Anyone else experiencing huge drop off with Dating Apps?


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2022
Reaction score
I had to delete my dating apps recently due to them becoming unusable. I was mainly on Hinge as the other apps were practically useless after the first 2-3 months and with Bumble I was using it very sporadically like once every 3 months . I started using the apps in November 2021 and NEVER reset my profile or used new phone etc.

Since the start of 2023 the dating apps took a HUGE DIP for me. I took a long break over a year and came back a few months into 2024 and everything got exponentially worse. The only statistic that seemed to remain the same was match rate. I didn't tally the stats but these are rough estimates:

  • Tinder was only viable the first 2-3 months, couldn't get matches after that. BY FAR the worse app for me
  • Response rates plummeted. About 60% of chicks respond to initial opener but like 90% of convos don't go past 2 message exchanges. Before I would say that out of the chicks that responded to initial opener that at least 20% of the convos would go past 2 messages. Now maybe between 1/15 to 1/20 matches actually engage past 2 messages
  • Response quality plummeted as they would ask less questions and be less engaged in the convo. Chicks barely engage in conversation and the time they take to respond has gotten worse. It got to a point where it started to feel like a red flag if the chick was actually moderately engaging in the conversation. I will elaborate on that in a later bullet point
  • Match to date ratio extremely plummeted. Before my match to date ratio was like 1/20 but this year its been something between 1/50 to 1/60. When I first jumped back on Hinge it took me a week to line up a date but since I was going on maybe 1 date a month and occasionally I would go 5-6 weeks without a date. I used to be able to consistently go on at least 2 dates per month
  • Quality extremely plummeted. The chicks who barely pass the minimum attraction test seem to be the only ones agreeing to come out. Previously most of the chicks would comfortably clear it
  • Dating quality plummeted. All the chicks that made it past the 1st date have been extremely low effort women. They never initiate convos and take longer to respond than what I'm used to. You can also tell that they have a lot more baggage than normal due to their demeanor, the stuff they would talk about on dates and the questions they would ask. Also they are A LOT less flirty and more complicated to set up dates with
  • Scamming and Attention-Whoring increased exponentially. The percentage of chicks hunting for ig followers or who were just messaging looking for validation has increased a lot. I had mentioned in an earlier bullet point that it started to become a red flag if a woman was even moderately engaged in the conversation. 9 times out of 10 they ended up being ig scammers or girls who are only on apps seeking attention
Has this only been happening to me or can anyone else relate?


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2022
Reaction score
I have been seeing these threads a lot the last year. Me and my (close) friends that use OLD cannot relate. But honestly i think the problem lies within the USA and its women.

I am from Europe, and OLD is at the moment (and has been for years) a gold mine for meeting new women (for lays and relationships).

I agree on Tinder, its useless almost. But Bumble and Hinge are fine. Did you have a good look at your conversation openers and profile pictures? I honestly believe its mostly just women in the USA, it almost scares me, since the women here are becomming more like, well like in the USA...


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I had to delete my dating apps recently due to them becoming unusable. I was mainly on Hinge as the other apps were practically useless after the first 2-3 months and with Bumble I was using it very sporadically like once every 3 months . I started using the apps in November 2021 and NEVER reset my profile or used new phone etc.

Since the start of 2023 the dating apps took a HUGE DIP for me. I took a long break over a year and came back a few months into 2024 and everything got exponentially worse. The only statistic that seemed to remain the same was match rate. I didn't tally the stats but these are rough estimates:

