

New Member
Nov 24, 2012
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Been a while since I've posted.

Let me preface this by saying I dont like to toot my own horn.

I hate that I'm having this problem and if you choose to dismiss me as a complete idiot, I wouldn't blame you.

I've been getting hit on by hot women my whole life.
This was all before I became aware of game and the fact that female behavior does not align with any form of logic.

Problem is I've never really known what to do or how to recognize an opportunity. I've never really seen myself as attractive(ugly duckling?)and I have poor social skills compared to many of my friends. That's what kills it for me. That and I've always had the mindset that I'm terrible with women, so I have never really tried. Despite this, ***** lands on me like hot bird **** and then rolls off my back. And I'm usually clueless until its too late.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

The only thing that seems to be holding me back is me.
I should probably just grow some balls and exit my comfort zone.


New Member
Nov 24, 2012
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That's what I'm here to figure out.

I'm learning a lot since first embarking on my red pill journey.
Perhaps boasting or lying to myself is just a way to deal with fear of the unknown.