Any advice for black guys that dont act "black"?

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Player_Supreme is going to hunt you down like he did with DJ Joey. Don't get him upset or he''ll get on a mission to hunt you down without the dogs!!.
lol...this kid isn't worth spitting into the wind over! Racism is thankfully dying out a bit these days...

Too bad loser kids pick it up as a way of making their own weak self esteem and egos feel better.

But it's like putting a band aide on a bullet hole.

Might as well as take care of the real problem instead of transfering it too other races.

As for the fool who said I contribute nothing to this site:

***yeah I am going to do it again ******WhY*** cause he asked*****
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
To head off that idiots next comments...I collected these cause of a magical thing called internet marketing:

I dig your style!
Just crusing around the forms and I see that you have some very interesting points of view. (Many that are on these forums like to whine and complain at people who don't have alot of "posts", like it has anything to do with how smooth they are with chicks...)

I like that post you threw on the boards about women and the bible. I agree that women were made for men who were made for god.

Also, you put up something about females having to "compete" for the alpha male in primitive times. A situation happened to me in which a chick got kind of angry and started "manhandling" another chick that I was talking too. It was almost like the girl was trying to be the "alpha female" by dragging the other girl away from me by the arm. It got me thinking, but I could not figure out why that happened. I think you nailed it.

Hey, anyway, just letting you know that the shyt you post here IS appreciated...some of these folks just like to rip on other people because they think they know it all. Don't let it deter you from droppin that hot shyt!

Hey Player_Supreme Dude, I can tell, even from the short time you've been here, that you have your **** down. You know the game and how to play it. If you ever want to talk about it more privately and in depth give me a PM when you get the chance. I feel we can learn a lot from each other. Your are either a natural or have been reading this site for a while. Keep it up man. Good posts so far.

Plz teach me!
I saw your post for Kaizen in Rallfus' reply. I know we weren't supposed to read it but damn that sh!t was cool. Why don't you make some posts on how to fvck with chicks heads? I've been messed around so much and It'd to be cool to be the one doing the mind-fvcks. I want to mess with my ex oneitis' head. Plz post your knowledge for us to learn!

I like your posts, man.
--finally someone who knows what the fvck the deal is.

Help me out here bro Hey there - I have been reading alot of your posts and agree with alot of what you have to say. I am sending you this because I would like your advice.I have observed your posts and noticed you to be a mix of both a Player and a DJ. When i came here, that was what I ideally wanted to be. Of course people were either strongly against being a player(the majority) or strongly for it. I wanted a mix of both.I noticed you to seem to of incorporated both traits of a player and a DJ in too your life. So here are the questions i have for you. Thanks in advance if you decide to reply.'

Secondly, Since you first appeared to the DJ Forum a few months back, I've read most, if not, all your posts. And i find them very to be the kind of real world advice i take to the clubs, streets,environment etc.. Even though we are different ppl from different places... ( NYC ) I also discovered you paid your due's in the game because of your experience playing the field. And being the greedy bastard that i am... I sincerely hope i can continue to Contact You Privately in regards to seduction. It's up to you. Since i've noticed you haven't been visiting or posting in these boards lately... Do you post elsewhere??? i thought i'd politely ask if you prefer E-mail or PM on here.

this place used to be different, with peoples attitudes like yours far outwaying the blind sheep, now sadly it seems the sheep have overtaken

other sites you're reading/posting on
Hey player,

You mentioned other sites you're posting on - are they vbulletin boards/usenet or what? Where are they located? Interested in having a look.
lol gotta luv the Player_

hey thanx alot...HEAPS of great info

Well, it's very interesting, from an academic perspective. I've always been fascinated by psychology. Especially figuring out what makes women tick. Definitely not for me. No matter how DJ I eventually get, I could never see myself playing this kind of game (or being attracted to this type of woman). But still an interesting post...


...but I've seen him make good points in other threads IMHO. But still, that had to have been a hyperbole.

I love this thread, so on point, so precise.

Think this belongs under tips. But excellent post, plenty of useful info.


Good stuff bro....all your tips are really helpful, DJ Bible essentials that we seem to forget a lot. I just had a not so hot night at the club yesterday, this post reminded me of what I know but sometimes forget: I've succeeded with before and I can do it again.

Reads like the pages out of the Bible on a gangsta tip.

Nice Postizzle!

I love this thread, so on point, so precise. I

Awesome post Player_Supreme! You definitely deserve the name Player_ Supreme, bro!

Anyway. Nice Post Player.

PS, I do believe that little bit should be the four commandments of the DJ bible!

I especially like #1. I can't believe how FUN it can be.

Bravo player, thanks.

that's something I've been saying for a long time. A lot of guys don't seem to realise chicks' standards aren't as high as you think. It's a numbers game really.

strong, ballsy, outspoken.....this is my kinda man.

Very nice observation, Player_Supreme, bravo, very true in many ways. A girl once told me that girls are just b*tches toward each other, and I've seen it.

Bravo player, thanks.
Top Notch post. DJ Bible material.

To the tips.

BTW nice post.
3. The ****y/but funny has been in the black community for players since ....hell I copied older ones way back in the 70's. The double your dating dude just coined it and is marketing it now.

- Player_Supreme



Now don't show your intelligence and make a lame comment about self congradulatory's been said already! Much appreciated!