  • Tinder was only viable the first 2-3 months, couldn't get matches after that. BY FAR the worse app for me
  • Response rates plummeted. About 60% of chicks respond to initial opener but like 90% of convos don't go past 2 message exchanges. Before I would say that out of the chicks that responded to initial opener that at least 20% of the convos would go past 2 messages. Now maybe between 1/15 to 1/20 matches actually engage past 2 messages
  • Response quality plummeted as they would ask less questions and be less engaged in the convo. Chicks barely engage in conversation and the time they take to respond has gotten worse. It got to a point where it started to feel like a red flag if the chick was actually moderately engaging in the conversation. I will elaborate on that in a later bullet point
  • Match to date ratio extremely plummeted. Before my match to date ratio was like 1/20 but this year its been something between 1/50 to 1/60. When I first jumped back on Hinge it took me a week to line up a date but since I was going on maybe 1 date a month and occasionally I would go 5-6 weeks without a date. I used to be able to consistently go on at least 2 dates per month
  • Quality extremely plummeted. The chicks who barely pass the minimum attraction test seem to be the only ones agreeing to come out. Previously most of the chicks would comfortably clear it
  • Dating quality plummeted. All the chicks that made it past the 1st date have been extremely low effort women. They never initiate convos and take longer to respond than what I'm used to. You can also tell that they have a lot more baggage than normal due to their demeanor, the stuff they would talk about on dates and the questions they would ask. Also they are A LOT less flirty and more complicated to set up dates with
  • Scamming and Attention-Whoring increased exponentially. The percentage of chicks hunting for ig followers or who were just messaging looking for validation has increased a lot. I had mentioned in an earlier bullet point that it started to become a red flag if a woman was even moderately engaged in the conversation. 9 times out of 10 they ended up being ig scammers or girls who are only on apps seeking attention
Has this only been happening to me or can anyone else relate?
Great breakdown I'm curious what age range are you going after? I haven't used Hinge for years, but this matches my experience. The first month on any app tends to be the best month and afterwords it trickles even if you opt for premium. I was banned from Tinder and Hinge and was given no reason no response from customer service either this was 3 years ago.

1. Women being less engaging is nothing new, a lot of women are being bombarded by 100s if not 1000s of messages a day. Personally when it comes to OLD I next chicks very fast. If a chick is not keen or excited to go on a date why bother? yes I get it you can get her at another time but guess what then you weren't her first choice. If a woman matches with you, she willl sometimes message you right away, or even hint at meeting right away. I do not want to waste my time and effort with a woman who is just seeking attention and validation, which a lof of them are and it's very easy to tell by how long they take to respond to you, if it's one word or one sentence answer. I have nexted plenty of women for one-word or one-sentence answers. I don't care how hot she is, I'm not putting my effort into someone who isn't putting effort in either. "I know some guys say just wait a month bro and hit her up" so you basically making it ok to be her 2nd best choice. Women won't wait for men for months on end they will just let it sit there or unmatch right away. There are still women who are very much engaging and also willing to meet ASAP, those are the women I'm focused on.

2. I've noticed this as well, the hottest chicks now are getting tougher to get out and the uglier chicks tend to meet up ASAP. Not saying hot chicks don't meet up ASAP but it's definitely more work than 10 years ago. I have a personal rule if a chick doesn't want to meet or link up within 7 days of me asking her then I charge to the game from personal experience once again if a chick really wants to meet you they will move mountains and the earth to do so. I mean some chicks might meet you next day or the same night!!! I have had that happen. I found women who tend to wait more than 7 days are timewasters or AW's whom you most likely will be more disappointed in when you do meet, Especially if your'e putting in the effort, now there are exceptions to the rule of course depending on the situation i.e. she is on vacation, she is a single mom etc

2.5 Also I If a woman is Over 35 and won't give me her number IME she is a timewaster, These women just want a penpal and if you ask them to meet they go radio silent or try to string you along. For women under 35 I make an exception cause most of them grew up in the Snapchat era. I do not give them my facebook as I don't have one nor IG. I found a pro to snapchat is you can get pictures of them in real time and also see how fast they read or respond to your messages. However older women who do this once again in my experince are just looking for a pen pal

3. I found the women that have the most baggage tend to be in their 30s and 40s .I prefer to date women in their mid20's it gets tougher as you get older but it's definitely doable as I've dated a few of them in the last few years. The older they are typically the more jaded they seem to be, but they are some fun 40 year olds or 40+ women that are DTF

