And just when i thought things were finally over....


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Last year i was in an ltr, lasted 6 months and through a series of events that were really just unlucky and crappy, me and her broke up. She did want to break up when it happened (by explaining the circumstances, it wouldn't help much, and it's unimportant), it was really forced on her, but she didn't fight back to stay with me, if that makes sense.

Fast forward like three months, me n her hang out as "friends", it's awkward, ends badly.

A week or two later, she apologizes and we hang out again, ends with a kiss.

After more talk, we decide (me more than her) not to get back together.

I cut off contact with her, decide to just move on from it, and five months go by.

She starts replying to my livejournal thing (an online diary thing i use to set up parties and write up some funny stories), i don't say much to her. I do find out that she has a new boyfriend, and she's quite taken by him apparently. At this point i'd pretty much moved on, and didn't really care.

I come home the other night with a few messages from her on AIM saying me and her should talk and catch up etc etc.

Finally we come to tonight, i get online and she IMs me seeing what's up. She's on AIM over her cell phone and says we should just talk on the phone, so we get on the phone and start talking about whatever for like an hour and a half (I have an imagination like no other, and can keep things interesting as long as needed), it was so long because we were catching up on six months of crap, but her boyfriend came up only briefly when she told me that he may be moving out of state.

She was cracking up the entire time, and kept talking about memories from when me n her were together, and basically just brought up everything i'd moved on from so long ago.

On what a day too, this weekend, all up to today has brought up at least four, FOUR girls who are interested in me and easy targets.

Unfortunately, people want what they can't have.

I'm just back from the phone chat and really confused, the conversation was basically the same as the ones we always used to have, and we both enjoyed it. The thing that helped me move on so much in the first place was the thought that "she doesn't give a damn about you, why should you about her?", which the whole phone thing kinda screwed with. Other than the whole possibility of her boyfriend moving thing, nothing else has really happened that sprung her suddenly IMing me and wanting to talk. She isn't even sure if he is moving, at that.

Basically i'm at a loss as to where to go from here. She's VERY attractive, like one of the hottest girls her age i've seen. I'd be lying if i said i weren't still into her (if you asked me this two hours ago, i could have honestly said i didn't really think about her anymore, but then this happened)

Has anyone here had a similar situation with ex's comming back after months of not talking, or even when they already have boyfriends? Even if she does want to start something, i'm not sure if I should.

Pretty much what i'm looking for is what people here think about the situation, and where i should take it from here.

As always, thanks to everyone who puts up with my long detail filled questions to help me out here - take it easy all.
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Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
you broke up with her for a reason. no good can come outta this. NEXT!


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Every time youve separated it has been by youre own will. You know youre not marrying this one. She wants to get back together with you because you are the ULTIMATE catch because you havebuilt up such a challenge. She will undoubtedly get back together, just to dump you shortly after for her OWN SAKE OF CLOSURE.

If you cant see yourself marrying this one, then CUT OFF CONTACT. Attraction lasts untill it is replaces, thats the way the mind works. Untill you actively avoid her you will ALWAYS have feelings for her. Think again why you dumped her, and apply that reasoning again, does it stand?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
I never said i dumped her, but i was the first to say after our kiss last time we chilled that we weren't getting back together.

The first time we broke up it was because her dad was an alcoholic and was beating her because of me (not anything i did, he was just a controlling douche). It was a long and messy proccess, but basically for her own safety we broke up. Since then her dad's had some therapy and stopped drinking, and even apologized to me.

Hope that clears it up a little - but i still see where you guys are comming from. There were reasons that i told her we weren't getting back together, and i should remember those, but from the sound of our phone talk last night she was almost apologetic about how she used to act (the reasons i said we weren't getting back together).


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Well good job leaving a huge puzzle piece out :p

Its not her fault u broke up in the first place, so why not get back together?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Well that's what i was thinking....except she still has her boyfriend. Granted there's a good chance he's moving, but if not then i'm not sure what else to make of this random attention....we go to different schools so there was almost NO contact. I still talk to a few of her friends (and have hooked up with a couple :D ) since me n her last hung out, and they all love me.

I know for a fact she and this guy are still going out, and as far as he knows, there's no problems.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Why the sudden interest in you? Beware of the dark side...


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Honestly, theres gotta be other hotter girls with less baggage anyway. You CANT marry this girl (because of her dad, she will always seek a man who has the same problem or his antithises, you seem to be niether). Id be honest with her about whatever you are feeling, and if her response isnt exactly what you want it to be, cut off all contact.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Hotter girls....i'm not sure. She's like the hottest preppy class president girl in her school... hotter than anything my school has to offer.

As far as baggage goes, yeah she's had a fvcked up past, but seems (SEEMS) to have turned out fine despite it. There's definitely some deep-rooted stuff going on with her though.

I'm just wondering where the sudden burst of interest came from...and then just today one of her friends IMs me and asks me to go hang out with her this weekend... another hottie but i havn't talked to her in a long while. It seems like all the girls from this other school are suddenly interested all of the sudden...


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
Next next next next next

I just broke off with a LTR and went through that **** cycle. Do I want her, do I not. If you take her back, do it because you want to, not because you feel bad for her. In the end YOU have to be happy.

my ex LTR texted me today, and I said "what?"

she then called me 16 times

want what they can't have

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
You know, I hear about this kinda stuff a lot. I've been in a few situations where one of my ex's will start calling back. The phone call doesn't really make a whole lotta sense to me...why the hell would she do that if she has a bf? Bring up past experiences just to bother you. If she's putting you through this just to hurt you, then she's not worth it. She has a bf, you were doing fine without her, and there ARE hotter and more worthy girls of your time.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Well she does still have a boyfriend, so until that's over i'm not gonna touch the situation, if she calls i'll talk, i'm not gonna make any moves though. The question is, should i go out with her friend and definitely hook up (about a HB8) or stick with her (HB9+) and see what happens?

I know that there's plenty more hotties out there, but i've got like three months left in high school and as far as mine and her high schools go, she's the hottest. I'm not just saying that, but it's simply a fact.

Going to a birthday party for another chick saturday and she might be there, if she is i'll see what's up.


By the way thanks to everyone here for the help, it helps more than most of you know.