An extremely difficult situation has arisen...

El Campeon 56

Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
Ok guys well I have been a member of this forum for well over a year now but i never signed on and posted a thread until now due to computer problems logging on. I am pretty adept at Don Juan skills and have used them in both STR's and now currently to get girls for LTR's. But something has happened that is a huge problem right now in my life and i desperately need the advice of those who know best, being you fellow Don Juans.
Right now I am with a girl named Laura who after using C/F skills and being unpredictable and confident has made her fall hard for me. Up until this point we have been together for 2 and half months, and she does at least 90 percent of the calls when we talk and frequently pays for things when we go out. She was also the one who asked to become exclusive, and had to literally steal me away from the girl i was with previously. Basically, she is way more involved with me emotionally than I am her, and is constantly telling me how she wants to see me and talk to me to just hear my voice. Very high interest level. So here is where the problem has arisen. This last Saturday she was at a party with a bunch of friends and many people were drinking alcohol. She is a firm believer against it and never has had a drop. I wasn't at the party, but from what I have been told here's what happened. Most of Lauras friends do not like me simply because they feel i am not "sweet" and "kind" enough to her all the time. They basically have no clue as to what elicits attraction.
So at the party all the guys were telling her how she deserves better than me and she was unfortunately digging all the attention and didn't do more than just say that she liked me a ton. One guy who was totally drunk was flirting with her, but since he was a friend of Lauras and is that type of flirtatious guy she thought nothing of it or so she says. He later approached her and told her that he thought that if she needed someone to take her away from me he would be that guy, but of course she said no. Yet they were on the couch later that night, and he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and then the nose. The rest of the group were happy about it all, and prompted him to do it again. The problem is that Laura did not stand up and tell him to get the hell off her or that she had a boyfriend, she just stood there doing nothing. She said she was just so shocked. So she got up to leave about a minute later because it was getting late, but this guy stood up and kissed her on the lips, but she did not kiss back and everyone at the party claims it lasted for only a second. She is not one to lie, and my own friend who was there vouches that is the way it went down.
Now i would be ok if he had tried to kiss her and she had resisted and then certainly made sure the next kiss did not take place. But she didn't do that. Not only that, but she told me what happened the night it occured but left out the second kiss on the lips until i found out from my friend who was there. All of this is unbeleivable and i got angry with her and called her on her lies and all this behavior and told her we were through. But she broke down and sobbed and came over and cried and tried to explain herself for over an hr, and eventually after talking to all her friends and listening to what she has to say, i decided to give her one more chance on the grounds that she does not betray my trust whatsoever or we shall never speak again. She was crying throughout the whole conversation so i believe she has it n her, but if not im gone. I honestly would not have done this at all if she wasn't so adamant about still being together.
Yet i would like to get feedback from you all, i know this is anti challenge but the thing is she has been so much more extremely into me and is religous and have strong values so this came as a shock. She also tried so fervently to get me back, and i actually do care for her that i want to be with her. I'd appreciate any help or advice you guys could give me, as this is one of the most difficult situatiuons of my life. I just don't know what i should really do to take care of her and her friends and etc. in the best way possible. Sorry for making the post so long, but the details to all this situation are very neccesary.
El Campeon


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm...that one happend to me once.

Tough call, you had alot of witnesses so her story might check out. My girl from a couple years back said she hung out with one of her good friends brothers and he tried to kiss her. She told me that she didn't do anything but her tears and sobbing told a different story...I have a feeling shlt went down even though she was very sweet. Me being the biggest chump around didn't break up with her for another couple months for different reasons.

Would you other guys here go up and confront this guy? Or would it show you have bigger ballz to not let him get to you?

She might also sense that you're not into her as much as you once were, and could be mixing up this little happy ****tail to get you back in her arms >> not that everyone is out to play a game, but if she were a bit more sophisticated and adult like, I don't think this kind of crap would have to happen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by El Campeon 56
Most of Lauras friends do not like me simply because they feel i am not "sweet" and "kind" enough to her all the time.

Bad sign about her friends not liking you. They want you whipped for her--but before you agree with me though, I don't think this should have become an issue. If you're a decent guy (not a jerk, not an AFC) then your "whippability" isn't an issue. I'm not sure I know how to explain this, but you know how certain problems don't come up for some guys just because of who they are.

Maybe you're taking the DJ-qualifying game too hardcore and her friends are giving some feedback on that? -- going a little out on a limb with that, I'm not sure if it's even close to hitting the target here.

So at the party all the guys were telling her how she deserves better than me

no shyt...totally uninterested observers here, I see...

[/B] and she was unfortunately digging all the attention and didn't do more than just say that she liked me a ton.[/B]

...perfectly normal reaction--she's human, after all.

...[paraphrasing here: some yada yada yada about drunk guy coming onto her, the friends cheering him on and she didn't dial 911 in her self defense...]