Personally, I have taken a break from OLD, the effort to meet and more is just to much at times. The main issue I find with OLD is logistics, women who tend to live to far away but are down or women who have full schedule i.e. single mothers who work overnights for example. If you spin plates these issues can be negated however I found that women who tend to have bad schedules it doesn't get better unless they are invested in you, and to get that initial investment to meet can be a hassle in itself. If you have options or plates than you can work down the line and this will sort itself out the problem is most of us don't get a lot of matches or you get women who are flakey etc

I'm currently taking a break from OLD as it's summer and will be trying to meet women out and about living my life. Don't frustrate yourself with the apps, have fun with them if you got to a point where it annoys you it's ok to take breaks. I've noticed Christmas time/New Years is the best in my city as usually the match rate tends to increase and women are more eager to meet up!
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Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
You need to delete your profile every so often as it resets the app for you and you get treated as a new profile and are shown to more people.

I thought this was common knowledge by now.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
this matches my experience.
  • Dating quality plummeted. All the chicks that made it past the 1st date have been extremely low effort women. They never initiate convos and take longer to respond than what I'm used to. You can also tell that they have a lot more baggage than normal due to their demeanor, the stuff they would talk about on dates and the questions they would ask. Also they are A LOT less flirty and more complicated to set up dates with
This matches my experience in general. I have not used any of the dating apps in multiple years. Many years ago, I noticed all were going downhill. I have used Bumble and Hinge most recently. Even when I was using dating apps, I was also doing in-person approaching. For many years now, I have solely focused on in-person approaching.

Tinder launched in September 2012 and I had a lot of matches and conversations when I was using it not long after its launch. A lot of my Tinder dates in 2013 were "1-2 dates, no sex, no extended relationship". Eventually I stopped getting as many matches and my dates went away. I stopped using Tinder long before the pandemic.

With Bumble and Hinge, they were usable further into the 2010s. I got more lays from Bumble and Hinge than Tinder. I think Bumble was #1 for me for quantity of notches. Over time with both Bumble and Hinge, I did have a lot of "1-2 dates, no sex, no extended relationship" type interactions too. My quantity of matches did diminish over time too.

My last notch from Bumble was a 30 something in the cute range with a good deal of baggage. Across all the apps over time, I noticed more and more of my dates and matches were women with a good deal of baggage. I saw the dating quality issue that @Steno has identified.

I also periodically used the tactic @BackInTheGame78 mentioned above during the times when I used dating apps too.

Caleb Jones (aka Alpha Male 2.0 & Blackdragon) long ago proposed a '5 Phases' model for effectiveness of any individual dating technology, going all the way back to video dating technology from the 1980s. The first link below is his 2020 update to that article. He had written that article also in 2015 (see second link below). You only need to look at the first link, the second link is just there to show that the first link pulled most of the ideas from it.

Part of the reason that tech-based dating is more difficult now is that there hasn't been a disruptive new technology platform in the space in many years. Tinder launched in 2012 and Bumble launched in 2014.

Each individual technology now takes less time to go from Phase 1 to Phase 5. It took about 15-20 years to move from Phase 1 to Phase 5. Tinder and Bumble did it in about 4-7 years.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
You need to delete your profile every so often as it resets the app for you and you get treated as a new profile and are shown to more people.

I thought this was common knowledge by now.
Dating apps are now cracking down on this and will even ban you, doesn't matter if you stay off the apps for months on end they still keep your data

Be careful doing this, cause once you're banned it's tough to get back on


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Dating apps are now cracking down on this and will even ban you, doesn't matter if you stay off the apps for months on end they still keep your data

Be careful doing this, cause once you're banned it's tough to get back on
I keep getting more and more information about dating apps that I don't like. It seems like I made a very good decision to quit dating apps when I did.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2022
Reaction score
Dating apps are now cracking down on this and will even ban you, doesn't matter if you stay off the apps for months on end they still keep your data

Be careful doing this, cause once you're banned it's tough to get back on
They need cash-flow. All those companies that offer those apps are losing money rn.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
Dating apps are now cracking down on this and will even ban you, doesn't matter if you stay off the apps for months on end they still keep your data

Be careful doing this, cause once you're banned it's tough to get back on
I've never had that happen, though it's been a while since I had a profile up.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2022
Reaction score
I have been seeing these threads a lot the last year. Me and my (close) friends that use OLD cannot relate. But honestly i think the problem lies within the USA and its women.

