Analyzing the DJ Mind v 1.0


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
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You better get some coffee because this is going to be long. Many times I read the DJ Bible and all that and I start to get bored as well as tired reading it. Why the f**k do they have long ass conversations when they should be getting to the point? I'm sure I'm not alone so this is my point. This is not innovative but its brief and compacted for your convienience as well as what I think. So for all the haters, there is no point in pointing out that a lot of what I've said has been said before because I already know that. Now, lets get to the point. This is how I got basically from AFC to DJ in a week or so.

Step 1: Analyzation of self

First, DJing is 1% women, 99% self. Women can play a role but it is up to you, the person, to make the move. Society is still traditional in the fact that men should approach women. It happens vice-versa but its rare. You don't want to wait for the rare moments when there may be HB8-10s looking and wanting you but you are too big of a p***y to go for it.

- You are the s**t. Try to say that to yourself. Say it enough times to where you believe it. This helps to build an ego with confidence. Confidence means jack; having an ego helps you out.

- Be a better conversationalist. Nobody likes a person with the personality equivalent of a block of wood. Why? People want to enjoy themselves in life and why would they talk to some boring stiff when there is the fun guy right next to him. Small talk can go a long way.

- Be witty. Its a skill that takes time but is possible. It don't matter if you got the joke from Seinfeld because most comments are never original. Someone has said them before. Being funny makes you fun. Which is why its called funny. Amazing.

- Speak with confidence. I'm tired of hearing people hit on girls with this weak ass girl voice. How the hell is a girl supposed to like you if you're too quiet and timid? I suggest for everyone to get a mirror. Talk to it. Is it lame? No. Practice speaking confidently. Talk like people give a damn about what you say and they will if you got the voice to back it up. Don't scream but make your voice heard in a reasonable distance.

- Kick the nervous habits. Chew your fingernails? Stop. Fiddle with hands? Nix it. Girls in a way are like dogs; they sense fear and emotions. So can we men but thats not the discussion here. If you're asking a girl out, fiddling with your hands is lame and a sure fire way of ruining your chances.

- Live life. I get tired also of social outcasts that become bitter because they have no social life. Simply put, live your life the way you want to. You will be happier, more confident, and more ballsy. You get one life, its best spent not being a p***y and think of what might have been.

Step 2: Presentation of self

This is important. You followed what I said and you're a much more confident person that has a love for life. Good. Even though ugly and normal guys can land hot women, you have a much better chance of getting better girls if you're well presented.

- Lose weight. If you're fat or have traces of fat, lose it. DIESEL has put together arguably the best cutting up plan.

Look at it, study it, and utilize it. Start immediately. I lost 11 lbs in slightly more than 2 weeks thanks to the program. I'm starting to see some difference and I will probably continue to lose more weight at my current pace.

- If you're skinny already or you're satisfied with your weight, buff up. Again, DIESEL has a thread that is a required read to get buff. My dad is a strength coach and through his training, he has trained at least 3 people to become world competitors in weight lifting meets. I shown this to him and he agrees with almost all of it so check it out:

- Ok, you're buff and you're cut. Excellent. Having a great wardrobe is essential. A lot of people here emphasize wearing Armani stuff and generally classy clothing. Wrong. Wear what you feel expresses yourself. As for me, I love urban wear. My rotation includes P. Miller, Rocawear, and Cash Money shirts. My shoes are And 1 KG Lows. I wear like these ghetto ass shorts with symbols on them or black shorts and I've collected nearly 20 numbers in a short time. Why? Because I love what I wear. I don't wear alligator shoes and Polo brand clothing. Just as long as they look nice and clean. Expressing yourself does NOT mean going down to Goodwill and getting every tattered shirt there because you feel nice. Women want men that won't wear ****ty clothes or smell like ass.

- Shower daily. I think morning is best because during the night, you have at least 6 hours for your body to get dirty. Wash with soap that smells masculine but something you want. I honestly have Zest or Irish Spring in rotation. Its all good with those. Shampoo with whatever smells good but don't get Strawberry Banana Kiwi or whatever. Get something that shows you're a man, not a woman. I use a medicated shampoo but thats because of a scalp disorder I have where if I don't shampoo with it, my scalp will form unusually high amounts of dandruff.

- Brush. Brush after every meal. Nothing is worse personally than a moron who has piss poor breath because he didn't brush. When you do brush, get something that smells good. I love Spearmint myself. So I have spearmint mouthwash, toothpaste, and always a pack of Doublemint Spearmint on hand at all times. I always brush after every meal or if I can't, I pop in a stick of gum. It also keeps your teeth white because yellow teeth are not attractive. Nobody cares if you got it from drinking coffee or whatever. They should always be their whitest. Try to get some with Whitening in it or use those strips. I've been using them for about a week and maybe its just my mind playing tricks but they are getting whiter.

