Why 3 full body workouts a week?
Well I started eating and lifting around xmas time last year,done a 3 day split with around 3 exercises per body part and within 4 months had made great gains(being real skinny to start with how could I not?).
However,I stopped working out regularly around,stress,laziness...usual excuses you know...but kept eating like a horse.
Since then I've read so much conflicting info on workout duration,intensity,frequency and all that that I've confused myself as to how to start lifting again.....3 day split.....5 day split.....full body 3 times a week.....HIT.....HST blah,blah,blah
I can't find the link right now but an article I read suggested that training each body part only once a week was inadequate as the muscle doen't need a whole week to recover before being hit again and that 3 full body workouts a week would capatalise on this.
I think my lack of patience had a lot to do with it as well.....I wanted to write up a routine that would give me max gains as quickly as possible
Your posts have cleared things up nicely for me though so I'm gonna do a search and come up with a good 3 day split and get cracking.....thanks