ya weve all been there but its sooo easy to get the perfect smile it obviously takes practive though.
but one thing you shouldnt do is give the MISCHEIVIOUS WEASEL SMILE.
this smile is always used in movies and apperently gets the girl intreasted in you but its total BS.
girls will run away with that smile because it gets you off as a freakin sexual predator, or a weirdo.
if you want to learn to smile best thing that worked for me is look at people who are already good at it. and its not a hard thing to find lol.
after you find some good examples just put them to use in front of a mirror.
before you go out when you have your hair done, nicely groomed, and have your style on go in front of the mirror and see which smile works best.
now in my case i have come to find that smiling without my pearly whites showing works best for me...i get that awww what a cute smile.
i doubt there is one person in this world that doesnt have a smile that fits them....you just have to find it.
a smile doesnt consists of flashing your teeth, its a sign of showing emotion that your a happy, cute, outgoing, alpha maile.
best of luck to you guys