!answer To What Girls Lust For!


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
The People's Republic of Maryland
Classification of Women: What they Want

:rolleyes: I have been on the journey for some time, having both successes and failures along the way. I am very annoyed by guys not understanding and getting hurt by girls. I am here to explain, and help stop the mental abuse a lot of you AFCs endure. Listen to what I have to say, this will help you.

First off, to most it is obvious why girls go for what they go for. It is for the success of the species and the offspring. Power, money, looks, and social status will always be the outlining factors into getting any girl. Forget ****y and funny, if you do not have power, money, looks, and social status to some degree, girls will not stay with you for long. One can lie to himself and say he ended the relationship early if he only has ****y and funny traits, but the realization that the only reason it didnt work out was the absence of the fabulous 4 traits listed above, can be a very depressing experience I hear. Always be a man, and be it with class. This can't go wrong. Doing afc things if you are an alpha male can go a long way, understand this, and the difference.

Examples: Putting a single rose on the passenger seat of your car when you pick up a girl for a date, opening her door for her to see her surprise. This is afc, but if done by an alpha male, will make the girl wet her pants... TRUUUUUUST me. An alpha male can do just about anything, BE THE ALPHA.

Don't overdo it with compliments, don't be gay about it, seriously. A simple "Glad to see you, you look great" is better than "the stars parted upon your entrance into my world, I have never gazed upon a girl such as you in my entire lifetime." See the difference? Be chill, it'll pay off big time.

Now for the girls I seem to run into the most, i'll explain what works and what doesn't. For your information, i'm 19 and in college, so i'm sure people in my age group, even younger and older, can appreciate this and see girls in their life that fall into these categories.

Shallow Young Hot Girls: Attention wh0res, the hottest girls in the club, you know what i'm talking about. She won't shut up and she demands attention/respect. All these girls want are jerks with money, or jerks that overcompensate for not having money by acting like the dad she never had. Understand what a girl is after by observing her. If she is dressed well and has makeup with the unatural tan and does not have a legitimate sincere smile, understand she does not want a classy guy who is good, she wants the antagonistic bad boy who will take her home in his M3 to have a non-stop sexathon. Don't expect to change her, expect her to be in a world of drama and sex (and sometimes cocaine). This is reality, not sugar-coated. If this hurt you remembering a girl who did something similar, you need to rethink your AFC tendencies and understand there is a way to reframe mentally: Understand the girl you had oneitis with you mistook for a genuine girl, but she wasn't, and that's why you didn't succeed. :yes:

Shy Hot Girls: Rare, but usually these girls are smart. They want a guy who is goodlooking (and confident) who will take them outside of their shell. The beauty in these types is once outside of the shell, she will be the freakiest chick you've ever been with... more so than Shallow Young Hot Girl.:up:

Ugly Girls Great Personality
Now the only reason they have a great personality is because they have to, they can't play the same games hot girls do, and they know it. BE VERY CAREFUL about giving their friends that are hotter more attention. They have a keener sense of where the attention is directed, and will back-stab and cok-block until you are out of luck. This means they are not on your side, which means you do not owe them anything, which means you don't have to show them any respect or sympathy for being ugly and desperate. Understand when people get selfish, all bets are off and you Sarge on.:box:

The Good But Sexual Girl HB9
My personal favorite, since I am good guy myself, and extremely into sex. But, these ones can't be reached by the jerks, and can't be reached by the afcs. She will be friends with AFCs, and try and push jerks off of her, but will drop EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING for a guy once she realizes he is on her level with status, class, intelligence, witts, and humor. If you are a legitamately good person, you will connect with this type and the sparks will fly. This is where authentic love comes in... watch out, it is intense :cheer:

I will post more types later, but guys please add YOUR EXAMPLES OF GIRLS, a short psychological analysis of what drives them, things to avoid, and how to reel them in. I want to see this thread get huge, this will be very beneficial and help this board by working on one personality type of girl instead of a million tips and conversations.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
That was a very interesting post. Having read it, I still wouldn't prefer one over the other (except UGs & LSE) coz I'm into variety and I have a soft spot for beauty anyway.

However what would be helpful, now that you've decontructed the type of chicks out there is how to ID these chicks earlier on and hence calibrate your game to suit. Ok some types are pretty obvious by way of dress. but what else could you rely on... Just a thought!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sofia, Bulgaria
I'd put "great personality" in quotes if I were you. It's the same as with AFCs - they are "great guys", yeah, but they're the only ones who think that. :)

Well, there are lots of types, but here's one of my favourites:
Predators - HB9-10s, extremely intelligent. Attracted mainly to challenge. Most men hate them, since they reject AFCs fast and do not feel guilty about this at all. Really valuable as friends, wings, and for trying stuff on them, since they are usually adept at playing the game and enjoy it. Very dangerous as girlfriends for the same reason. Just imagine Clarisse (at least I think that was her name) from Cruel Intentions, but without the "evil, sadistic, drug-abusing b*tch" thing going on.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
That is a pretty good observation.

From my experience though, all types of girls, whether good girls, bad girls, shy girls, etc. are attracted to a little bit of bad boy in a man. Some more than others. For example, every time I tell a girl that I used to be a male dancer or ride a motorcycle, their interest in me seems to go up.

Therefore, I think the best way to attract a girl is just be a man and never supplicate to them and never try to hide your sexuality. Pook wrote an excellent thread a while back titled "Be a Man" that goes over all of this in great detail.