I am from Europe, and OLD is at the moment (and has been for years) a gold mine for meeting new women (for lays and relationships).

I agree on Tinder, its useless almost. But Bumble and Hinge are fine. Did you have a good look at your conversation openers and profile pictures? I honestly believe its mostly just women in the USA, it almost scares me, since the women here are becomming more like, well like in the USA...
Y'all are lucky out there. I always hear that gaming in general is better in Europe, especially daygame.

Great breakdown I'm curious what age range are you going after? I haven't used Hinge for years, but this matches my experience. The first month on any app tends to be the best month and afterwords it trickles even if you opt for premium. I was banned from Tinder and Hinge and was given no reason no response from customer service either this was 3 years ago.

1. Women being less engaging is nothing new, a lot of women are being bombarded by 100s if not 1000s of messages a day. Personally when it comes to OLD I next chicks very fast. If a chick is not keen or excited to go on a date why bother? yes I get it you can get her at another time but guess what then you weren't her first choice. If a woman matches with you, she willl sometimes message you right away, or even hint at meeting right away. I do not want to waste my time and effort with a woman who is just seeking attention and validation, which a lof of them are and it's very easy to tell by how long they take to respond to you, if it's one word or one sentence answer. I have nexted plenty of women for one-word or one-sentence answers. I don't care how hot she is, I'm not putting my effort into someone who isn't putting effort in either. "I know some guys say just wait a month bro and hit her up" so you basically making it ok to be her 2nd best choice. Women won't wait for men for months on end they will just let it sit there or unmatch right away. There are still women who are very much engaging and also willing to meet ASAP, those are the women I'm focused on.

2. I've noticed this as well, the hottest chicks now are getting tougher to get out and the uglier chicks tend to meet up ASAP. Not saying hot chicks don't meet up ASAP but it's definitely more work than 10 years ago. I have a personal rule if a chick doesn't want to meet or link up within 7 days of me asking her then I charge to the game from personal experience once again if a chick really wants to meet you they will move mountains and the earth to do so. I mean some chicks might meet you next day or the same night!!! I have had that happen. I found women who tend to wait more than 7 days are timewasters or AW's whom you most likely will be more disappointed in when you do meet, Especially if your'e putting in the effort, now there are exceptions to the rule of course depending on the situation i.e. she is on vacation, she is a single mom etc

2.5 Also I If a woman is Over 35 and won't give me her number IME she is a timewaster, These women just want a penpal and if you ask them to meet they go radio silent or try to string you along. For women under 35 I make an exception cause most of them grew up in the Snapchat era. I do not give them my facebook as I don't have one nor IG. I found a pro to snapchat is you can get pictures of them in real time and also see how fast they read or respond to your messages. However older women who do this once again in my experince are just looking for a pen pal

3. I found the women that have the most baggage tend to be in their 30s and 40s .I prefer to date women in their mid20's it gets tougher as you get older but it's definitely doable as I've dated a few of them in the last few years. The older they are typically the more jaded they seem to be, but they are some fun 40 year olds or 40+ women that are DTF

Personally, I have taken a break from OLD, the effort to meet and more is just to much at times. The main issue I find with OLD is logistics, women who tend to live to far away but are down or women who have full schedule i.e. single mothers who work overnights for example. If you spin plates these issues can be negated however I found that women who tend to have bad schedules it doesn't get better unless they are invested in you, and to get that initial investment to meet can be a hassle in itself. If you have options or plates than you can work down the line and this will sort itself out the problem is most of us don't get a lot of matches or you get women who are flakey etc

I'm currently taking a break from OLD as it's summer and will be trying to meet women out and about living my life. Don't frustrate yourself with the apps, have fun with them if you got to a point where it annoys you it's ok to take breaks. I've noticed Christmas time/New Years is the best in my city as usually the match rate tends to increase and women are more eager to meet up!
I follow the same philosophy as you do. My process is to try and weed out the time wasters and set up a date asap. I am in my 30s and I never match with any chicks that are in their 20s to the point where I had to set my filter to 30+ because the young ones were obliterating my ELO. I have the opposite experience about you for women who are 40+. I've only dated a handful but I couldn't bed any of them. My weirdest experiences have been with chicks who are 40+.

