Anybody else here waste college..?


New Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Yea I've pretty much wasted college in terms of laying girls on campus. I'm in my last year and its pretty much halfway through. Looking back I actually had a pretty decent amount of interest from girls, just guess I didn't know how to seal the deal, or my standards were too high or some combination of those two and whatever else. I'm not a virgin though - I've made out with a couple different girls (none from this school), and had sex (again none from this school), but I feel like I'm wasting potential lays from all the girls at this school. The problem is.. all those opportunities I had were from when I had an active social circle on the campus, and now I don't since I'm taking an extra year.. so I need advice on how to go about this. I really don't want to "know" the girls.. I don't care about them.. I just want to have sex with them, all the lays I've gotten were from drunken parties/bars/etc. How do I go about this?


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
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man, i am a transfer student and am in my second year... I dont know ANY one lol i feel ur pain.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2004
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Northern Ireland
I had a similar experience in University. I did computer science so there was only like 4 chicks in my class and all but one of them was fugly. I had alot of interest from the girls and even went out on a date with the only hot chick but for whatever reason i talked myself out of making a move, i remember at the time justifing to myself that "shes too crazy" or "she's not my type." but i was just being a *****, which was a shame because i went to uni thinking these will be the best years of my life, but they werent! I only meet a few people, no hardcore friends just the odd add on my msn.

This ofcourse is my fault! I never made an effort i just went to uni did the lecture went to the gym and got outta there asap.

Lol now you know what not to do i would say be the social guy around the campus, join some clubs your interested in to increase your social circle, meet and hang with some cool guys, go to parties, suggust an approach competition for the lawls!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
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Im in my 3rd year, and I wouldnt say I wasted them, sure a few girls got away but Ive also been able to make out and have sex with a few as well. My school is about 64% females, and my major is about 98% females so its easy to meet them. Just go to bars around campus, use openers that talk about the school, that way you'll build up some easy convos.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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On the real tip--

I graduated in 05 and felt that I had wasted my years at uni. When you graduate, it is 10 times worse because everyone scatters and its like you don't know anybody anymore. I was an EE major, but thought that it sucked because there were seriously only like 6 girls in the whole dept. When I transfered to the business dept, it was like a gateway to heaven in terms of females. My advise-- walk on over to the business dept and hang out with the huge number of hotties there. The nature of business majors is to be outgoing and make connections. At the very least, you will know a girl that knows 10 girls that know 50 other girls etc. Then just start asking them out, and I mean exactly that, ask these girls out! Its your last year and you should be making tons of connections for after you graduate.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2008
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Duffdog said:
On the real tip--

I graduated in 05 and felt that I had wasted my years at uni. When you graduate, it is 10 times worse because everyone scatters and its like you don't know anybody anymore. I was an EE major, but thought that it sucked because there were seriously only like 6 girls in the whole dept. When I transfered to the business dept, it was like a gateway to heaven in terms of females. My advise-- walk on over to the business dept and hang out with the huge number of hotties there. The nature of business majors is to be outgoing and make connections. At the very least, you will know a girl that knows 10 girls that know 50 other girls etc. Then just start asking them out, and I mean exactly that, ask these girls out! Its your last year and you should be making tons of connections for after you graduate.
I love being a business major.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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The real world sucks gaming wise?Aww man, and i was looking forward to it being better than college, considering i aint into social circle game but more cold approaching.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Bang freshman hoes! Thats all we used to do. Every year a new crop, practice your game on em and sharpen it up. Fresh 18 year old girls every year. Dood. wtf? Get on it. You got so much clout that a freshman girl would be looking on you with awe. You have this looser tone when you have no idea how awsome you are in their eyes. If you want to get in the game, get up on some young hoes first, get your practice and move on to bigger and better targets.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
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Same here, in my final year. And have wasted my time academically and socially. Academically at least I feel hopeful. Socially not very much.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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Idkmyname said:
I love being a business major.
Well, banging girls from your course can be a bit awkward. Always better to do ones that you won't have to see again (i.e. ones that aren't in your close social circle or course). Although, as an engineer, I have little choice (there's only 5 girls in my course, none that I like at all).

Although uni life here seems to be mainly about clubbing and bars - during which you'll meet all sorts of girls, most not at uni.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2008
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yea i know what u mean i feel like my college experience is not how it should be rite now, my 1st year it was coo but now most of my friends are whipped by there girlfriends and they never want to go to parties anymore so i would end up going to the parties solo (which is no fun at all)or not going at all. i know need to to start a new soc circle but that's hard to do when u live off campus.


New Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Duffdog said:
On the real tip--

I graduated in 05 and felt that I had wasted my years at uni. When you graduate, it is 10 times worse because everyone scatters and its like you don't know anybody anymore. I was an EE major, but thought that it sucked because there were seriously only like 6 girls in the whole dept. When I transfered to the business dept, it was like a gateway to heaven in terms of females. My advise-- walk on over to the business dept and hang out with the huge number of hotties there. The nature of business majors is to be outgoing and make connections. At the very least, you will know a girl that knows 10 girls that know 50 other girls etc. Then just start asking them out, and I mean exactly that, ask these girls out! Its your last year and you should be making tons of connections for after you graduate.
Hey I'm in North cali as well, and also taking a bad major for girls - biochem. What school did you go to?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
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United States
I wasted my college years striking out with women as a total AFC loser.

Biggest regret of my life.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Follow your bliss
You need to understand the same thing I need to understand, that there is nothing you can do about your past and only your future and how you plan on getting there matters.

Everything bad you experience is self-perpetuating and it is this very negativity that creates a fear of what great things can come.

The only way out of this circle is not thinking through it. You must think of what you want to be or where you want to go or how to get there and act out of what you want.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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Medellin - Colombia
I have not wasted university. I have a 2000 dollars project with a company and we're researching some good stuff and I'm having fun with my major. Given that, who gives a **** if I dont know a single girl on campus? I dont.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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CSU Sacramento


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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good lord you guys are lame. I threw pearls before swine.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Warrior74 said:
Bang freshman hoes! Thats all we used to do. Every year a new crop, practice your game on em and sharpen it up. Fresh 18 year old girls every year. Dood. wtf? Get on it. You got so much clout that a freshman girl would be looking on you with awe. You have this looser tone when you have no idea how awsome you are in their eyes. If you want to get in the game, get up on some young hoes first, get your practice and move on to bigger and better targets.
How?! I'd love get some 18 year old pussy There are two freshmen girls that I regularly talk in one of my classes but they are the nerdy Asian type and they don't seem to have any interest in me. I also work with two freshmen girls in my on campus job. They were both in relationships but they both recently "broke up." I don't know if they're single yet though.

In another class there is a girl with amazing tits that I want to bang who is in my group. But between her and me sits a fat ugly girl (who likes me :rolleyes:) and she's always talking to me. I don't know how to tell her that I'm not interested without the other girl thinking I'm a jerk.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
How? wtf? YOu got 1,665 post and you don't know how?

YOu open your freaking mouth! That's how. YOu ask em for a coffee and chat. That's how! You ask em to come by your place and chill! That's how! You do the lame ass "let me give you a tour of my place" routine! That's how! Christ!

But its just confidence and talking and leading her to what you want man. It ain't hard with those young girls. They wouldn't agree to hang out if they didn't want it. They love sex too, they love it just as much as you do. Never forget that. They just have to be careful who the give it to because of social pressure.

As for those nerdy asian girls....ask them about things they like to do, who ever is into something that you like, show her some attention about it...then ask her if she wants to do something related, just you and her...that way you pick one who you have something in common with and use that to get her on a date or to go somewhere and talk about it.

You don't know if they are single? Dood they are freshman....boyfriends don't really mean crap. They just want to experience new stuff. That's your them a new world, something they never done before....

Never diss the fatty. Befriend the fatty. Ask her about the other girl. She'll get the hint. She might ****block, she might not, but the hint will be gotten.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
How? wtf? YOu got 1,665 post and you don't know how?
Post count does not matter in a place like this. That should be obvious. I've even asked to have my rank lowered because post count doesn't mean shit.

Warrior74 said:
YOu open your freaking mouth! That's how. YOu ask em for a coffee and chat. That's how! You ask em to come by your place and chill! That's how! You do the lame ass "let me give you a tour of my place" routine! That's how! Christ!

But its just confidence and talking and leading her to what you want man.
The confidence is the issue fallowed by the lack of any success. Also I don't expect results so I don't really try.

Here's an example. Almost two hours ago, one of my coworkers randomly texted me. She asked me what I'm going to do today. I replied back with, "Hey what's up? I'm doing laundry, lots of laundry. What u got going on? Want to do something?" I never got a reply from her. I didn't text her again because I don't want to seem desperate.

It ain't hard with those young girls. They wouldn't agree to hang out if they didn't want it. They love sex too, they love it just as much as you do. Never forget that. They just have to be careful who the give it to because of social pressure.

As for those nerdy asian girls....ask them about things they like to do, who ever is into something that you like, show her some attention about it...then ask her if she wants to do something related, just you and her...that way you pick one who you have something in common with and use that to get her on a date or to go somewhere and talk about it.

You don't know if they are single? Dood they are freshman....boyfriends don't really mean crap. They just want to experience new stuff. That's your them a new world, something they never done before....
Ok so ask them what they like to do and suggest that we do it together? Seems simple enough. One point is that I know that two of the girls are virgins. How can I get to a point where I can show them new stuff?

Never diss the fatty. Befriend the fatty. Ask her about the other girl. She'll get the hint. She might ****block, she might not, but the hint will be gotten.
I have befriended her. I'm pretty sure that being too nice to her was my mistake. Next time it's just me and her and my target is out of the room, I'm going to ask fattie if she thinks target is single.