By the time some of you guys eliminate the world travelers, the stay at homes, the non sporty's, the too sporty's, the too fatties, the too skinnies, the too smarties, the too dumbies, the TOO good looking, the too ugly, the too picky, the too flakey, the too white, the too black, the too Asian, the too tall, the too short, and the elbows too pointy girls, you are going to be left with .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the women population to date. Congrats!
I cannot believe there is actually a thread on the evils of women who travel too much, and you are actually criticizing a woman who shows pics of her in Africa helping impoverished children. There are tons of guys who do the exact same thing and who would love a woman like that. Just like there are tons that wouldn't.
I really think, in fact I know, that some of you are taking past bad experiences that you have had with an ex (lets say an ex who traveled a lot) and using that to say for example ALL WOMEN WHO TRAVEL SUCK. It is just such a broad and misguided way to think.
There are literally hundreds millions of women out there to choose from. Date around. Have fun. Get different experiences with different women. And when the right one comes along, that fits all of your perfect criteria? Make her your wfe. Or not. But stop whining. You sound exactly like the women you are complaining about.