- Smell good. Wear deodorant (sp?) but not the point where nobody can be within 15 ft. of you because its so strong. Men produce B.O. For years I convinced myself that I didn't have B.O. and didn't start wearing deodorant until about a month ago when I realized I did have it.

- Clean shaven. It varies from woman to woman more than the aformentioned features but I believe the general consensus is that women like a face that is shaved.

- Keep yourself well groomed. I hate, hate, HATE it when skaters or other losers wear their hair like s**t and then ***** about how they don't have women. Keep your hair nice. Have it short. Sure some guys get women with long hair but again, you want to be at prime shape for women. I have my head shaved. Its a good look and can project a masculine image if you got the right head for it. Being skinny with a big ass head does not work. If you got bumps and so on, don't have it. If you do shave your head, shave it daily or every other day. Otherwise, keep it short but nice. If you see the Maxim hair color commercial, look at their hair. That is some good hair for you to follow by.

Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
Good post... I think it sums things up very well. Well done. :)


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Im reminded about the teeth brushing thing, got to do it more.

Good summarization.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Step 3: Girls, they don't bite

You're confident, you're buff, and physically, you're great looking in terms of clothing. If people go up to you, they want to be with you because of your great smell. Good. Now its time to get to the should be small part of this thing and thats the women. Like I said, the DJ Mind is 1% women, 99% self and I'm a firm believer in it. The reason being that if you got the previous steps down pat, you should have the ego, the charisma, and confidence to approach any woman you want.

- Don't walk through the malls and say hi. Why? Its a waste of time when you could be talking to women and getting their numbers. If you have to say it, use that mirror that I suggested you to use earlier and practice there. Get a mannequin head or something and say hi. If you got the confidence, you should probably not even need to practice at all.

- Girls are human. Lets face it, girls, namely any that are 7 on up are used to being hit on by lame ass AFCs that promise them roses, dinner, and financially expensive gifts. Many men promise them the moon but why? How many girls do you see that doing to men? 0. Why? Because they're people. Do you promise your friend the moon? By being bold and talking to girls like they're people and not Godesses (sp?) on Earth, they will like you. This all goes back to the animal instinct days where the man had to do something masculine to impress the female. Now that can be proven by talking. I remember watching Office Space and how Peter (the main star) went to Jennifer Aniston and told her that if she wanted to go to lunch with him, thats cool. He didn't ask, he didn't promise her a candle light dinner, he offered. It may be the movies but thats real life too.

- ****y and funny if you are C+F. This term is used but use it sparingly. Too much will make you either into an a*****e or be considered a clown. Its a great opener and when the opportunity calls for it. Say it confidently too. Its a good way to open but only if executed properly.

- Quick but great conversations. Don't make it into an interview. If you have to ask a question, have it where its an open ended answer. Interviews are boring because the ball is in your court and its hard to tell if the girl you're talking to is really interested in you or just giving answers. Keep convos down to the single digit minutes. Girls like to hit it off with men but the longer you talk to her, the chances you are most likely going down into friend zone-land where you are exiled from her body for good. I try to keep it within 5 minutes.

- Get the number the first meeting. The whole point is to keep it sexual. Girls date men because they want sex from them. If they want someone to talk to, they have friends that are girls or AFC men who think they're going to get in her pants if they give her a shoulder to cry on.

Now here is where the advice splits to two areas:

a) she turns you down
b) you get the digits

A-1) Next her. Life is honestly too short to get down. With millions of females, including thousands into millions that are 7s or better, you can't get hung up on one or two girls. No girls are worth that much time without a deep LTR investment.

A-2) Learn your mistakes. The board often discourages analyzation but this is a good time to see what you may have done wrong. Did you come off too strong. Too many C+F jokes? Try to see what you may have done wrong and move on. Improvement may work out for you.

A-3) Never get discouraged. Some days you may have better luck than others. Sometimes it might be a week. If you get turned down less than 20 times in a row, you're still good and don't give up. If its more, you're doing something wrong and go back to Step A-2. Some women don't want to be bothered by DJs or may have been intimidated because they were never approached by a man before (as opposed to AFCs)

B-1) Don't call the day of. Its desperate. The day after is very clichéd. Call after that whenever. I call usually the 3rd day after getting a number. It shows that you want her but not willing to be desperate doing so. Many people said a few days is too long but thats BS. If you made a good impression and her IL of you is high, she will be just as interested if you called her 2-3 weeks after as if you called 2-3 days after. If you're "out of sight, out of mind", she is either: dumb therefore not worth it or her IL of you was low enough and you should give her the axe. A lot of girls give out their numbers; her digits are not a valuable secret.

