Being wrong, quite often, is a matter of subjectivity.
If you're aspiring to lead people, being right or wrong comes with the territory. Being overly sorry in those circumstances can spell disaster, as they would in fact, see you as weak and lacking self-confidence.
With women, saying sorry, sometimes IS a matter of trying to conquer the man. The brunt of arguments, fights, and disagreements I've been in with women are times when SHE makes up what I'm wrong about, and therefore says "You did this wrong to me, fix it." However, what I did was not intentional, and she made herself upset by seeing things THAT way. That's when you talk about it.
Alot of older bucks tell me...that's how women are. But who wants to validate her in that way by saying sorry. I've actually had women say..."If you just say sorry, everything would be fine." That's like Leonides submitting to Xerxes, or allowing the messenger to disrespect his queen and his kingdom. Both of them saw that Leonides would get a better benefit in return, but no one can replace what freedom is.
When it comes to women, many times you will be wrong, and she will only want sorry to confirm her feelings, rather than talk it out.
When it comes to friends, they have a need to make sense, so sorry would work.
However, SORRY is only a word. It's more important what you do when you're wrong than saying it. Everyone here has heard it in the THOUSANDS of times, and will hear it again. The times that it carries ANY weight are the times people realize they're error, AND make up for it twice over. So if you're a leader, you're success after your failure is twice as sweet. Or if you truly hurt your gf, BY say, cheating, then you do something twice as good. Or if it's a friend, then you do something to right the ship. You don't want to be forever indebted. but unless you're living by the 48 laws of power, or trying to be some middle eastern prince, I don't see how admitting you've made a wrong choice can be bad. Just realize, women mascarade power by asking you to submit to sorry, which in turn forces you to admit you are wrong. By doing so, she can offer a host of suggestions to "right" you, and use all the instances you are wrong to "fix" you.