This is from an Army ROTC site:
1. Leads by example; always cares for his/her soldiers.
2. Is self-confident and takes charge while utilizing and developing subordinates.
3. Understands and lives by Army Values and the Warrior Ethos.
4. Is physically, morally, mentally, and spiritually fit.
5. Has common sense - effectively manages resources (time, personnel, equipment, etc.).
6. Takes initiative while fostering teamwork and enhancing individual and organizational growth.
The sixteen leadership dimensions are defined as:
a. MENTAL (ME) Possesses desire, will, initiative and discipline.
b. PHYSICAL (PH) Maintains appropriate level of physical fitness and military bearing.
c. EMOTIONAL (EM) Displays self-control; calm under pressure.
d. CONCEPTUAL (CN) Demonstrates sound judgment, critical/creative thinking, moral reasoning.
e. INTERPERSONAL (IP) Shows skill with people; coaching, teaching, counseling, motivating and empowering.
f. TECHNICAL (TE) Possesses the necessary expertise to accomplish all tasks and functions.
g. TACTICAL (TA) Demonstrates proficiency in required professional knowledge, judgment, and war-fighting.
h. COMMUNICATING (CO) Displays good oral, written, and listening skills for individual/groups.
i. DECISION-MAKING (DM) Employs sound judgment, logical reasoning, and uses resources wisely.
j. MOTIVATING (MO) Inspires, motivates, and guides others toward mission accomplishment.
k. PLANNING (PL) Develops detailed, executable plans that are feasible, acceptable, and suitable.
l. EXECUTING (EX) Shows tactical proficiency, meets mission standards, and takes care of people/resources.
m. ASSESSING (AS) Uses after-action and evaluation tools to facilitate consistent improvement.
n. DEVELOPING (DE) Invests adequate time and effort to develop individual subordinates as leaders.
o. BUILDING (BD) Spends time and resources improving teams, groups, and units; fosters ethical climate.
p. LEARNING (LR) Seeks self-improvement and organizational growth; envisioning, adapting and leading.