I decided to start doing approaches last week. I’ve been doing them everyday at different malls, which I rotate. I don’t remember how they all went so I’ll just jot down the ones that stick in my memory from this week. Mainly doing this so I can better analyze my approaches and maybe someone can get some inspiration to go out into the field. I've gotten 3 numbers in about 60 approaches.
Approach #1
Girl working at a clothing store
Her: (gives me some store routine greeting line as I walk in)
Me: Do you give that line to everyone that comes in?
Her: No
Me: Ah so you switch between different memorized routines. Let me hear another one that you use.
Her: It wasn’t a routine. I just like to talk. I’ll go up to strangers and have conversations.
Me: I like doing that too
(short pause)
Her: I like your necklace
Me: Why
Her: I dunno
Me: Do you just like four leaf clovers?
(she begins to seem nervous at this point as she realizes she’s talking to a stranger)
Me: I saw this girl fight outside Dillards. It was nuts. These two girls were fighting over this funny looking guy. Have you ever fought over a guy?
Her: No
Me: Not even once? Anyways, I talked to the guy afterwards his name was George he had one a wife beater, looked a little white trash…anyways these girls were going all out on each other, one girl pounded the other’s head into the ground and during the fight the girl’s boob popped out, normally I’m all for seeing a boob but this was a gross white trash boob.
Her: (Laughs)
Me: Do you guys get a lot of fights in this Mall?
Her: No I’ve never seen one
(short pause in conversation)
Me: You look like a powerpuff girl…bubbles
Her: Bubbles? How do I look like bubbles
Me: Your just so bubbly
(I think I lost her here)
Her: Well if I can help you find anything
Me: Ya actually im looking for a black cardigan
(she tries to find it but they don’t have any, so I say thanks and leave)
Approach #2
Hb 5 Girl folding clothes
Me: Hey, let me get your opinion on something. What wash of jeans would go best with one of those pink shirts.
Her: Dark wash defintely
Me: How dark, would my jeans be dark enough (they were grey)
Her:No, not grey
Mepointing to some jeans on the stand) But a lighter wash like these jeans is a definite no, no.
Her: Ya I prefer light washes with any color top.
Me: Why do you have this anger for light washes?
Her: (laughing) I just don't like how they look
Me: Me neither to tell you the truth, so pink shirt with a dark wash
Her: Well lets see what the other girls think
Introduce two HB 7s, which I'll call A and B
Her: Hey A,B this guy wants to know what color wash goes best with a pink shirt
A: Dark wash
B: Dark Wash
Me: So my jeans wouldn't work I was really hoping i could pull it off
Me: How about a light wash
A:Ya a light wash would work
B: Ya I think it would too
Me: Looks at HB 5, guess we have a little confliciting opinion here
(they all argue for a bit, then they give me pink shirt and dark wash to try on. I try it on come out show them and they holler at me and say it looks good. But I have no intention of buying the ****ty generic clothes at this store so I change and go up to the Hb 7)
HB 7: So you have to buy the pants and shirt now
Me: (look in her eyes for a couple of seconds) No, I wasn't digging the pants and I was just curious what pants went best with a pink shirt not exactly this one.
HB 7: But it looked so good on you
Me: Your just saying that because you like me way too much
HB 7: Laughs
(I continue looking around then after 3 mins or so I come back to Hb7)
Me: Hey there a trash can around here
HB 7: I'll take it
Me: What's your name
HB 7: why do you want my name (not in an agressive, I'm not going to give it to you kind of way. More like a shy nevrous tone)
Me: Because its my policy if you throw something away for me, I have to get your name
Her: (dont remeber name)
Me: nice meeting you (name which I have forgotten)
(I leave)
Approach #3
HB 7.5 working at store
Me: Hey where do you guys have your necklaces
Her: Over here
(walks me over to the necklaces and I look through em for a couple of seconds)
Me: (I grab a necklace and can’t put it on)
Her: Need some help with it?
Me: Ya, will you put it on for me.
Her: (puts necklace on me)
Me: Now I need help taking it off
Her: (laughs) undoes necklace
Me: (I look at her necklace it has an engraving on it) I call her by the on necklace(name of engraving)
Her: That’s my sister. My name is X.
Me: Older or younger?
Her: Older
Me: how old are you
Her: 17
Me: Do you guys get along well?
Her: ya (she tells some story about her sister which I don’t remember)
Me: I can’t see myself wearing a lot of these necklaces, and who would one buy that bracelet (it was a thick bracelet with religious figures all around it)
Her: Oh, I have that one
Me: (giving her a perplexed looking face)
Her: (Laughs) well what kind of necklace are you looking for
Me: I’m really trying to find a necklace that has a four leaf clover on it
Her: _store has them
Me: How can you be so sure about that?
Her: I used to work there
Me: So if I go over there right now it will be there
Her: ya
Me: thanks for helping me out X..
I did quite a bit more approaches, but I'm getting tired of writing the average and below ones, even if there were some good momments so I'll only write the ones that were interesting to me.Approach #4
Actually two approaches but ill condense them to one because they occurred while I stood in the same position while I stood in a line for the dressing room.
Me: (grabs men cologne and walks over to HB 6.5) do you like this cologne
(As I hand her bottle I drop it on the ground on accident, luckily it was plastic)
Me: picks it up off the ground and gives it to her
Her: (sprays it on her arms, smells it) is good
(then she drops the clothes that she’s carrying)
Me: Guess we both have butterfingers
Her: Hablo pequito englies
Me: Hablo poquito espanlo
(end of interaction)
Two hb 8s arrive from behind to try out clothes
Me: Do you guys see that canoe hanging from the ceiling. I wonder how they get it to dangle by a string. It makes me kind of scared to walk under it.
Hb 8s: (they both give me a deer the headlights look)
Me: Ah you must be the silent type
(turn around)
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