The problem is that Laura did not stand up and tell him to get the hell off her or that she had a boyfriend, she just stood there doing nothing. She said she was just so shocked.

Probably true. She doesn't sound like she's been in this situation before and doesn't know how to handle drunks. Plus she has all her friends cheering it on--who's opinion and fitting in with is huge for young women...

So she got up to leave about a minute later because it was getting late, but this guy stood up and kissed her on the lips, but she did not kiss back and everyone at the party claims it lasted for only a second. She is not one to lie, and my own friend who was there vouches that is the way it went down.

What'd you do? A "Law and Order"-style investigation?

Now i would be ok if he had tried to kiss her and she had resisted and then certainly made sure the next kiss did not take place. But she didn't do that. Not only that, but she told me what happened the night it occured but left out the second kiss on the lips until i found out from my friend who was there.

Actually, I think your anger would find fault with anything she did. I'm thinking that you're a little insecure about "fidelity" and "faithfulness" and "cheating" and who knows what else such that only extreme and psycho actions by her might set your mind at rest. This is not reality...

All of this is unbeleivable and i got angry with her and called her on her lies and all this behavior and told her we were through.

You lost your cool. Understandable, but it's a mistake you don't want to repeat. Some people here will object big-time to that statement, but in this "she was kissed at a party" level, and not the "we've been married 10 years and she went home with a guy" level, I think maintaining your cool is required here.

But she broke down and sobbed and came over and cried and tried to explain herself for over an hr, and eventually after talking to all her friends and listening to what she has to say, i decided to give her one more chance on the grounds that she does not betray my trust whatsoever or we shall never speak again.

Ok, here's what got me to post. Enough with the unrealistic childish ultimatums. This will not work.

And it sounds like YOU are whipping HER or beating her into emotional submission. It isn't good for women to do this to guys, and it's not good for guys to do it to girls.

She was crying throughout the whole conversation so i believe she has it n her, but if not im gone. I honestly would not have done this at all if she wasn't so adamant about still being together.
Yet i would like to get feedback from you all,

Good, this is my license to post and where I get off saying what I do. But I'd say anyway, like most of us here.. :)

i know this is anti challenge but the thing is she has been so much more extremely into me and is religous and have strong values so this came as a shock.

Ah, religious and strong values and etc.---you're making a number of potential assumptions about the world and how it works that may not square with reality. I was once there and would've said the same thing. Problem is, as a "filter" for understanding and assessing the world and reality, it doesn't work too well unless you're in a tighly controlled environment. And living here in the US (or the west) you will not get that very easily.

She also tried so fervently to get me back, and i actually do care for her that i want to be with her.

She's getting well trained...

I'd appreciate any help or advice you guys could give me, as this is one of the most difficult situatiuons of my life. I just don't know what i should really do to take care of her and her friends and etc. in the best way possible.

This is one of the more honest statements I've read here recently. It's a crisis, which means you will learn the most here whether you fvck up or do it right.

I'd say lighten up on yourself, ease up on her, enough with the unrealistic and high standards, enjoy yourself and her, and--you'll have to deal with the friends, that's for sure. Your big problem will be that you will doubly resent her friends now.

Sorry for making the post so long, but the details to all this situation are very neccesary.

Learn to edit. (but I'm not one to talk, thouigh, am I?)
El Campeon


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2001
Reaction score
as for the other guy, if you can intimidate him and make his life uncomfortable, do so


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
Tesuque red said:

I'd say lighten up on yourself, ease up on her, enough with the unrealistic and high standards, enjoy yourself and her, and--you'll have to deal with the friends, that's for sure.
I agree with this whoelheartedly. Particularly, withrespect to easing up on her. It kind of sounds like you're unitentionally ****ing with her head. You are obviously much less serious than her and thus need to heed her emotions a bit more. It doesn't seem to me like she did much wrong. Of course, she's going to try to keep the lip kiss secret - she's afraid you will overreact, which you did, in my opinion. People make mistakes. She wasn't completely honest, but her actions, as you described them, reflect loyalty to you if nothing else.

This situation is hardly the end of the world though, and if it's really the toughest crisis you have ever faced you are one lucky guy.

With respect to the fukkin wanker that tried to take your girl, you gotta deal with him somehow. If it were me, I probobly would have flipped out. It's good that you didn't, but you can't let this guy get away with this ****. I really don't know what exactly you ought to do though. Someone else might have a better idea.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

El Campeon 56

Don Juan
Sep 18, 2002
Reaction score
Ok well see the reason this was such a tough situation for me was because she is my girlfriend after all and she did lie to me about the situation and the way things panned out. She told me a different story about the kiss, and basically I don't know how to handle it and if that is grounds that i shouldn't be with her. After all who wants to be with a girl that cheats and lies, but since we are so close and the rest of her actions speak differently about her feelings. Personally, i of course never show jealousy to any guy or care with who and what she does, but once she allows another guy to kiss her that is past the line. Do you guys honestly think i overreacted by getting upset with her for allowing some guy to kiss her? I definitely wouldn't care if we weren't solely seeing one another at this point. I appreciate your guys' advice but im just having difficult seeing the clarity behind not getting upset about my girl allowing another guy to kiss her...


