs. your story-telling abilities won't do you that much good at loud clubs. it's all physical there.

apart from that, girls are attention *****s. period. they enjoy getting stared at and ****blocking each other for the same reason they keep afc orbiters around them. you rarely see the ugly but smooth talking guy pull it off in clubs.

so, what can you do when you don't stand out by looks itself? status. if you don't have the aforementioned lamborghini to step out of in front of the club then you need to be the center of the party. and to do that you have to have a hell of a good night, have fun and don't give a sh!t about approaching girls. they eventually approach themselves.

the last option are the desperate ones, but you don't really want these


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Even if you're tall and goodlooking, you won't get anywhere without game.
I've gotten make-outs with plenty of girls without ever talking to them. It's possible to get make-outs without saying 1 word. Mainly grinding on them works, then you just turn them around and make out with them. You can also start off face-to-face. I am really good at it, so girls love to do it with me. I sorta gave up on that style of game now that I'm a little older.

I try to do things a bit more covertly now. See, barely any of those make-outs ever resulted in a lay. Therefore I think it's more important to talk about logistics than it is to get a make-out.

How will you know if you can get a girl in bed without asking her what her plans are for the rest of the night? You can't just hang around her and wait... You have to find out what her plans are.

I see plenty of guys get girls really 100% through game. They don't look good(but they are well-groomed!). They just have a certain amount of game and marketability.

I'm not saying you have to ask EVERY girl those questions, but when there's lots of chemistry and sexual tension, that's when you can ask a girl her plans for the rest of the night.