Analyze this Crazy Woman's Online Dating Profile


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Calvin said:
I'm curious as to whether there are any red flags that people should have seen in this profile
Yes...140 lbs.


Don Juan
May 25, 2013
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Thanks for the feedback from everyone so far.

I think I'm trying to confirm and validate my perception that this is a low quality woman and that my girlfriend is better off not having "friends" like this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Calvin said:
Thanks for the feedback from everyone so far.

I think I'm trying to confirm and validate my perception that this is a low quality woman and that my girlfriend is better off not having "friends" like this.
Let your girlfriend pick her own friends.
As long as YOU are aware of this woman, you dont need to go messing with other peoples friendships.

Poking your nose into affairs that dont concern you is something that WOMEN do and is therefore beneath you.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Atom Smasher said:
You guys must remember, this is all female BS, absolutely and positively meaningless once she meets you. Don't they all write delusional crap like this?

If she likes you her "rules" go right out the window and she starts submitting to your rules, if you know how to play.

I've never once met a girl from an online site that wasn't severely flawed or batsh!t crazy. I used to hope for the best but I've accepted that any women who turns to the Interwebs for a mate is extremely mentally and emotionally unbalanced.
Young and/or inexperienced lads, listen to what this man says. Nothing beats solid advice from someone who has lived enough and gone through experiences and lessons only time teaches you. No shortcuts on this one.

Very well articulated. Women are the most flexible creatures IF THEY LIKE YOU.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
Let your girlfriend pick her own friends.
As long as YOU are aware of this woman, you dont need to go messing with other peoples friendships.

Poking your nose into affairs that dont concern you is something that WOMEN do and is therefore beneath you.
When a false friend has a negative effect on your woman emotionally, then it becomes your business. At that point, you put your foot down, and like a parent dealing with a child who is hanging out with a kid who is no good for her, you tell her that she needs to break contact with this so-called "friend" and make friendships that are more healthy.

A woman who loves you and is worth anything will listen and break contact. If she values the friendship more than your relationship, then good riddance. If she's a good woman and you are calm and clear with her, she will understand why you're saying what you're saying. She's welcome to pursue friendships that are fulfilling and worthwhile with other women who are of good character that will build her up instead of tear her down.

By the way, this does work. My woman avoids contact with a false friend who was affecting her negatively (emotionally) and is better off because of it, with a little bit of insistence on my part, and doesn't miss the contact one bit. She's replaced her with better friends. You men have to remember, you are like a benevolent king. If you see a negative situation, you have to take control and give orders. You have to make commands and your woman must listen to your command as if you were Julius Caesar himself. Or even better, as if you were Marcus Aurelius.

"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one."
-Marcus Aurelius

"Titus, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, and Marcus had no need of praetorian cohorts, or of countless legions to guard them, but were defended by their own good lives, the good-will of their subjects, and the attachment of the senate."