Master Don Juan
Homosexuality is morally wrong? Homosexuality has existed for thousands of years, at least, and is hardly even exclusive to humans. And you're out of your mind if you think homosexuality is a choice. It's even backed up my science (not to mention the long-lost art of common sense): gay men were found to have a different reaction to pheremones than straight men do. Morality doesn't even come into play here, so don't bring up this "immoral" bs. And if you're basing your morals around what some ancient religious scriptures have taught you, then please let me know so I don't have to bother replying to you anymore.Originally posted by Barney
When you start to normalize deviant sexual behavior like that on society it does become my business , I do happen to care about our culture and values as a country, in terms of sexuality I think that we are going the wrong way. Homosexuality is morally wrong and a bad example to our children. It seems you cannot go a day without getting blasted by some type of Gay propaganda.
Some say it isn't natural, but define natural? If it's a biological state and exists elsewhere in nature besides humans, how is that "unnatural"? Yes, you could say anything that defies the evolutionary purpose of sex is "unnatural", but where do you draw the line? Does every sexual activity you yourself engage in lead to reproduction? Is masturbation natural? Is oral sex natural? Is anal sex natural? Are they "immoral"?
Sorry, but you're wrong. While the "one of five people are gay" (or whatever) statistic is probably, indeed, "gay propoganda", gays still make up a considerable portion of the population, while the "feminine-type" gays certainly don't. I've known gay people, I've spoken to gay people, and I've heard it from them-- the notion that most gay guysare like that is bullshit. Many gay guys are even turned off by gays like that.Anyone in their right mind knows that not all gay people act like that, but most of them do.