they CAN be legally made and possessed, you know. $200 tax stamp, 6 month waiting period for the background check, fingerprints and pic submitted. if your local cop won't sign off on the form, you can create a corporation or a trust and get around that requirement. 30 states allow individuals to own "cans". for the other 20, you have to pay $500 a year for a class 3 dealer's license, in order to buy and sell and possess cans, This C3 license. is the key to making 50k a year or more, quite easily. To actually MAKE your own cans (or machineguns) legally in those 20 states, you need a $1000 a year Title II manufacturer's license, which is the key to making 1/4 mill $+ a year. A title IX license, for making destructive devices, is 5k a year and is the key to making millions. The TV shows with the rocket launchers, etc SONS OF GUNS, is a holder of the DD license, obviously. A simple explosives license, to possess such things for demolitions purposes, is $500 a year.