B-2) Once you call, keep it blunt but sexual. Ask for a date the first time calling. Women aren't morons; they know a man wants to ask them out. So its best to do it the first time calling instead of deluding yourself that you need to build up 2-3 phone call's worth of rapport to finally date. Again, try to keep it in the single digits in terms of minutes. You're past the obstacle of getting her number, you can still enter Friend Zone Land if you spend an hour talking to her. Again, she probably has scores of female friends and AFC male friends if she needs to cry on anyone's shoulder.

B-3) Action date. No dinner dates at first. If there is dinner, make sure thats not the only thing you do. No movie dates. Hell, go to a miniature golf course or something. Do stuff and do a lot of kino. Kino is thrown around here often but touching her is sexual to her. The whole point I think is to try to keep it fun but sexual from the minute you talk to the girl. Too many men are afraid of affection because they think the girl won't like it. See Step B-2. Women know you want to date them and bang them; they're not idiots. So you may as well cut to the chase at a reasonable pace than waiting forever. Many people here claim to bang their gfs within a month of dating and I have reasonable suspicion that they didn't do any BS, not because they are h**s. I'm not saying to go for it on the first date but build up the passion quickly.

Step 4: The End

I'm not going to show how to do an LTR because its up to you. Basically this whole point was mainly to high schoolers because I think this is the beginning of many DJs' lives of women so I won't post it on the Tips forum unless there is a big enough demand for it to be there. Simply put, as I said before, DJs are 1% women, 99% mind. Being a Don Juan isn't a personality, its a state of being. I dedicate this post to those who are always timid or people like Boricua who can never seem to leave his AFC personality behind. So enjoy and feel free to argue as note the thread title, its called v 1.0 meaning there can be room for additions, improvements, and edits.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Ehhh... Decent

I liked my "Mental Examination" post better.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
Ehhh... Decent

I liked my "Mental Examination" post better.

Oh well, we have our methods of achieving getting women. Its up to you whether to take my advice or not. This works well for me. Most of it is stuff said before mixed in with common sense. I just feel that MOTU's New DJ Bible for the most part is incorrect and he's leaving out a lot of the obvious aspects which is what I've covered. Most of what Pook says is correct but his posts are so long winded that often times I scroll past important info to get to the point. Anyway, I got some more **** to add.

Step 5: FAQs

Despite Step 4 supposedly being the end, I feel that there is more for me to add to the topic. A lot of people have questions about girls and all that. I think that a lot of them are so similar that one small section should cover them all.

Q: What is interest level and how does it work
A: Interest level is basically how interested the girl is with you. Lets face it, none of these plans on this site are foolproof. Not Pook's stuff, not MOTU's old and new school DJ Bible, and not mine. Why? Some girls are simply put, b****s. They feel that men have wronged them and in order to get her attention, you have to be the submissive AFC. A lot of people go by percentage but I'm going with stars.


The red means is the highest meaning she is very interested in you. Often times she looks at you, initiates conversation, and is the ideal candidate, unless you prefer a challenge. Orange is where she is interested in you and likes what she sees but she's not as wildly in love with you as the ***** girl. I feel that most girls are in this level if you say the right words. Three stars are borderline pass. I feel this is the challenging level. She is partially interested in you and she probably thinks you're some player looking for a girl to **** and in a way, she's right. She may play mind games and all that. Its the challenging level. The 2 stars are usually the flaky girls that really don't know what they want. In that case, ditch 'em. Life is too short to mess around with girls that may like you or not. The one star are those cold ass b****s I mentioned earlier. Don't waste your time with them.

Q: I read it but I still can't get confidence!
A: You know why? Its because you're a weak ass b***h p***y that can't leave your AFC days behind. Face it, you need confidence to get with women. Having a nice face, nice body, and nice clothing will only get you so far. Most women want a man who is fun that will talk to them. I know from experience and from what I see in friends, being good looking and all that will not land you women. Women talk a lot. Why? They love words. They like a nice body to go with them but come on. Being an AFC isn't a bad lifestyle if you're never going to expect getting p***y in your life. Its up to you to get confidence and the ladies will follow.

