An online profile that drove women crazy


New Member
Aug 2, 2013
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I did an experiment recently and the results have completely blown me out of the water. I thought I would share it with my fellow comrades.

I have been on this online website. While I won't say its a regular dating site but its not an escort site either. I have tweaked my profile on the site may be 3-4 times over the past 2 years with mixed results. Initially I wrote what I considered to be a decent and a matter of fact sort of profile describing who I am and what kind of girl I am looking for and what to expect from the relationship. My results weren't that great. I was averaging about 1 reply in 10 pings/messages. I had to initiate 99% of the winks. I did get some dates and short flings out of it but the response rate was very low and a lot of work had to be put in.

So then about 2 weeks ago, I got a bit frustrated with exchanging messages with women and the dismal response rate I was getting. I just couldn't figure out what the hell is wrong with these woman. I mean here I am with a fairly decent profile and a good catch on paper and mind you I am not bad looking at all. I am successful, good looking, and a good talker. Why in the world then I am having to struggle so much. I am not saying I didn't get dates, I definitely did, but just way too much work. Once a girl would go out on a date with me, my close ratio (I hate using that analogy btw) was about 100% because I am actually a pretty good company, woman tell me. Most women find me charming and are attracted to me. Its just getting them to the first meet up was taking too much effort.

So what did I do, I changed my profile! Yes, I just had a bad day and after having read SS for a while I just decided to give it them, I mean literally. I just sat down and wrote down the most bad ass profile you can imagine. Short of using profanity (I actually may have even used a few curse words) but really I barely passed the websites acceptable use policy, I am sure, but I wrote as crude and brash profile, I could come up with.

Here are the highlights of what I wrote.

- I am sick and tired of women asking me the same questions when I have already answered them in my profile.
- I don't need your company, I am busy guy
- I find stimulation with my buddies and have other outlets to keep me interested
- I am older, wiser, richer, smarter and better than you
- I really don't give a f** about your moods
- If you have BPD or Abandonment issues, please don't contact me.
- No games, drama or otherwise I will dump you in a heartbeat and you will be back to the site sending endless messages to other dudes.
- I won't pay for your drinks, food etc until I feel that we have chemistry. Even then I am under no obligation to do so.
- I will f*** your brains out and then break your heart
- If you are nice, easy going, and know your place in a relationship, that is below me on your knees submissively.

I am probably exaggerating here a bit but thats the gist of what I wanted to communicate...In so many words.

My profile got rejected a couple of times by the site administrators but after toning down a bit, it was approved. Now get ready for this. I cannot begin to tell you the incredible response I am getting for the past 2 weeks. I'm literally sitting there doing nothing, and I am getting at least 10-15 winks a day, and another 10-15 email messages from women essentially telling me that they want to have a baby with me. Woman have literally offered to have sex with me after reading just my profile. Now remember we are talking about going from 1 message a day to 15 messages. Oh and I have my face blurred out in my pics so all they see is an average weight guy in jacket. Also I noticed that that most women contacting me are at least 7-10. Its crazy!

The most common comment I receive is.

"I loved your profile because you look like you are a man and will say what you really think."

Here are some actual messages from today:

I was drawn to your forward profile, if you're ever in PA, please remember me.
Take care, Holly

I like your profile and I think we should get to know each other better..Write me back soon if you are also interested..Kisses

Your profile is hands down the best I have seen o here. I love how honest and real you are, definitely a fan of skipping all the bull ****. If you're interested in me, please let me know! -Mary

I am very interested in talking with you to see if there is a connection. I have no problems taking orders from a man that is actually in charge; yes, that gets me wet thinking of the possibilities!!! Let me know if you're interested and we can figure out a real way to talk to each other. Connie

Hey...i read ur profile TWICE just to make sure i did not miss anything. I think i fit the kinda girl ur looking for.

Its nice that you are a strong person with power. I would be lying if I said that wasn't attractive.

So there you have it, my little experiment has gone crazier than my wildest imagination. I have met many women since updating my profile and they just can't seem to have enough of me.

I had never fully understood women but having read this forum and others has put me on a path of enlightenment. I am starting to get it now. One thing I can safely say that I have started to believe is that however eccentric women may appear to us, they are in fact very very predictable once you understand how it all works. They are the most predictable creatures on earth, and the journey to understand them takes time and effort but its beautiful and rewarding.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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Dude bullsh*t noway:

If you are nice, easy going, and know your place in a relationship, that is below me on your knees submissively.

That's pretty funny tho!


New Member
Aug 2, 2013
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Here's copy and paste from part of my profile:

"If you are an easy going, laid back, down to earth, nice & sweet girl, you are my type. If you can take directions well, and have an overall easy disposition, we will get along well. You could be confident, assertive, strong (qualities I admire)....but you must have at least a bit of a submissive streak. Not S&M stuff just knowing the roles we both should have."


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
I call b-ull****. Post a screenshot. (Make sure to blur out your name, etc). Maybe even provide a picture if you don't mind so I can see what "good looking" actually is.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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To Sam

well,,whadda got to lose by posting brutal honesty on your online gonna try that!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
I just put all that in my profile. Let's see how it works out. I will give my impressions in a few days/weeks time.

Literally copy pasted that with few grammatical corrections to make it smooth


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
OP must have some incredible pictures. A lesser looking guy would have absolutely ZERO chances with those lines.

Bottom line:
If you make her panties wet with your photos then youll get a positive response.

OP whats your age and an example of pictures posted would put this in perspective. Thanks.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Purefilth said:
OP must have some incredible pictures. A lesser looking guy would have absolutely ZERO chances with those lines.

Bottom line:
If you make her panties wet with your photos then youll get a positive response.

OP whats your age and an example of pictures posted would put this in perspective. Thanks.
A man's online dating profile is only as strong as his worst picture.

This is like the concept of indifference.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I agree. Girls online don't care as long as your pics are good.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
OP must have some incredible pictures. A lesser looking guy would have absolutely ZERO chances with those lines.

Bottom line:
If you make her panties wet with your photos then youll get a positive response.

OP whats your age and an example of pictures posted would put this in perspective. Thanks.

I re-wrote a similar version of OP's profile, made a new name, new pics etc.
Same old same here no change in messages really, I think its been a week.

Purefilth is right, it's always the photos and they all admit it too. Yeah you're really cute or hot....blah blah. They are just as conceited as we are when it comes to looks & body.

Sh*t I don't even smile in half my pics now that I think about it, ether way it doesn't matter online chicks are nothing to get excited about....IME


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
You guys are missing the part about not a regular dating site.

If this isn't a troll, it appears these women are already looking for a dominant male. Is this an s&m forum with a hookup section?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Reporting back.

It doesn't work like OP stated , the response rate has no gone up. It is still the same.

So in the end like aforementioned , amazing pics are the only form of currency well accepted online.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2013
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Hedonism II
This is true, amazing pics. But to take it a step further, a vague, funny profile still pulls the most for me. Basically, great pictures, funny profile, and nothing that would "disqualify" me from being dateable to the broadest variety of chicks.

I pitch myself as a southern boy that loves the country but also appreciates the finer things in life like suits and champagne. I clean up on both the country girls and the sophisticated Yankees. Your mileage may vary.