Anyone else who's somewhat turned off by supreme beauty?

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
It's always been an idiosyncrasy of mine. Say I heard a bunch of guys talking about this or that actress and how hot she is, or I see porn (or non-porn) topics on other boards where the guys all drool like animals, and it's like, I don't really care. I'm turned on of course, but only slightly.

A few months ago I went to parties and there was this really gorgeous chick, a good 9/9.5, and the same thing occured. I just felt like being friendly to her, I just couldn't envision her as mate potential.

In the past all the girls I've had relationships with were average or slightly above average in looks. All the girls I've been infatuated with in the last few months were short, unassuming, and most had glasses or less-than-perfect bodies or faces.

And I don't attribute it to self-esteem, putting the ***** on a pedestal or anything like that. It's as if I found quasi-perfection to be dull, devoid of character.

I think I wouldn't be that picky when it comes to finding a girlfriend because I'm incredibly interested in human character, I always found something worth getting interested into with nearly anyone else's persona.

The day before yesterday I was returning a PS3 game to the rental store and after I handed the copy to the guy behind the counter I bought something and a female clerk assisted the transaction. She was really, really average in looks. Had glasses. Was very slightly overwheight. And yet somehow that charms me more than perfectly symmetrical girls.
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
You just want to be captain save a ho and get the girl a gym pass and "save her". Let it go man, you can't save them all.


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Well, now that you mention it, the women rated in the 9-10 area on looks seem more boring to me than those rated 7-8.5. Of course, I'm only speaking in generalities. But I honestly don't care what a girl ranks on the looks scale. That's a lie, I do have cut-off point. I mean, A girl has got to take care of herself. But I generally don't pay too much attention to looks. It's more about having fun and personality. I don't care how hot a girl is, If I can't have fun just talking to her, then she doesn't meet my standards and is friendzoned automatically.

I place personality above looks, but looks are still on there. And I do check to see if an HB 9-10 does have a good personality, but that usually ends in disappointment. I seem to have more fun with the HB 7-8.5s.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
You sound a lot like myself.
I usually don't find these "extremely hot" chicks very attractive
Similarly to yourself, i like girls that might slightly be over weight, or nerdy with glasses. Sometimes my friends think i'm nuts with my tastes in women. They'll tell me, "look at that babe, i'd like to bada bang that" and i'll be like, "i wouldnt touch it". This is usually followed by your crazy comments.

This one girl i took out was the hottest woman ive ever dated, and probably ever will. Definite 9.5. I asked her, "what are your hobbies, passions in life?"........dead silence, nothing........INSTANT turnoff, she was a bore.....i almost wanted to tell her to get out of my truck and walk

I want my mind to be @#$#ed to. At some point, you realize the extremely hot girls aren't necessarily any better in bed, there conversations aren't necessarily any better, etc.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Kaim Argonar said:
It's always been an idiosyncrasy of mine. Say I heard a bunch of guys talking about this or that actress and how hot she is, or I see porn (or non-porn) topics on other boards where the guys all drool like animals, and it's like, I don't really care. I'm turned on of course, but only slightly.

A few months ago I went to parties and there was this really gorgeous chick, a good 9/9.5, and the same thing occured. I just felt like being friendly to her, I just couldn't envision her as mate potential.

The day before yesterday I was returning a PS3 game to the rental store and after I handed the copy to the guy behind the counter I bought something and a female clerk assisted the transaction. She was really, really average in looks. Had glasses. Was very slightly overwheight. And yet somehow that charms me more than perfectly symmetrical girls.
I don't know what you are talking about. I want my gf to be at least 9/10. An average girl is boring. You want to know you have the personality to pull the hot ones. If 5 other guys are after the hot one and she picks you, you know you have game and are a DJ.

Before I some game, I had so so many average girls tell me where to go when I asked them out. Now, some of them know I'm with a hot girl, guess who's calling and guess who's not returning their phone calls?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I don't think it's that you're "turned off" it's more of intimidation/fear. Maybe what really turns you off is rejection.

Black suit

Don Juan
Jun 2, 2008
Reaction score
I can relate too. But I think this IS a self-confidence/complex issue.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
yeap...i guess its a stereotype of thinking.

for me, what usually goes into my mind is that she's probably one who chats only with hot/rich guys or jocks. whatever.

and usually turn out to be true. somehow i think that if that person is so beautiful on the outside, the inside will most probably have some ugly side that I wouldnt want to know.

that being said, the confidence factor is also there. :)

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Scars said:
I don't think it's that you're "turned off" it's more of intimidation/fear. Maybe what really turns you off is rejection.
I wondered how long it would take for condescending comments like that to spring up... *rolls eyes*


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
interesting thread. my problem is that i cant see myself settling down with a 7 or less. my last relationship was a 9.5. ever since that ended my standards have been really high. it's like im only into 9's now. you have to have strong inner game to date a 9 or 10.


