No. Because if you come off with the right attitude, it will never happen. You have to approach like it was by chance, like you randomly did it.....and that your time is a privelege. She should be happy that you took the time to notice her. You come off like you're doing her a favor.
Plus, I've found 2 things. One is that you won't ever get that kind of extreme rejection unless you make an absurd comment or unless she's having a horrible day.
Here is a tip, that you may not take because you completely ignored my advice in another one of your threads ....but hey, I think someone else might take it.
You face your fear. That's the tip. What is your absolute fear? It's getting rejected in that "dreaded way." What is that way? Think of the absolute worst scenario. Did you die afterwards? What is the end result that will come from it. Try to figure that out, to find the root of your fear. I'm betting it is FEAR OF WHAT OTHERS THINK, even though you say it's not.
You fear that girl may tell another girl, and so on. Because in that moment when she rejects you, so what. There's no repercussion from that. You don't die or lose any limbs. But when she tells her friend about the sleaze ball that approached her, your reputation mays suffer.
This is all your ego my friend. So how do you lose your ego? By proving to yourself that it's not a big deal. It's actually not easy, but something I've done before, and I recommend you doing is...... a really ridiculous approach.
I did this just 1 time 6 years ago, and it helped my AA, although about a year later I discovered masturbation to be the ultimate cure to AA. But still, here is the approach. You do something really bad on purpose to warrant the "dreaded reaction" that you're so afraid of. After that, you realize it wasn't so bad after all.
The approach I did was in a grocery store. I took 2 bananas and went up to a girl. I put each of them in front of my crotch. I asked her "which one do you prefer?" I put the little one and then before I put the large one, she slapped me and told me to get away from her. I couldn't stop laughing! It was not only not as bad as I thought, it was hilarious.
From that point on I realized you have to do something very ridiculous to get the "dreaded reaction." I mean, no normal approach will get that type of reaction.