Women in general are attracted to Men. And not Men who dress, act and accessorize like Women.
When you start painting your nails because you think it'll help you get laid, then you have a LOT of inner game work to do.
External, superficial things will not get you laid.
I know guys that drive cars that cost 6 figures and still can't pull HB's, and they still can't figure out why.
Same goes for "Peacocking"
Unless you have really tight game, it will backfire on you and big time.
And if you do have tight game, then there is no reason to dress like some kind of faggot, now is there?
No, there isn't.
Too many people here are focusing on things like "Peacocking" and "Negs" and "The Cube" when all the while they should be fixing/working on their inner game.
Instead, they are looking for shortcuts. For a quick fix. For an easy way.
It doesn't exist.
Get your life together, get your inner game together and watch how easy it becomes to attract women. Quality women, not drunken bar hoes who think Peacocking is cool, that is, until the drugs and liquor wears off and then they think "WTF" was I thinking?
Bottom line is, you don't become a DJ by wearing outrageous flashy clothes, or painting your nails or driving an expensive car.
That external stuff may attract some women, but they generally won't be the type of women you would want to spend any amount of time with sober, or outside of the bedroom.