The only pattern I've noticed is that the hotter the chick is the more ASD and low effort she is. As time goes by even the mediocre looking ones are starting to act like that. Its only going downhill as time goes by, in like 3-4 years dating is going to be mission impossible.

With me its 50/50 with single moms when it comes to how much "time" they have. I've dated a few chicks who had kids and it was very easy to make plans but I've also dated some single moms who were a nightmare to schedule anything with. I honestly got the vibe that some of these women were just seeing multiple men and that's why they didn't have free time, they use the kids as an excuse.

I've never had that happen, though it's been a while since I had a profile up.
Yeah that is the reason that I don't reset my profile. I've gotten shadow banned from Bumble just for right swiping too much so I imagine its worse for people who abuse the profile resets. Now you would have to get a completely new phone and make a new profile and that is expensive to do and its not worth it.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
I only use Bumble and that’s only because I got a lifetime membership a few years back for $89.00, I would not use it otherwise. That said there has been a drop off since January or so.

I’m lucky that my ELO score is still high, so I see some fairly attractive women, but recently zero matches.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I notoced this in particular with POF. I used a boost and the only message I got was some 59 year old who was saying I keep showing up and it's a glitch. I told her she was not attractive and just a miserable attention wh0re. I used to get dates easy on POF until 2023. My last date was in that year, and it bombed. I blocked her and while on the date I was texting my next woman. Haven't had a POF date since. I spoke to several women there this year. Recently was on the phone. I call 3 days later because I'm busy at work. No answer of course. So I deleted her and basically told her directly I'm not taking her seriously, but we can have casual sex...if not good luck.

POF has more attention wh0res and women there are not even looking to meet up. I had to delete quite a bit. Boosts 5 years ago used to get me north of 10 messages! Now I get trolls, AW's, scammers, and bad attitudes. And women who aren't even close to my city!

OKCupid is even worse! Too many attention wh0res and women who unmatch after 1 phonecall.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score

So we finally realise how F-ed up the apps game is. There used to be a narrative that " durr durr you ain't good enough.

Great thread. Let other men know that ALL of us are struggling. No exceptions.

At some point I didn't got any likes or matches anymore. Guess my elo was in the lower echelon because yeah, out of a 100 women 95 will swipe left. And I refuse to pay for finding out a 59 year old fattie gave me a like 2 months ago

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
Guess my elo was in the lower echelon because yeah, out of a 100 women 95 will swipe left.
Actually that should technically raise your ELO.

One thing I've realized is that most people have no idea how the apps work. For example women on Bumble will often claim in their profile : "I can't see likes! Message me!" probably because their ability to read messages and see likes is limited since they use the apps for free. We also know that they have so much abundance they don’t need to care.

But now because a man can pay to "compliment" them without being matched to a woman all the men are flocking to using compliments to open a woman. Which, if you think of it, is antithetical to Bumble's premise to "put woman in control" and "protect them from predatory, thirsty men!". So now, it's expected behavior from women. Chances are they will NEVER see your Superlikes or even right swipes, why? Because they're generally lazy and get so many "compliments" which they can open despite not being subscribers. More proof that Bumble is going against its own supposed charter - and only cares TO MAKE MORE MONEY.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
I recently moved to a larger city (Triangle Area in NC) and have found my dating app experience (hinge only) to only get worse. It's hard to know what to attribute to my location and what to attribute to dating apps as a whole. However, I did begin noticing a subtle decline within the past year or two even at my old location, which I maintain is one of the better locations for meeting women outside of places like NYC.

