Anyone who wants to get laid - I answer all of your questions here

Dec 15, 2006
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I am a sex addict.

I have multiple girlfriends most of the time, and if I don't, then I make sure to get a fresh set of ass every week or two.

the fact is, I have been with over 70 girls and I am still young. I am what you call an experienced player when it comes to women.

I have had it all - one night stands, **** buddies, serious girlfriends (who I had sex with all the time), you name it and I had it.

It hits me that there are some here who are good at creating interest in women, but then they do not know how to seal the deal!!

I have devirginized between 10-15 girls, as well as countless others who did not want to have sex, but at the end of the night i was cumming inside them.

ANY QUESTIONS ANYONE HAS ABOUT WHAT TO DO TO GET LAID, ASK AWAY! I am here purely to help all who need it


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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0 how do you do ur game on the streets? 'cause lately I've been tring street aproaches and it ain't that effective + it's damn cold in Russia....would prefer Private message since I might loose this thread!
Dec 15, 2006
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hui said: how do you do ur game on the streets? 'cause lately I've been tring street aproaches and it ain't that effective + it's damn cold in Russia....would prefer Private message since I might loose this thread!
if you are meeting a girl on the street, you better have your inner game developed - there is no easy quick fix there. If you don't have good game, then do not expect to get laid from a cold approach on the street. You need to at least be able to talk, connect, not be nervous, be in a sexual state. Your best bet is to be nice and sincere, get her #, go hang out with her, and make sure you bring your witty/sexual/funny side. You need to make moves, and she needs to be attracted to you physically if you want to pull anything off successfully.

thats just a start.
Mar 18, 2006
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pimpin IS easy said:
Anyone who wants to get laid...
Thanks for the offer dude but I like women!! :rolleyes:

Getting a hor is easy because they are sleazy, but tell me. how do you get the virgins - where did you meet and how do you convince them - if there is any convincing:rolleyes:

I guess every hor was a virgin once - but why do you think they chose you to step in the world of hordoms??


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2006
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How much should I pay for 2 hours of good sex?



Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
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What is the best way to pick up women at a bar? Buy them a drink i am sure, but is there anything elnce i can do?
Mar 18, 2006
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Pimpin is not answering posts right now because he is humping on a hor to feed his sex addiction!! It's kinda like dinner for him!! :rolleyes:
Dec 15, 2006
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Last Man Standing said:
Thanks for the offer dude but I like women!! :rolleyes:

Getting a hor is easy because they are sleazy, but tell me. how do you get the virgins - where did you meet and how do you convince them - if there is any convincing:rolleyes:

I guess every hor was a virgin once - but why do you think they chose you to step in the world of hordoms??
make them feel as many emotions as possible....they all think they are in love if u treat them the right way, but with a sexual intonation. Basically, get a virgin to think shes in love with you, and she will give it up - easiest on younger virgins, not the 21+ year old ones
Dec 15, 2006
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Livinlifehard said:
What is the best way to pick up women at a bar? Buy them a drink i am sure, but is there anything elnce i can do?
my area of least expertise - because I always choose clubs! You dance with them, small talk, and say "lets get outta here and get something to eat" (only after a few hours, not right away) basically have to "accidentally" end up at either her house or yours without an OBVIOUS intention of having sex - but at that point you need to be making out.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
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today i squeezed by a hot broad at the store. she looked up at me, i looked down at her... neither of us smiled but the look in her eyes said it all...
now what do i do in a situation like this?! to get laid!

also, take a shot at this: is it a good idea to do a girl i work with and basically see every day? i know the automatic response is NO. but i don't want a relationship or anything like that. i just want to hit it and quit it. how does this affect our relationship afterwards?


Oct 1, 2006
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pimpin IS easy said:
It hits me that there are some here who are good at creating interest in women, but then they do not know how to seal the deal!!
Well, that pretty much sums up my problem. I think most of it is my own fault, you know, like, "all in my head" as they say.

Still, I have problems initiating touching or kino in a daytime environment. I find that most times it's the girl who initiates. The girl is also usually the one who gets in my personal space first.

I feel like I have this deep-rooted fear that I could be accused of sexual harrassment if I touch a girl upon meeting her. I would appreciate tips or advice on how to initiate some sort of physical touch in places such as a department store, cafe, bookstore, library, etc. For me, at least, once we make physical contact I have no problems sealing the deal.


By the way, I know there are pick-up artist type routines I can do, like try to read their palm or stuff like that, but I haven't tried those yet. I would like to do something that is less rehearsed, but I still enjoy stuff like that too. Anyway, I look forward to your reply.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
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Good post Pimpin'

What would you suggest for ladies over 25? Say club or bar...they no the "lets get outta here" line...
Dec 15, 2006
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to all - your questions seem related. And that is, you do not seem to know how to isolate the girl you want to bang. First off, no matter where you meet, you NEED to absolutely NEED to just talk to her and get to know her. While talking, you have to relate to her in as many ways as possible, i.e. she says "I went to my favorite bar last night, its called Tonic, ever heard of it?" which you would suavely want to say "no way girl! you gotta be kidding thats my favorite bar too, i cant believe this is the first time I seen you here, lucky us ;)".......with a simple statement like that (and it should flow naturally, not sound forced), you establish a connection, a common interest, and you also throw in a ****y little lne which both makes YOU look like a prize AND it delivers a compliment to her at the same time ("lucky us" is what I am referring to).........anyway you need to just vibe like that no matter where you are, and then NON-CHALANTLEY you need to calmly tell a chick "lets go watch a movie at my place, have a few drinks, just chill out"

girls LOVE indirect invitations of sex. In fact, a girl does not want to be seen as a slut and might not even kiss you in public, but once you get her alone, and you got a positive vibe going, all you need to do is make moves - you are THE man, you make all the moves. If she thinks you are good looking and she's had a good time with you thus far, your rejection rate will be ZERO.

Speaking of positive - ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE AND can actually talk about negative things and still be positive.

Everything i just talked about are social skills you acquire from lots and lots of practice........if you don't go out with many many girls, you will never be able to succeed naturally. So, go out and START PRACTICING