Apply red pill with out compromising my values


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2024
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Hello everyone, I have a question to discuss. I have recently become aware of red pill philosophy. I am a Christian, and some aspects of this philosophy, such as engaging in sexual relationships with multiple partners, conflict with my values. How can I integrate red pill principles while maintaining loyalty to my faith, which is a significant part of my identity? Any advice or insights on this matter would be appreciated.

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Welcome aboard.

You're already on a positive step. You state that you have certain values; which you don't plan to compromise. There's nothing wrong with this at all. In fact, being unwilling to compromise your personal code of ethics is a good thing,

When you meet a woman, just maintain your core and never allow a woman (or anyone, actually) to compromise what you stand upon.

Is it okay to allow a little 'wiggle room?' Sure. Being too ridged isn't a good look. Just be sure that any flexibility does not compromise your identity.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Hello everyone, I have a question to discuss. I have recently become aware of red pill philosophy. I am a Christian, and some aspects of this philosophy, such as engaging in sexual relationships with multiple partners, conflict with my values. How can I integrate red pill principles while maintaining loyalty to my faith, which is a significant part of my identity? Any advice or insights on this matter would be appreciated.
There are some successful Christians on here like @Atom Smasher. You can start with doing a search with this users posts and looking at the type of content he's writing. He's married as well.

Beyond that, I don't think you have to go that far, in terms of engaging in sexual relationships. You can try red-pill light and just make friends (with the types of women that you might intend to marry) but just don't go sexual with them.

Some of the benefits of any success is that you have a genuine connection and a woman likes you. She is excited to see you. You have a good connection with a lady who could be your marriage prospect. You get the idea. These are benefits of having a nice connection with the opposite sex that involve emotions or social engagement but does not involve any sexual relations. Just don't do anything sexual and you should be fine.


Sep 10, 2014
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The goal isn't to have any number of sexual partners at one time, the goal is to behave and act in ways that are most effective for attracting and maintaining relationships with women while respecting yourself.

However, interesting that you bring that up since you didn't say you are a virgin or are opposed to having a single sexual partner. As far as I know that goes against pretty much all the religious teachings before marriage, so do you simply apply these selectively based on your whims?

Hard for me to understand someone saying they want to apply these in accordance to beliefs and faith if you are bending these in ways based on what you want to do. Why not just keep bending them then?

Are you planning on bending them only up to a certain point then it becomes too much?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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You don't have to embrace all aspects, just the aspects that are beneficial for you and don't compromise your values / ethics.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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You basically answered your own question. They’re all hypocrites. I would say that you can start by looking at all of the leading red pill voices these days and see that they are all in monogamous relationships, most of them are married. So apply scrutiny to what they’re writing. Just like the newspapers are trying to sell advertising, these guys are too via YouTube revenue and other avenues.

That’s not to say there isn’t good thinking in some of their work but use the information as a part of a larger body of work that you lean on.

Read book of pook and read anti dumps machine. If you’re looking for a monogamous solid relationship you will get it using the latter. Neither of those guys wanted money, or fame or recognition, they actually went totally off the grid. Some folks tried selling it but you can get it for free. The authors never tried to monetize it.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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most of them are married
Meaning what?

The principles can be applied by everyone, whatever his relationship status is.

Last time i checked spinning plates is not mandatory to implement certain Red pill concepts.

Hello everyone, I have a question to discuss. I have recently become aware of red pill philosophy. I am a Christian, and some aspects of this philosophy, such as engaging in sexual relationships with multiple partners, conflict with my values. How can I integrate red pill principles while maintaining loyalty to my faith, which is a significant part of my identity? Any advice or insights on this matter would be appreciated.
Who did tell you that you need to fvck around?

What you NEED is the option to do so and your wife NEEDS to know you have that option if she decided to act up.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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I'm not knocking Christianity by saying this, but I never understood why Christians felt that they needed a different set of rules to play by.

Red Pill is amoral. It's male sexual strategy, adapted to the modern sexual marketplace. Think of it as a bag of tools to use when handling modern women.

Just because you're morally opposed to using a hammer (although hammers are VERY useful tools), doesn't mean you have to use it. You still have the rest of the toolbox.

A warning about trying to alpha your way through serial monogamy: women always win this game.
Its the equivalent to playing checkers against someone playing chess. Even if you were playing chess, they're better at that than you are too.