It's crazy to me because I have always had tons of success using Hinge on for the past several years, and the IOIs from women seems still be relatively common (at least when I'm in a good place mentally). But, seeing a rapid decline in positive experiences on OLD has made me wonder if I'm doing something wrong...but given my profile, and my overall "game" is better than ever, I seriously doubt this. I do happen to think my current location, which is full of colleges that "educate" women, is contributing, but I think a larger change is still unfolding. I am simply astoninished that the dating market is still continuing to get worse. I think things will continue to get far worse until they get better, much like everything else in the world. Sadly, at this point I am no longer interested in LTRs, at most I am intereted in FWBs and that's about as far as I'll go.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I recently moved to a larger city (Triangle Area in NC) and have found my dating app experience (hinge only) to only get worse. It's hard to know what to attribute to my location and what to attribute to dating apps as a whole. However, I did begin noticing a subtle decline within the past year or two even at my old location, which I maintain is one of the better locations for meeting women outside of places like NYC.

It's crazy to me because I have always had tons of success using Hinge on for the past several years, and the IOIs from women seems still be relatively common (at least when I'm in a good place mentally). But, seeing a rapid decline in positive experiences on OLD has made me wonder if I'm doing something wrong...but given my profile, and my overall "game" is better than ever, I seriously doubt this. I do happen to think my current location, which is full of colleges that "educate" women, is contributing, but I think a larger change is still unfolding. I am simply astoninished that the dating market is still continuing to get worse. I think things will continue to get far worse until they get better, much like everything else in the world. Sadly, at this point I am no longer interested in LTRs, at most I am intereted in FWBs and that's about as far as I'll go.
That's the whole point; basically every man is now doubting himself due to OLD. The concept is actually quite organic. As mentioned before, in the early days of Tinder every man and his brother could get matches.

When Matchllc gobbled up all those apps shyte started to get bad. Now online dating is the great invention we actually never needed. Because before OLD your only indicator of attractiveness was ioi, and on top of that your only chance to meet women was by approaching and being in places where they are.

No man is immune to the self doubt that comes from OLD. As I once heard a dude say on reddit;

" isn't there ONE woman within a 100 miles radius who digs me????"

Yes there is. But she won't see you, and if she does she might swipe left on you in the heat of the moment. Even when you match the battle is far from over. Talking phase, setting date an actual connection and next is how do you deal with the fact she has multiple dudes lined up before and after you..

Question: is dating such a fundamental right that cartel like constructions should be prohibited? Can MatchLLC be held accountable like they did to Facebook?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
The apps have gone too far penalising male profiles in trying to push men to Pay for premium features as revenues are rapidly declining

This has come at great cost the user experience which wasn't perfect even when it wasn't so heavily interfered with

To add to this mess both male and females seem to have rapidly become disillusioned with the idea of talking to strangers whom they are likely highly incompatible both in a physical and psychological sense

In layman's terms people are not even prepared to make the bare minimum of effort on these platforms anymore

Men naturally will try and engage matches but are quickly discovering women really can't be bothered with it

When men are met with non response or low effort responses most are naturally going to get sick of it and quickly

So the apps have a very big problem and one I don't see being easily solved

the industry is absolutely screaming for disruption


Ive noticed in the last 12 months people are starting to appreciate IRL group meetup's with strangers , seeing a huge boom in run / walk clubs

Singles events are starting to appear frequently in my city

As a single guy in this environment you have no choice but to approach and churn like hell , women are so illogical and random

You'll could get 95 mediocre no interest to low interest women

Then bam all of a sudden you'll get 3 chicks who will want it and be high IL for you

Exactly the above happened to me last year and is kind of happening to me this year


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
The apps have gone too far penalising male profiles in trying to push men to Pay for premium features as revenues are rapidly declining

This has come at great cost the user experience which wasn't perfect even when it wasn't so heavily interfered with

To add to this mess both male and females seem to have rapidly become disillusioned with the idea of talking to strangers whom they are likely highly incompatible both in a physical and psychological sense

In layman's terms people are not even prepared to make the bare minimum of effort on these platforms anymore

Men naturally will try and engage matches but are quickly discovering women really can't be bothered with it

When men are met with non response or low effort responses most are naturally going to get sick of it and quickly

So the apps have a very big problem and one I don't see being easily solved

the industry is absolutely screaming for disruption


Ive noticed in the last 12 months people are starting to appreciate IRL group meetup's with strangers , seeing a huge boom in run / walk clubs

Singles events are starting to appear frequently in my city

As a single guy in this environment you have no choice but to approach and churn like hell , women are so illogical and random

You'll could get 95 mediocre no interest to low interest women

Then bam all of a sudden you'll get 3 chicks who will want it and be high IL for you

Exactly the above happened to me last year and is kind of happening to me this year
I met a pretty woman yesterday at a small outdoors festival. She approached me. On OLD she would never swipe right on me.