Q: There is this girl I like and I don't know if she's interested in me or what or blah blah blah
A: These questions or comments often times makes me feel sick to my stomach. Again, put yourself in the woman's shoes. Does she wonder if this guy likes her or not? No. She cares if she likes the man or not. Act the same way. Don't wonder "Will she like me?", wonder "Will I like her?". This is the mentality you need to have.

Q: I called her and she doesn't seem too interested and she already canceled a date...
A: Next that b***h. I see this often here and yeah, stuff does go on in her life but it depends on what she wants. If she cancels a date because she needs to wash her hair, ditch her. If she's willing and sounds interested in you still, suggest another day. If she cancels it, move on. You're wasting time talking to her when you can spend that time talking to girls that will actually not flake out. A lot of girls flake out like that because they're not used to being approached by DJs. DJs take up maybe 0.001% of the world and thats probably a generous figure. If she doesn't sound too interested on the phone, I'd ditch her as well. Don't enter into the world of AFC land where she thinks that she can rule over you with an iron fist. I have a sister who is two years younger than me that sibling feeling aside, she is probably a 7.5-8. She gets phone calls from guys all the time and it improved my game so much to see her reactions and her convos with men that she's interested in or not.

Q: I went on a date with her and it went off great. Do I call back and when?
A: If you feel it went great then call her 2-3 days afterwards. The days of being excessively busy may be over if you felt that you had a good time. Remember, keep the passion so keep your DJ skills up. I believe that you can bed most girls within a month if you keep everything sexual. If you try to be too nice then she will wait longer and longer. Try to set up more action dates until you are in a LTR and then maybe start doing the dinner thing.

Q: Do girls react differently after sex?
A: Yeah but thats thanks more or less to the ideology that having sex takes things to a whole other level. Yes it does as you will get some maybe daily or more than once daily or every meeting you have with her but the standard is that emotionally she is more connected to you. Only a h* will act the same. Keep the passion going. Remember, she likes you originally because you were so sexual. If after a month of this and you feel emotional attachment, that is when you get into a LTR. This site and all the guides here emphasize the beginning part because its the hardest part but once you feel emotionally attached to her (or you like her on another level), then its time to be in a LTR.

Q: My rep is bad. Will that hurt?
A: Yeah but its not the end of the world. Simply put, first impressions are the basis of any relationships. Its definitely possible to overcome your rep but its tough. This guide is to make DJing easy. My advice are to go to girls that don't know you because you will have a much better chance.


This above section I feel answers the majority of questions that people want to know. A lot of these guides try to walk you by the hand but a lot of people don't realize that just looking at them does absolutely no good at all. These are just guides, not the exact, precise way how to land women. It does help but if you don't believe it or have the DJ state of mind, you will be unsuccessful. I will probably add more sections as I see fit.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
I liked my "Mental Examination" post better.
me 2, but then again the title of this post is rather misleading, as the analysation is only the first part. This is an excellent post which does a good job of summing up many aspects of the DJ teachings. Must read for anyone who's been here for less than 6 months!

kudos for the effort


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
I like your thinking dude. Keep it up


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lozz
I like your thinking dude. Keep it up
Thanks. Soon I'm going to unleash Analyzing the DJ v 1.1. I dropped the "Mind" because originally this was meant to be just the right mindset but after seeing the piles of threads about things that may not be about the DJ Mentality, I'm adding more in.

Analyzing the DJ v 1.1 will have:

- Two exclusive new sections
- Grammatically correct
- Improvements on content including further densification
- More colorful to keep the readers interested
- Plus a few hidden surprises!

I intend to have Analyzing the DJ v 1.1 tonight if possible but who knows. It will be sometime this weekend though so stay tuned!


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
though most of everything you have said is in the bible, most of the people on this site havent avidly read it.

so this post is serving a purpose.

you should make a post of FAQ's and answer them.

then get it to be a sticky so that all the newbies on this site wont waste our time with the same questions time and again

Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
too much vainity. Worrying about your looks that much is for girls bro., though i must admit i have been guilty of that in the past. You can only be confident, when what you look like, doesnt make a difference to you. If you derive confidence from appearance, then you only have false confidence, a confidence that will fade with your appearance. Real confidence on the otherhand, never fades with time.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
dream on brother, while you can...
dream on sister, i hope you find the one...
all of our lives, covered quickly by the tides of time

Anthony De Mello would have a heart stroke if he could see what you people are reading and doing...

Good night, es_mer8, i hope your dreams continou to be fine, without much troubled sleep.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2003
Reaction score
Analyzing the DJ v 1.1 is getting pushed back to Wednesday due to lack of time.