There is always the /RedPillChristians subreddit too. I haven't browsed it, but it's there.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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A warning about trying to alpha your way through serial monogamy: women always win this game.
Its the equivalent to playing checkers against someone playing chess. Even if you were playing chess, they're better at that than you are too.
Memory serves, you’re a married man who tattooed a wedding ring onto his finger for a woman who wasn’t totally on board with the same, while you were dipping awfully close into infidelity a couple days ago. Two questions: Are you necessarily the best advocate for what you’re eschewing here? How did you hide the tattoo, were you wearing gloves?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Who is really a Christian these days? At least I thought from a sex standpoint you had to save yourself.
In terms of women? She could have become a Christian after her rebellious teenage phase, or hoe-phase, or whatever, and its all still valid. Maybe she is a Christian but made a mistake, maybe she backslid or just went into sin and then went back to the Lord later. Or perhaps she really was not saved, because she was presented the wrong message or was not mature enough when she was younger, but then came under conviction and had a more genuine and solid conversion later. In other words, it's more of a journey then some status.

Each person has a different story or life so its hard to say. If you want to ask, who is perfect, then nobody is perfect. I wouldn't assume any girl is an angel. People have flaws and weaknesses. Also, if she's really straight as a Christian, and you are with her, then you have to clean up your act too. You may not be allowed to look at movies or get too much enjoyment out of any secular content otherwise she might not feel comfortable about that. Any quirks or issues that might be okay, while you are single (ie especially if you have a habit of cussing under your breath if you are frustrated) could be an issue with her. You also have to watch your step and behave right.

I didn't mean it in a consdescending way when I asked "who is really a virgin?", but more as a matter of fact tone. That is not the most realistic advice.
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Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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She could have become a Christian after her rebellious teenage phase, or hoe-phase, or whatever, and its all still valid. Maybe she is a Christian but made a mistake, maybe she backslid or just went into sin and then went back to the Lord later.
r/RedPillWomen is a gang of like 70k women who went through their party phase, now they want to settle down. They take like a month off from men, claim "born again virgins" and take some virgin dude to the cleaners come divorce.

It's a sub on how to top from the bottom.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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In terms of women? She could have become a Christian after her rebellious teenage phase, or hoe-phase, or whatever, and its all still valid. Maybe she is a Christian but made a mistake, maybe she backslid or just went into sin and then went back to the Lord later. Or perhaps she really was not saved, because she was presented the wrong message or was not mature enough when she was younger, but then came under conviction and had a more genuine and solid conversion later. In other words, it's more of a journey then some status.

Each person has a different story or life so its hard to say. If you want to ask, who is perfect, then nobody is perfect. I wouldn't assume any girl is an angel. People have flaws and weaknesses. Also, if she's really straight as a Christian, and you are with her, then you have to clean up your act too. You may not be allowed to look at movies or get too much enjoyment out of any secular content otherwise she might not feel comfortable about that. Any quirks or issues that might be okay, while you are single (ie especially if you have a habit of cussing under your breath if you are frustrated) could be an issue with her. You also have to watch your step and behave right.

I didn't mean it in a consdescending way when I asked "who is really a virgin?", but more as a matter of fact tone. That is not the most realistic advice.
No worries mate. What I meant was that I thought Christianity teaches you to save sex for the sacrament of marriage. Man or woman. At least Catholicism does so maybe the other denominations are less strict. But like someone mentioned above there seems to be arbitrary application of the "rules" of religion. So I guess my greater point is I can't tell the OP how to live his life, only he can do that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Hello everyone, I have a question to discuss. I have recently become aware of red pill philosophy. I am a Christian, and some aspects of this philosophy, such as engaging in sexual relationships with multiple partners, conflict with my values. How can I integrate red pill principles while maintaining loyalty to my faith, which is a significant part of my identity? Any advice or insights on this matter would be appreciated.
Read Doc Love's "The System". It is a methodology that focuses on what a man should do to get and maintain a relationship. He does not talk about getting laid or establishing a rotation... he just tells you what women positively respond to while keeping your personal values in tact.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not knocking Christianity by saying this, but I never understood why Christians felt that they needed a different set of rules to play by.

Red Pill is amoral. It's male sexual strategy, adapted to the modern sexual marketplace. Think of it as a bag of tools to use when handling modern women.

Just because you're morally opposed to using a hammer (although hammers are VERY useful tools), doesn't mean you have to use it. You still have the rest of the toolbox.

A warning about trying to alpha your way through serial monogamy: women always win this game.
Its the equivalent to playing checkers against someone playing chess. Even if you were playing chess, they're better at that than you are too.

There is always the /RedPillChristians subreddit too. I haven't browsed it, but it's there.
Christianity claims to be accepting of everyone but what they really mean is accepting of everyone who believes what we do and not really accepting of those who don't


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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