approaching in groups


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
guys I need help, I'm currently doing an specialization in finance, well the prob. is that I go at night but in the morning there are pretty cute girl that I'd like to meet, BUT there is a problem for me, they are ALWAYS in groups.

I still fear approaching girls if they are alone so in groups is even worse. Today I saw a girl for a second time that I'd like to meet, but she was with two guys (dont know if they were classmates or boyfriend or what). THe thing is that since I go at night I have decided to go some days to "study" in the morning so that I can get to meet at least one if there is a chance (take into account that this place is small, just about two floors like in an office building). Today I feel like I lost an opportunity not opening her. But I think to myself. Why? because she was not in a moment one could say "go for it".

I had Just 10 seconds when she went to pick her things up, afterwards she left with the guys. I thought to myself "I dont want to meet her if she is not alone since I can see her again so I dont want to screw things up" But later in the metro I thought "what a stupid guy I am, I should have said anything just to introduce myself since I can see her again" .So Here I am at home kind of mad. My question is Do you thing it is a good moment to approach a girl you might or might not see again?

The past time I saw her studying in the study place (or whatever you call it in US, I am from Madrid). So i though " if i see her again her, I am gonna tell her" -would you mind coming outside with me I wanna ask you something? then move from that about, what she studies, etc etc.




Don Juan
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Athens, Greece
This could work

You can ask any one of them to compare your notes from the course, because -allegedly- you are not sure about everything since English is not your first language.

Alternatively, a good question would be to ask why they chose this field of study. This is a totally safe question that will give them the opportunity to talk.

Another question you could use is about the current crisis in the US economy and ask their opinion about what needs to be done. Relate their answers to facts of your country (for instance : "this could work very well in my country, because in 19xx we had some problems in this sector and...").

Then proceed to say that there are not only problems in the economy in your country. There are also awesome places, opportunities for investment and, of course, Latin lovers. :)

Remember not to keep the conversation strictly about your field of study.
This is a slippery path towards the Dark Side of the Force... you'll be stuck in the "cold fish-zone" or even worse the "let's-just-be-friends" zone.
You have to display that you are funny and ****y and of course CONFIDENT.

Another example of C+F : "WHEN I become Minister of Trade in my country, I'll do this and that..."

The bottom line is:

Display confidence.
Start talking.
Remember to smile.
Make them laugh.

I hope this is going to help you, paisan.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
thanks Nikos for your reply. Do you have any idea about how to split the group or something , they are always in groups, or should i just "pass next to her' and say

-excuse I have seen you several times here blah blah blha

something like that?

thanks guys


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
danieljsalas said:
-excuse I have seen you several times here blah blah blha
no, dont say that. that sounds like you are a stalker, you dont want that.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
shoottt...Is there any openning you guys think could worK??in a business school


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Exscuse Can I have a opinion on something? Did you see those 2 girls fight. Etc... Btw it's not lying, it's flirting.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Athens, Greece
danieljsalas said:
thanks Nikos for your reply. Do you have any idea about how to split the group or something , they are always in groups, or should i just "pass next to her' and say

-excuse I have seen you several times here blah blah blha

something like that?

thanks guys
Unless all the girls are going together to the bathroom -unlikely- you can intercept one of them when she's coming out, while you're on the way in to the gents' bathroom. I suppose that as happens in most buildings the doors the bathrooms are side by side. Just remember to be casual about it. You don't want her to think that you're stalking her.

When you find yourself face to face with her, just smile (and say Hi! if you like) whilst maintaining eye contact. DO NOT LOOK AT HER BREASTS. Then keep on going to your business.

Chances are that when you return to your desk, she'll be watching you.

Next time you meet near the bathroom -by accident :) - as she exits, you can ask her about THE SECRET: "I don't know what it is that you girls are doing in there, but I've noticed that you all look better when you return. What's your secret?"

This method works even in small groups of girls.
And it is easily adapted to girls that you meet in clubs but are escorted.
The only opening you usually get is near the bathroom.

Good luck, paisan


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks Nikos, that will help. I have seen here twice and both times she was with some other people so I'll have to figure out something, One guy told me to just pass next to her and ask 'excuse What do you study here I want to get some insights about the master programme" . Shoot I think that will be silly but who knows, He told " god damn just open her with whatever" so what do u guys think of that


Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Basic Group Theory...Talk to the friends while ignoring/breaking rapport with your target for the first few mins. Then put your attention on your target and talk.

The main thing about groups that makes it different is just you have to keep track of how everyone is feeling. Is anyone trying to cokblock? Is it better to ignore the friends? Blowout the friends? or befriend the friends?

When in a set though you should be talking to everyone equally but causing more sexual tension with her. It's like being with a group of friends your chatting them all up.

Now if its 3 or more then you can easily isolate, just show her something and make her back face her friends. The other 2 people in that group will keep each other company but if its a 2set your going to have to talk to both equally.

But it all comes to calibration because each group is really isn't any different from groups in school, clubs, or on streets the same stuff applies.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks Snow, let me see what can i do and I'll let you know if I get to see her again