Very nice! I'm C1 in a difficult Eastern European language (I'm not going to say which, as it's a bit of a power level) I can't imagine how difficult it was mastering the language. I'd like to tackle Mandarin and then Japanese after I obtain sufficient fluency in Spanish. Language learning really is fun if you try to approach it as more of a game than an obstacle.
I'd love to hear about the strange encounters you have there, it'd be a nice story for someone like myself who has western point of view.
Also, I don't think there's many people out there willing to dedicate the time to learning a language such as Japanese, it requires a lot of discipline and has it's own unique challenges, many people today are discouraged when faced with any sort of adversity and simply give up. Learning the language and being able to communicate is really it's own reward. Even if I don't fully understand or if I'm slightly incoherent in my ramblings.