Sounds like one of those artsy types that thinks madness is cool.
ADHD is no big deal, treated or not. Frankly, it's just a label of convenience slapped on type A personalities that burn a little brighter in some areas, and sometimes less in others.
ADHD traits typical to the pseudo misdiagnosed person is easily distracted with the occasional outburst. Really no biggie.
The ones that medicate ... for a long term relationship, might actually be a perk. The meds are a stimulant. What goes up, must come down. Meaning they typically zombie or pass out earlier than you, giving you some wonderful me time!
My take on the ... "feel" of your description of this woman would make me suspect that she suffers from some bubble-head-itus more than ADHD.
Really, this is no biggie (the ADHD part anyway).