I am jumping on this late, but I can't resist. I was in that line of work for about 9 years and why would you want to sarge a police woman? I have seen my fair share of hot ones, but they generally fall in to a category of being a hoe or dyke and of course there are some normal ones as well. TO me they would just be very uninteresting to date seriously, of course if you are just trying to hit it and quit it, that is a different story. I will say that most women do not belong in that line of work, didn't say all just most. I HAVE SEEN some 5 foot nothings act like they are 9 foot tall and I PERSONALLY would not handle a woman that had an ego problem. There are a lot of men cops that have the same problem, btw. Since I DID it so long, I am not a big fan of cops. BUT IF YOU MUST, SARGE on.....NOT to mention, you would hear a lot of boring ass shop talk that would bore the hell out of you unless you are a doughnut eater yourself. Do not misunderstand me now, I AM talking from what I have experienced. MY step brother is a cop and dating one and she just gets on my nerves. You may find one that thinks of her job as just that and may leave the BS at work.