

Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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Hey guys sorry for the long post but I really really need some insight,

So just when I literally thought my life was perfect and I had everything I could ask for (and in the search for more), it seems that anxiety took over my life. Like a light switch it came back (had a mild case of depression in highschool and have always been a slight worrier, but I never let it rule my life). My girlfriend says she doesn't really see a change in me, but my parents have witnessed these panic/anxiety attacks. I can't focus, I feel like the world flies by around me and I'm always tired. It's an odd feeling, almost like I'm not actually here mentally just physically. My personality remains nearly unchanged, just my focus, vision and LACK OF CLARITY (<---Huge part of it) make me worry. At first blood work showed elevated thyroid, kidney and liver so I had to stop workout supplements (causing me to loose hard earned weight). Then after stopping supplements the bloodwork came back normal, leaving it to the mental department.

Therapist thinks it is the beginning of anxiety/depression and thinks that even a change like going back to college after the summer at home could help me to get better (this started upon returned back to the parents). I constantly worry subconsciously about every move I make with my girlfriend and fear that these issues could effect us (even though she said nothing is different and I could probably agree- the relationship is phenomenal and she hasn't heard of my issues in a month or so). It makes me feel like an AFC again sometimes...

Overall, I want to stay away from meds as long as possible. Has anyone experienced this before? Fought through it? Took the meds? Side effects? Make things better or worse? Any help would be amazing guys I really appreciate it, it's a tough time in my life.

Things that could be stressing me out if it helps:

-Semi long distance with my girlfriend who is a solid 9 and in my mind undeniably worth it(It's been great at 2.5 hours away I see her once every 2 weeks or even more often, and she will be local to me for a month in her apartment which will be nice, then I return to school, which is actually only 1.5 hours away so even easier than before.)

-Work a desk job (I hate it sometimes) selling insurance
-Getting my first apartment
-Fraternity life
-Increased workload of Soph Year coming
-Paying A FEW of my bills

I guess I've beaten it before and I can again, but anything helps guys

Much love and much appreciated--



Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
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damn brah, you got some serious life problems I dont know how you aren't commiting seppuku yet.

first world problems... lol


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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This is a hard thing to give advice about over the internet, but I think you should relax and take some LSD. I suspect it'll help you regain a solid footing of who you are and what you're grateful for in life. Takes a lot of those sappy thoughts out of your head my man. Sorry if this sounds absurd, but its just my honest recommendation. Peace


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Figure out which of those is the biggest problem.

Now, write down step by step how to solve the problem.
Then look at each step, and write micro-steps on how to complete each step
Assess that problem head on, and ignore the rest.

If they're problems that you just have to put up with for a couple months, (like a temp job)
Just focus on what makes you happy, take up a hobby, and fill a larger portion of your life with that until then.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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Jakeg123 said:
Hey guys sorry for the long post but I really really need some insight,

So just when I literally thought my life was perfect and I had everything I could ask for (and in the search for more), it seems that anxiety took over my life. Like a light switch it came back (had a mild case of depression in highschool and have always been a slight worrier, but I never let it rule my life). My girlfriend says she doesn't really see a change in me, but my parents have witnessed these panic/anxiety attacks. I can't focus, I feel like the world flies by around me and I'm always tired. It's an odd feeling, almost like I'm not actually here mentally just physically. My personality remains nearly unchanged, just my focus, vision and LACK OF CLARITY (<---Huge part of it) make me worry. At first blood work showed elevated thyroid, kidney and liver so I had to stop workout supplements (causing me to loose hard earned weight). Then after stopping supplements the bloodwork came back normal, leaving it to the mental department.

Therapist thinks it is the beginning of anxiety/depression and thinks that even a change like going back to college after the summer at home could help me to get better (this started upon returned back to the parents). I constantly worry subconsciously about every move I make with my girlfriend and fear that these issues could effect us (even though she said nothing is different and I could probably agree- the relationship is phenomenal and she hasn't heard of my issues in a month or so). It makes me feel like an AFC again sometimes...

Overall, I want to stay away from meds as long as possible. Has anyone experienced this before? Fought through it? Took the meds? Side effects? Make things better or worse? Any help would be amazing guys I really appreciate it, it's a tough time in my life.

Things that could be stressing me out if it helps:

-Semi long distance with my girlfriend who is a solid 9 and in my mind undeniably worth it(It's been great at 2.5 hours away I see her once every 2 weeks or even more often, and she will be local to me for a month in her apartment which will be nice, then I return to school, which is actually only 1.5 hours away so even easier than before.)