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
So you're mad because she let him kiss her rather than fight him tooth and nail to keep him away.

She's a girl! You expect her to fight a drunk man? She was probably intimidated and a little scared at this drunk guy pawing her and her friends egging him on, so the easiest thing for her to do was to get the kiss over with and pull away, which is what she did.

Cut her some slack and stop being so macho. If you want macho, then why the f*ck weren't you there to protect her 'honour'? I wonder if that's what's really eating you up.



Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
I agree with BP 100%! There's a fine line between being a challenge and being an a<beep>hole.


Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
TesuqueRed wrote:
Maybe you're taking the DJ-qualifying game too hardcore and her friends are giving some feedback on that?
When you get into a relationship, you need to start lightening up on the harshness of the DJ Techniques. Many of them should still remain, but they need to mature with the relationship. Just something to keep in mind. If you haven't done anything outstandingly "sweet", then you may want to consider it. Romance is not AFC if it's used in a relationship, and if it's used sparingly.

El Campeon 56 wrote:
i decided to give her one more chance on the grounds that she does not betray my trust whatsoever or we shall never speak again.
I found making this clear at the beginning of the relationship (without a cause) prevents future problems. I basically told my gf when we became exclusive "If anybody in my life fvcks me around badly, I kick them out of my life and never look back". My gf basically knows she's got one chance. If you're wondering, yes I love her, but I will NOT tolerate any bull5hit from her. So far, I've had no problems with her.

Since you & your gf have been through that huge lump, put it in the past and leave it there. Don't make any mention of it from now on. You are moving on with her. If anything, she learned something from it.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bungo Pony
TesuqueRed wrote:

When you get into a relationship, you need to start lightening up on the harshness of the DJ Techniques. Many of them should still remain, but they need to mature with the relationship. Just something to keep in mind. If you haven't done anything outstandingly "sweet", then you may want to consider it. Romance is not AFC if it's used in a relationship, and if it's used sparingly.

Damn straight. Orig poster: you're treating your gf badly, and I can understand her friends. I'm not sure what you did originally to piss them off, but your overreaction to this situ is completely off the scale. Learn from this.

See my post on about balance.

I don't claim to be an expert, but I do know some stuff about LTRs, and it's obvious some people here are going over the top with the DJ shit.


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
I don't think it's unreasonable to get mad that she lied and let some guy kiss her. If you didn't get bothered at all, you don't care about her. It does sound like you need to lighten up on the DJ stuff though. You can't do the same stuff that you would do in a STR for the whole time you're in a LTR. That's where you move from attracting a girl to screwing with her mind, and that's how you get all her friends to start rooting against you.

Here's an idea. Start being really nice to her. Be nice to her girlfriends too. Acknowledge that you know their role, but forgive all of them. Be really nice to your girl in front of them. Show that you're a little hurt about what they tried to do. Make them feel guilty. Since you're so versed on DJ techniques, you know that doing the opposite of what's expected works wonders.

If you ever see that guy, you can kick his ass if you're able. Otherwise, ignore him and act like he doesn't matter.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
I'm sure there are things in your life that are more deseving of your time and attention other than this girl. If there aren't, find some.

It's a concrete fact of life that women (and men, for that matter) were never modeled to be monogamous creatures. It is in a woman's nature to seek (or at least accept) attention and affection from other men, regardless of their status in a relationship. This is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do, but you need to learn the fine art of indifference. As I stated in the first sentence of my reply, there should be other concerns in your life which require your attention and care, things that you should care about and be devoted to. This girl is NOT one of those things. Many years from now you will look back on past relationships, including this one, and realize that these girls meant truly nothing. Why cry over spilt milk when there are 50 more gallons in the fridge?

Maybe this girl wronged you and maybe she didn't... that is not the issue here. It has been my experience that guys who get all upset over the possibility of a cheating girl have deep-seated insecurities. I know this because I used to be one of them. They feel they are inadequate and perhaps undeserving of their unfaithful mates. THIS COULDN'T BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. You can't fight human nature. Even the smartest, sexiest, most popular super-stud with the largest penis in town will get cheated on eventually-- and there is truly nothing he can do about it. Stop wasting your precious time and energy by giving a sh1t. Your life is of much greater consequence than hers. It seems like all my posts are starting to end on this note, but remember, there are so many millions more just like her right around the corner! You can keep this girl around or you can go find another one. But whatever you do, be responsible for YOUR OWN happiness, and never give someone else the power to control it.