I live in an area that has a very large Mexican population, so here is my input based on some first hand experiences and observations I've made, I'm a white male from an upper class background/upbringing in his early 30s.
Many of these women are very focused on their outward appearance, they will dress in attire that is very revealing and wear a lot of makeup, they'll be at the gym or grocery store and look like they are going to a nightclub. This combined with their behavior, particularly towards men, makes them come across as very attention seeking. I can personally cite many examples of them actively leading on tons of men simply for attention, even when they have no interest in these men. Many of them grew up in a way where they were treated like princesses, so I feel some of this is cultural. However, they also give off gold digging vibes to me, again I feel this is partially cultural but also a result of many of them growing up poor and being desperate to land a man that can provide comfort and stability.
Some positives I've seen with these women, though I haven't directly experienced this. I've noticed that when men develop relationships with these women they seem to be very devoted to their men so long as you treat them well. They give off a more traditional feminine vibe that many men genuinely crave. They also come across as really emotional and expressive, physically touchey, etc. If you are an engineer or science type that isn't very expressive and more reserved, analytical, etc. I don't think it would be a natural fit.
Many of them will only date men of their own kind, though this isn't all that universal. I'd honestly steer clear of the ones from an urban ghetto background, they engage in the behavior I mentioned above but they are also likely to be single moms, drug users, thieves, etc.
As a white man that is well over 6' and in shape but coming from a well off background but not expressive or touchy/feeley, I don't have much in common with women like this and could never see it working. I do find them physically attractive but based upon the handful of first dates I've had with them, plus with my characteristics and personality traits, I can easily say that it would be very unlikely for me to land a successful relationship with one,