-Work a desk job (I hate it sometimes) selling insurance
-Getting my first apartment
-Fraternity life
-Increased workload of Soph Year coming
-Paying A FEW of my bills

I guess I've beaten it before and I can again, but anything helps guys

Much love and much appreciated--

I think it is a case of being too overworked.

From overworking, you start to stress out more.

Stressing out more leads to unnecessarily thinking negative thoughts about your current situation.

These negative thoughts cause you to become depressed and anxious about everything that is happening.

The depression and anxiety causes you to under perform during work and other things, causing you to stress out even more.

The stress likely is causing you lack of quality sleep.

Lack of quality sleep makes your body and mind more unable to fend off these negative thoughts and anxiety.

The cycle goes on and on and on.

What I would recommend for you to do is to just step back, take a deep breath and just tell yourself that everything is all right. Tell yourself everything that was meant to happen WILL fall into place eventually. There is no need to grieve and over stress.

I would also recommend taking a small vacation or just a trip somewhere. It will clear your mind and help you relax. Your current environment is causing you massive amounts of stress and negative feelings, so it is time to get away for a short period of time.

Once a small positive thing happens again in your life, that will cause a chain reaction for more positive things. Soon, your life will be back to normal. But you must make that first step to cause that first positive thing to happen.

Good luck. And hope the fraternity life is treating you well. I'm also in a fraternity. Just don't let it cause you too much stress either.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Thank you guys. As for the LSD, my roommate did it and swore by it actually- but it isn't for me.

Bigsmooth, that is pretty much what I was told by my doctor, waiting for more blood work but it may just be biologically inherited- I actually just got back from a week long trip to the Caribbean and I had 2 panic attacks there, which I've only had 4 of in this whole thing. I feel pretty great as I write this, just don't have that clarity if that makes sense. PS-Which fraternity?

I just find it crazy that being home stresses me more than the stresses of school.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
And do you guys have any experience with any of the medication? My mind just races and worries all day at work. My girlfriend went camping and I was fine, but I have random changes in stress and worry levels. Doesn't seem to be event triggered sometimes.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Seems that everyone says to stay away from medication but these months have been LONG


Oct 20, 2006
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NO MEDS! They make you suicidal - it's on the label. It's mostly Fluoride - (rat poison) in Prozac. Each pill costs .001 cents and sells for $30 (Millions of percent profit markup, patented). Obamacare will force us to pay Big Pharma or go to jail - don't pay them willingly.

Feel your own pain. You're supposed to be depressed if you're single, broke and unemployed.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
Jakeg123 said:
Bigsmooth, that is pretty much what I was told by my doctor, waiting for more blood work but it may just be biologically inherited- I actually just got back from a week long trip to the Caribbean and I had 2 panic attacks there, which I've only had 4 of in this whole thing. I feel pretty great as I write this, just don't have that clarity if that makes sense. PS-Which fraternity?

I just find it crazy that being home stresses me more than the stresses of school.
Two panic attacks during vacation? Hmmm. Were you still worrying about what things back home? Did you actually allow yourself to be in tune with the present and just relax?

And I get the whole being at home thing. After a crazy year of school, coming back home is definitely a big transition. And I'm in Sigma Phi Epsilon.

And I would say no to drugs. Only a very rare amount of people actually sincerely benefit from it, while the rest get hooked on something artificial and can't function without it. Soon it takes over your life.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Tried my best, on the last day of the trip I calmed down a bit on the beach with a book but that was it. It went in and out. I'm talking to the doctor today- lifted this morning, nauseas toward te end of the workout then went home and felt out, shower feel ok, get up from bed to change and run to the bathroom to throw up....


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Going to a thyroid doctor tomorrow, the bloodwork was negative but I'm not convinced considering my symptoms


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
^ SO similar to mine. Getting acupuncture this morning for the stress, my Dad swears by it.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
OP it's clear what's wrong with you. Mind racing all the time with meaningless nonsense, panic attacks, body chemistry keeps going out of whack, throwing up. Congratulations! You're pregnant!


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Do you have a lot of sex, masturbation or ejaculation?


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Amante- I got through depression in highschool because of this place and just wanted some input considering others here have been in my shoes- definitely not treating the posts as doctor consultations....especially the LSD idea haha

Thyroid is normal and accupuncture is surprisingly working well even after one session. He seems to think the stress I was putting on my body just caught up with me, especially in the liver.

Thanks for the helps guys, as of now it seems that homeopathic and acupuncture is going to help me a ton. Overall, seems to be stress. If this doesn't work I'll go back and check my free T cells!