An interesting post about the HeightBlackPill


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Now some others cope with the fact that Face is king and face > height.
Not true in the slightest bit. I have a good face but it has never set me apart. My 5'10" height has been considered unimpressive by women and the perception of my height has gotten worse since the 2000s as more women have used tech-based dating and gotten more abundance.

What women hope when they are meeting a date: I hope he is taller than me”

So in reality, what really matters for you to be an average man is to be tall, have a sense of humour, dress well too and you don’t have to be this super good looking dude, your height is the thing women desire most so you’re good.
A man simply being taller isn't enough for women now. He has to be substantially taller than her to make sure that she still has "all the feelz" when she's wearing high heels.

I'd say men are best served being at least 4-5 inches taller to compensate for the high heels effect. I have dated and had sex with women closer to my own height (I'm still taller in those cases). In general, it is more difficult to seduce when the man is taller but the height difference isn't substantial.

There's a video currently going viral about height. Billie Rae Brandt is a female social media influencer who claims to be in the "Men's Dating & Self-Improvement" space according to her Instagram and YouTube. She has a presence across multiple social media platform. She has 289K Followers on Instagram and 454K Subscribers on YouTube.

Billie Rae is 5'0" and she has a boyfriend who is 6'2". She is catching a lot of heat online for this.

She's the perfect example of judging women based on their actions. While she could easily date a 5'6"-5'10" man at her 5'0" height, she has a 6'2" boyfriend. I don't blame her for exerting her hypergamy and taking the 6'2" option she got off of a swipe app. It is understandable why a lot of shorter men are upset in this situation. Her choices don't affect me personally as she lives in a different city than where I live and she's in a different dating pool. However, there are plenty of 5'0"-5'3" women like her who think that all men under 6'0" are trash. It's been a common mindset for White Millennial women and I think this mindset is persisting into White Generation Z women as well.

treated like a subhuman by women
I am able to relate to this. I entered high school short and lost the first 2 years of high school because of this. I didn't notice I was taller than many women until late in sophomore year when I reached 5'7" or so. By the beginning of junior year, I was 5'8"-5'9" and topped off at 5'10" at the end of junior year. I was essentially invisible to women for the first 2 years of high school. I was more visible in the last 2 years at the 5'8"-5'10" range but then coping with shedding some beta male nice guy tendencies that were a part of my upbringing.

I can only imagine how men shorter than 5'9"-5'10" are treated by women. 5'9"-5'10" is around average in the USA and that's when you might get some slightly better treatment. The treatment for 5'9" and 5'10" men isn't all that great either.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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So you're saying that even with a good face, it's still OVER if you're sub-5-9?
No. There are short men with short women. My married friend is 5’8” and I have two married acquaintances who are 5’7”. They both have short wives.

Although women’s hypergamy is now unrestrained, I think some men cannot come to grips with who they can attract. I think some men would get women if they come to grips with reality.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I know guys above 6ft 2 that basically rely off of their heights to get women. Being 6ft 4 and taller can even put you on women's level of attraction in dating.