any suggestions for nexting my girl?


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 00Kevin
Your adivce is usless. You are an AFC and the posters before you are women.

3 months of a relationship is not enought time be in love.

A man should always have expectations for his women. He should not be afraid to keep what is good and discard what is bad. That's all I was doing. When you realize this you will get laid.
Haw! Well it goes both way. You and her can have expectation!

I personally believe the gf-bf concept is not always natural or honnest but then again, I do not think it is so much "AFC" to go on and face the reality, your answer is just too easy. You do not want to have any affair with her, then be it and tell her and act for it. Do not just say you ignore her, then get a BJ. If you get a BJ, it is because you wanted it. ;-)


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
North Carolina

If you were money you would be working other prospects BEFORE you got the sense that she was unhappy with you. You've been going out for ninety days - that's all. If you had any control in the relationship to start with you wouldn't be asking for advice on how to next her. It isn't that involved or complicated.

If you like her and wanna keep her its up to you - she has to make you happy. If not- why the fuss? NEXT.

She may be the silent grudge type, but if you didn't suss that out over 90 days I'd say YOU were in Dreamland.

Commit or Quit - ain't got time for ****...


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by retrievher

If you were money you would be working other prospects BEFORE you got the sense that she was unhappy with you. You've been going out for ninety days - that's all. If you had any control in the relationship to start with you wouldn't be asking for advice on how to next her. It isn't that involved or complicated.

If you like her and wanna keep her its up to you - she has to make you happy. If not- why the fuss? NEXT.

She may be the silent grudge type, but if you didn't suss that out over 90 days I'd say YOU were in Dreamland.

Commit or Quit - ain't got time for ****...
yeah, well I nexted her. I posted the details in another thread.

You see it was only in the last month or so that she started her crap. I'm a very accepting person, and I like to give women who show high interest everything that is appropriate.

I was asking for advice on how to next her and then later realized that I really wanted to only put her on probation first. I should of been more clear and spent more time on the initial post.

thanks anyway.