Approaching girls in foreign countries (in English)


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
I used to be interested in foreign languages (speak 2 of them), however I'm not going to learn another one, because I have to deal with college and continuing to work on my social skills (which seems far more important to me at the moment) and of course I also need a bit of free time to enjoy life...

However, I had this thought: If you're really absolutely confident approaching people, have you ever been to a foreign country and just approached girls there by talking to them in English (I mean not just one approach, but just approaching away until you found someone who did speak it well).

Of course, the success rate will be rather low (depending on the country), but it seems to me like not that difficult a situation to approach a good-looking girl in another country by simply asking them "Hi, can you speak English? I'm trying to find somebody who can" (maybe learn that phrase and also "I'm sorry I can't speak your language" in their native tongue to be polite).

So the theory is you'll be able to get to know more people/girls in a foreign country by simply having great social skills and doing this than by knowing the language, but not being able to approach them (ok kind of a non-brainer...).

Maybe that seems rather strange, but I can actually picture myself asking that question say a couple dozen girls a day (until you find somebody who says: yes) and it actually seems less difficult to pull off than some other stuff that I'll be doing to work on my social's a bit an awkward situation, but I dont find it that awkward, because well you have even a pretext to approach them, after all (you're a stranger there and all).

Anybody ever done something like this?


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
i always say hi in their language then ask them if they speak english. i think when they see you speak their language at first, its better.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
I've never done it abroad, but I've pulled foreign girls over here.
But if you go on holiday you usually learn those two phrases, "hello" and "do you speak English?", as standard. Would be a simple opener, then you could ask for advice.

My gf is foreign, and I spoke to her in English; her second language :)