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Lol, believe me, confidence is not an issue with me and neither is fear of rejection. I have VERY little approach anxiety anymore if any when approaching women. I'm past that whole "what if she rejects me stage." I'm not sure about the OP, but what I'm saying is that on a personality scale, I demand at an 9, And if she's really hot, I may settle for an 8.5, but there's one thing I demand in a woman, and that's one hell of damn good personality.

She's gotta be as much fun to hang out with as my friends, only with *special privileges*. Looks do not really matter to me, obviously I'm not going to settle for something really low, like a 4, but I see no problem with me being with a 8 or even a 7. As long as I'm having fun, I don't care. Sure, shallow HB 9.5s are great for good lays, but other than that, I don't see what they could possibly offer me.

Now what I'm really looking for is that HB 9+ with that 9+ personality. Oh **** man, when I meet her lol, forget about it. I just need to work on my game more so that once I meet this girl, I don't turn all AFC Onitis bs on her and fvck it up. That's pretty much my goal actually; Get good enough to pull that 9+ and get her crazy for me.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
TheEdgeOf said:
Lol, believe me, confidence is not an issue with me and neither is fear of rejection. I have VERY little approach anxiety anymore if any when approaching women. I'm past that whole "what if she rejects me stage." I'm not sure about the OP, but what I'm saying is that on a personality scale, I demand at an 9, And if she's really hot, I may settle for an 8.5, but there's one thing I demand in a woman, and that's one hell of damn good personality.

She's gotta be as much fun to hang out with as my friends, only with *special privileges*. Looks do not really matter to me, obviously I'm not going to settle for something really low, like a 4, but I see no problem with me being with a 8 or even a 7. As long as I'm having fun, I don't care. Sure, shallow HB 9.5s are great for good lays, but other than that, I don't see what they could possibly offer me.

Now what I'm really looking for is that HB 9+ with that 9+ personality. Oh **** man, when I meet her lol, forget about it. I just need to work on my game more so that once I meet this girl, I don't turn all AFC Onitis bs on her and fvck it up. That's pretty much my goal actually; Get good enough to pull that 9+ and get her crazy for me.
exactly homie. i agree 100%... until i find that hot chick with a personality that matches mine... i'll be constantly trying to improve myself. oh man i agree completely. the quantity of women does not improve the quality of self.

oh yeah, it's way too bad for me, i've met a REAL hottie with a perfect personality, and that's the reason why i came here, but that's gone now, and i still regret that. she definitely set the standards for me. i've yet to find a female that can surpass that standard. that's why i completely agree... so i don't pass up that chance next time.


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Michele said:
exactly homie. i agree 100%... until i find that hot chick with a personality that matches mine... i'll be constantly trying to improve myself. oh man i agree completely. the quantity of women does not improve the quality of self.

oh yeah, it's way too bad for me, i've met a REAL hottie with a perfect personality, and that's the reason why i came here, but that's gone now, and i still regret that. she definitely set the standards for me. i've yet to find a female that can surpass that standard. that's why i completely agree... so i don't pass up that chance next time.
You know, I think that's why we're all here really; because of that one perfect girl who got away. Sure, she may not have really been perfect, but the girl I came to this site for was perfect to me, but she got away and there's nothing I can do about that now. Now I'm just improving myself until I find that next girl. That next girl who's amazing to me. You know that feeling you get- God I love that FEELING!

Sorry lol, I guess I just rambling about nothing now. But that really is why I am here. I'm waiting to find that one girl who passes all my standards and tests with flying colors. And this whole thing in between is just a fun journey of self improvement and awesome times. I've had this warm feeling inside me the whole time while writing this even though it's actually kind of cold right now. It's that feeling that I used to get around that girl.

I'm not sure a lot of the guys here really know what I'm talking about yet, but one day, maybe it won't happen until you meet that girl, you'll realize
that the reason you're here is to find that girl. That girl who's just as amazing as you. The only girl who really deserves you. I don't think any of the women I've ever met really deserve me. Not completely. Sure, maybe they're good enough for a taste, but not the whole thing.

