x86 said:
So I think one of my friends might be dating an anorexic. Here are my thoughts:
- She is in the arts culture.
- Did not have a single wing during wing night.
- Told a story on how she binge drank black tea.
- Looked really skinny to me.
Do you guys have any thoughts on what else to look for? What if she is indeed anorexic what should i do?
if a girl is truely anorexic..
you know.. we talk about bi ploar chicks all the time and half of them aren't ever anyting resmebling mental head cases.. but you know... i don't think there is a bigger red flag in the history of dating as an anorexic chick
the avg guy says "who cares she just likes being skinny". and granted, i like petite women so i can see that point of view.
in my single years i spun 2 plates that were anorexic/ bilemic and i tried to spend one but that did not end up happening.
from my experience if you find out that this is the case of if you even suspect this is the case, it's time to put on your level 4 air tight suit, go into your nuclear resistant safe house and look for some launch codes. this is def com 6 ****.
think about it.
first, by, literal definition she is bat **** crazy lol. do you know how distorted you have to be, to be.. 5'6, weigh 106 pounds, look in the mirror and see a fat woman lol and start crying and stave yourself more? that's like ******** for commit me to a mental institution.
but wait there's more lol.
not only is she bat **** crazy. granted, lots of women have weight issues. my own wife doesn't even have to get on the scale to know she gained a freaking pound. **** is damn near a 6th sense with women.
what you have with anorexic girl is the drive to be skinny without the work ethic to actually work to be skinny lol. so not only do you know she's bat **** crazy you know she's a fvcking lazy ****. `
to top that, most if not just about all anorexic girls will toy with either meth or coke to help suppress appetite. at least that's why they start. you can go days without eating with some good dope and could fvcking care less.
before i knew better i messed with / knew a few anorexic girls . the girl that tried to say i raped her who i never touched or realy even liked (though i would be lying if i said she was not attractive) was anorexic. one of the days she came to the gym with me, we had went to subway after we left an aA meeting, when i workout in the morning i do so on a pretty empty stomach but i can't do that in the evening and i had to get something to eat so i stopped there, then we ate, laughing joking all is fine and good. she gets on the scale, she's freaking 116 pounds.. 1 pound over her 115 "limit", turns red,s tars balling in the middle of the gym and runs out the damn gym. i had to take her to an aA meeting to keep her from relasping that night.
I mean, what benefits do anorexics have? sex? i like em thin but I mean, come on son. i will tear a 95 pound girl up. she can't cook lol? who can you cook when you don't eat?
this is the avg anorexic girl profile: very skinny, decent face, not spectacular but she most likely has very nice legs and shows them off and keeps a few guys interested becuase of it. she usually has serious issues that guys over look. all of them smoke.
Anaorexic girls are a trip because they tell themselves they are ugly (trust me) but at the same time they know guys still find their slim figure sexy and seem to naturally play on it. that same girl who cried runnin gout the gym would come to AA meetings and sit by me and have on skirts that were 2-3 inches higher than her knees with fvck me pumps on at all times.
but here is the coup de grace to it all. becuase she is usually becuase of her slim figure somewhat desirable by males, they usually get away with any and everything and are NEVER held accountable for their actions, which is more programmatic as usually because as i stated earlier, they are by definition, bat **** crazy lol
I was watching I think it was what, like africa's 12 most deadliest creatures with my wife a few days ago. if we had a dating game's most deadlist creatures the anorexic chick would be the freaking black mamba of the dating scene.
I remember when I was in the little AA group and the girl attached on to me. she hit on me and came at me hard. she showed a real intrest in working out and i could tell it was helping, but i could also tell my GF (now wife) realy didn't particular care for her company though she would not come out and say it so i cut it off. she tells everyone i sexually assulted her. despite me probably being the most desierable person in the rooms and having a GF that looked better than anyone in the room not one freaking person in the room believed me and i had to find another AA group lol. she batted a few tears, everyone believed her.
i had a good friend who we were mututal friends through, he told me within 2 months she had basiclly burned off like 5 members of the group. guys were only to happy to play mr white knight after i left, got burned. she made 2 of them relaspe. she ended up relapsing. lol through this she was STiLL going to that home group and all 5 guys had left or relspased. she had relasped but just had not told anyone yet. the last guy, i thought i had it bad with the false rape issue.. dude had a newer lexus.. they were "dating" he was happy, she drove it, never came back, pawned it for dope, never saw the car again, 2 months later she is in dope houses turning tricks for drugs. she died about 6 months later was found in a ditch.
the problem wasn't just her. the problem was society letting her get away with her horrid actions time and time again beucase she was pretty and despite all this behavior she had a tad bit of class to her. she could fit in with the upper class because she was from that silk.
anoreix girls are almost like a symbol of what is wrong with women as a whole today. just run away