Throttle said:
you don't need any, most don't have any. he came to you because you "fit the image" -- which is what pt'ing is all about, from a gym manager's perspective.
And a sad thing this is. Depending on your gym, you'll have people who know jack shiat about this stuff. They take a 2 week course and call themselves PT.
Can you do it? Sure, you can, until you kill someone, or do something really stupid. Some gyms wont want that liability, some dont give a crap.
The biggest thing is that if I was to apply for a job, and you, I would not only have experience, I would have a degree as well. And if you want to do anything worth while in this field, without at least a degree, you wont get very far.
Some even require ACSM, NSCA or CSCS. Again, if you want to make the bucks, a 4yr degree is required. No one will hire you otherwise. Local gym, YMCA... Yeah, but a high class place, not a chance.
Baylor Tom Landry- Wont get a job
Cooper Institute- Wont get a job
Any place dedicated to athletes- Not gonna happen
Any sports team- Same as the above
And this is what sucks. People get a CPT or take a 2 week class and think they are certified, and know what's going on. I can say though it is getting tougher, and some places wont settle for junk anymore.
Personal opinion, is that if you dont know what you are doing, forget it. And this isn't against you, but people who hire people that have no business training. A PAR-Q what is that? How do I do Blood Pressure, or skin fold, or what is BMI, or what is concentric and eccentric or extension and flexion.
Basic kid stuff if you have a 4yr degree, but that's the difference between someone like me versus someone like you.
I can tell you what V02 is. I can talk to you about ATP or Glycolysis. I can tell you what the Valsalva Maneuver is.
So you get my point?
If you really want to learn, and not be the guy who just trains to train cause he has lifted, do it the right way.
Some places will take anyone who says... Dude, I know how to lift weights. Dude, I know how to drive a car, but does it mean i'm a race car driver or have any business doing it? Hell No!