It's funny actually, I just posted a thread about a Onitis thing I had for a girl a couple of months ago, but now that I think about it, that girl doesn't really deserve me, that girl isn't the one I'm looking for, she was just another girl along the road. One more stop on my journey.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
the girl I came to this site for was perfect to me, but she got away and there's nothing I can do about that now. Now I'm just improving myself until I find that next girl.

I promise that when your d!ck is inside of them it feels just about the same with every girl. Any girl who does not want you cannot be perfect. Anything otherwise is a fvcked up definition of the word. There are plenty of girls who want you; if you insist upon waiting for this perfect woman, at least be doing them while you wait for her.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
TheEdgeOf said:
You know, I think that's why we're all here really; because of that one perfect girl who got away. Sure, she may not have really been perfect, but the girl I came to this site for was perfect to me, but she got away and there's nothing I can do about that now. Now I'm just improving myself until I find that next girl. That next girl who's amazing to me. You know that feeling you get- God I love that FEELING!

Sorry lol, I guess I just rambling about nothing now. But that really is why I am here. I'm waiting to find that one girl who passes all my standards and tests with flying colors. And this whole thing in between is just a fun journey of self improvement and awesome times. I've had this warm feeling inside me the whole time while writing this even though it's actually kind of cold right now. It's that feeling that I used to get around that girl.

I'm not sure a lot of the guys here really know what I'm talking about yet, but one day, maybe it won't happen until you meet that girl, you'll realize
that the reason you're here is to find that girl. That girl who's just as amazing as you. The only girl who really deserves you. I don't think any of the women I've ever met really deserve me. Not completely. Sure, maybe they're good enough for a taste, but not the whole thing.

It's funny actually, I just posted a thread about a Onitis thing I had for a girl a couple of months ago, but now that I think about it, that girl doesn't really deserve me, that girl isn't the one I'm looking for, she was just another girl along the road. One more stop on my journey.
dogg, seriously you gotta read up on my first few posts about my "one-itus". i tried getting over her a long time ago with how she should actually apologize to ME. but honestly, this girl actually gave me almost a million chances over a whole spring, summer and almost a whole fall before we stopped contacting each other.

i'm no AFC about it... it's just a good feeling to look back on a good feeling... to improve myself. there's no hard feelings anymore at all either.

you're not rambling... it's understood.

it's really unfair to treat most females with less respect just because they aren't up to par with the original girl... or trying to change a potential girl into the original girl... but it's only natural for me... have you ever tried/done that?

btw, when were you born? im 18 too... almost 19.

what's this thread topic about again?


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Michele said:
dogg, seriously you gotta read up on my first few posts about my "one-itus". i tried getting over her a long time ago with how she should actually apologize to ME. but honestly, this girl actually gave me almost a million chances over a whole spring, summer and almost a whole fall before we stopped contacting each other.

i'm no AFC about it... it's just a good feeling to look back on a good feeling... to improve myself. there's no hard feelings anymore at all either.

you're not rambling... it's understood.

it's really unfair to treat most females with less respect just because they aren't up to par with the original girl... or trying to change a potential girl into the original girl... but it's only natural for me... have you ever tried/done that?

btw, when were you born? im 18 too... almost 19.

what's this thread topic about again?
I don't treat other women with less respect, I just acknowledge the fact that those girls aren't really the one type of girl that I'm looking for. But yeah, I'll get together with them for fun and good times. I realize that a girl is who she is, and I won't try to change her into the girl I want her to be (not too much anyway).

But even when I'm with a girl, I'm still always keeping up with my game and looking for that super woman. I say this to a lot of my friends whenever they ask why I haven't had a LTR in a while; I'm still just looking for that one woman who can handle me, I'm just too damn awesome for every one I've met so far (They all think I'm arrogant lol). And it's true, I really am just looking for that woman who's really worthy of having me.

And I was born in Montreal, Canada and I have no clue what this thread is about anymore lol.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Again just skimming through thread...

Alot of you guys sound like chodes and have limiting beliefs...

As I always say Date Your 10...

Stop worrying about what others like, go for what you like. I see guys always asking other guys what they think about specific girls and if you say she's ugly or average they sit there like are the one fuking her...

I personally am attracted to chicks who ooze female sexuality and some of them tend to be the so called hot, hot chicks which is why I mainly go for them because they know there hot. Then you have times where it's a short average looking slightly chubby chick who for some reason gives me a tingle and I'd ****, but never actually approached.


Don Juan
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
I know what you mean, but it isn't the looks that turn you is the attitude and way they carry themselves as "THE PRIZE"

Pisses me off, but the best part is they are insecure :)

I always pop little comments on them, lol...only scored one out of 5 or 6 I have messed with.