ANGRY because I never stood up


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
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Well I just realized after a long time that I have alot of pent up anger inside me because I got picked on ALOT in elementary school and High School.

I feel mad and angry that I never stood up for myself, and even fight those guys who continued to make fun of me.

I want toget back at all the people that did, for making me feel sh&ty about myself, but the problem is that I am skiny and I wouldnt be too good in a fight.

So I know how to take care of that, thats to weightlift and learn a technique.

But how can I deal with my anger of being picked on and just let it go, because I am mean to my parents sometimes and my anger goes toward other people where I dont want it to go, and being picked on makes me feel bad.

Even though I am 19 years old, and nobody has picked on me for the last two years.

I feel a lifetimes worth of anger that is tough to deal with.

Anyone ever been here or have any advice.


Jul 30, 2003
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The past is in the past. bro. Redeem urself know by doing what u said, lift weights and train, kickbox whatever u wana do. Fogetabout man theres nothin u can do..let go of the anger it will kill ur soul slowly without proper release or it simply being pent up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Same here. I got picked on a lot in elementary/middle/high school for a variety of reasons. Plus I never had a father figure or any brothers so I think that made me less aggressive than most guys, which didn't help.

There's nothing you can do about it now, so the best thing to do is to learn to focus that anger in positive ways. Start lifting weights and when you get stuck on a really hard rep just think about all the things that piss(ed) you off, and use that anger. Get big and learn BJJ or something like that to ensure that it does not happen again.

Besides, most of the jerks that picked on you in high school are flipping burgers now.


New Member
May 31, 2006
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Dude just work out.
I read sometime ago: "Just forgive and forget"


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Docta_Z said:
Dude just work out.
I read sometime ago: "Just forgive and forget"
These placating one liner suggestions do nothing to address the problem. The best course of action for you to take to turn mental anguish and hostility into a productive emotional use is to physically burn it out of you along with some type of mental retraining ie; meditation, martial arts, tai chi, etc . . .

Hit the gym regularly and really push yourself to work hard. It's not shameful to talk to a professional either.

Keep us apprised of your condition brother.
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
KarmaSutra said:
These placating one liner suggestions do nothing to address the problem. The best course of action for you to take to turn mental anguish and hostility into a productive emotional use is to physically burn it out of you along with some type of mental retraining ie; meditation, martial arts, tai chi, etc . . .

Hit the gym regularly and really push yourself to work hard. It's not shameful to talk to a professional either.

Keep us apprised of your condition brother.
Ya I agree with using your anger to help you motivate yourself for weights and sports. That's one of the reason to play sports but talking to a professional doesnt really help. They talk about the problem but they don't do anything to fix it, some ppl like to talk and release their stress but it doesn't work for me. Also lifting weights increases your confidence and you'll look better so don't waste your money on a damn therapist and hit the gym so next time some guy is making fun of you, you'll make him sorry! :cool:


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2006
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yeah talking to professionals doesnt really help, I have tried that already and they just listen and sort of spit out what you said to them five minutes ago. I know that there not supposed to give advice but still It feels like a waste.

But yeah whenever I workout and I see a smaller person than me and if I feel like they are going to make fun of me, OH boy, so many thoughts of so many diffrent things go through my head.

I understand that we cant use violence to solve our problems but we need something to fall apon unless diplomacy or personal self control fails.

Just like a nation that has lots of good diplomats but no army to back up there postions, really means that the dipmlomats are useless.

I think that being confident in yourself and not letting what others say bother you is the first step, if it doesnt stop or if it bothers you, then let em have it.


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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yeah talking to professionals doesnt really help, I have tried that already and they just listen and sort of spit out what you said to them five minutes ago. I know that there not supposed to give advice but still It feels like a waste.
I could not disagree more. I think it depends completely on the therapist, and obviously you did not have a good experience. The therapist I see is very attentive, and I honestly enjoy the time I spend in her office. I'm not sure what says they're not supposed to give advice, but for the last 2 sessions we've spent some of the time considering options for a good job (I'm ADD, so it narrows the field a little), and advice has definately been a part of that.

If you're dead set on not seeing a professional, that's your perogative, but I would encourage you to find a more friendly person to persue therapy with.