"In layman's terms people are not even prepared to make the bare minimum of effort on these platforms anymore"

I agree. The bad experiences of non or low responding women made me as cold as the winter when using OLD. So much so that oftentimes I might mess it up by being dry as the sahara dessert. Like I want a woman to prove she is interested thus it becomes a perpetual loop.

So the apps have a very big problem and one I don't see being easily solved

"the industry is absolutely screaming for disruption"

In my country there have been many cases against companies for cartel forming. Iirc recently a mobile phone provider got pushed back for buying a competitor.

The solution is actually quite simple: remove the elo because the only group who suffers from this are the same group who they target to Pay, namely us "average dudes " aka "the bottom 99%" .

Make money by showing some adds left right and leave it like that .


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
That's the whole point; basically every man is now doubting himself due to OLD. The concept is actually quite organic. As mentioned before, in the early days of Tinder every man and his brother could get matches.

When Matchllc gobbled up all those apps shyte started to get bad. Now online dating is the great invention we actually never needed. Because before OLD your only indicator of attractiveness was ioi, and on top of that your only chance to meet women was by approaching and being in places where they are.

No man is immune to the self doubt that comes from OLD. As I once heard a dude say on reddit;

" isn't there ONE woman within a 100 miles radius who digs me????"

Yes there is. But she won't see you, and if she does she might swipe left on you in the heat of the moment. Even when you match the battle is far from over. Talking phase, setting date an actual connection and next is how do you deal with the fact she has multiple dudes lined up before and after you..

Question: is dating such a fundamental right that cartel like constructions should be prohibited? Can MatchLLC be held accountable like they did to Facebook?
In my case, the quantity of matches hasn't declined, but the quality. Unbelievable toxicity, delusion, entitlement, narcissism, and other bv****. I recentely had a girl flake on me THREE TIMES IN A ROW. And she wasn't even that attractive, maybe a 7 at best. And yes, I ghosted her after, and had talked to other women in the mean time, I didn't even realize she had flaked 3 times until I looked through our texts.

Anyway, women are honestly intolerable for me now. I only want to **** the 16-18 yr olds that give me IOIs eyes at the gym or the beach, no other women is even appealing to me, especially not the "career empowered educated feminist" +25 types who make me fvcking sick.

I cannot even imagine what the "average" men are going through now.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
In my case, the quantity of matches hasn't declined, but the quality. Unbelievable toxicity, delusion, entitlement, narcissism, and other bv****. I recentely had a girl flake on me THREE TIMES IN A ROW. And she wasn't even that attractive, maybe a 7 at best. And yes, I ghosted her after, and had talked to other women in the mean time, I didn't even realize she had flaked 3 times until I looked through our texts.

Anyway, women are honestly intolerable for me now. I only want to **** the 16-18 yr olds that give me IOIs eyes at the gym or the beach, no other women is even appealing to me, especially not the "career empowered educated feminist" +25 types who make me fvcking sick.

I cannot even imagine what the "average" men are going through now.
Tbh the average man might as well copy paste your post.

The BELOW average man is basically invincible by now. Average and slightly above average men have the burden of having a history of sleeping with fine women thus the bar is always around hb6,5 and up. And that hb6,5, should behave accordingly which they wont.

The trick ,or perhaps even art is that you should use OLD as something you don't take seriously. Ya know, like stocks. You just leave it there, don't look at it too often and once every two weeks you see if you caught a fish or not. Meanwhile the reak hunt happens outdoors, in the trenches

The problem with the latter is MatchLLC will punish you for not engaging properly.