AMOG One-Liners


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Tyler Durden said:
I got my ass blown out. Actually the girls were into me somewhat, but still I
was inihilated by this guy. He had a *great* frame. He ignored all my shots
at him like as if he didn't hear them, and just poked me persistantly and made
fun of me in a way that was funny and not malicious. AMOG'ing at its best. It
was all in good fun. That's what a lot of guys don't get. When you blow a guy
out, you're not being mean in the cold hearted way. It's in the funny way.
It's like saying "Dude, you're like Bart Simpson all grown up". You're not
saying "You're a ****ing *******!" You're just joking around, but in a way
that makes him back down.
AMOG Jealousy
AMOG Tactics


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Here is one I actually did recently.

Was a a bar with my date, sitting down at our table. I got up to go to the bar to get my round, as I came back I saw this guy sitting in my seat trying to talk to her.

So I just walked over with a smile, slapped him on the back, put my hand on his shoulder while standing over him:

Me: Hey! I see you've already introduced you to my girl...
Him: yeh, just getting to know each other, thats all
Me: awwwww thats sweet...
Me: who are you here with my man?
Him: a few friends, they are on the dance floor.
Me: well I tell you what, we'll come and join you guys a little later on
Him: (smiling) is that a polite way of basically telling me to fvck off?
Me: (smiling) pretty much, yeh. :up:

He got up, not to mention he was about a foot taller than me, and just walked away.

mmmm the look and the smile on my date's face.... priceless. Aparently, the way I dealt with that situation really turned her on (as i found out later ;) )

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
"Oh snap this guy is craaaazzzyyyy..He's like the white Tyrone Biggums"

"Man this guy is hardcore. He's like 2pac from the picket-fenced suburbs"

Call him by the wrong name, or give him condescending names like Champ, Kiddo, Buddy, Sport, Slugger, etc.
-"Hey Rupert, what time is it?"
-"My names not Rupert"
-"Hmm...You LOOK like a Rupert...Sorry about that slugger."

Alright guys, no need to shout, lets use our "Inside voices"

Yo, my friends call me Mikey, but you can call me Michael

I love this guy. He's so full of energy. Someone had their scooby snacks and flinstone vitamins.

(If you know everyone in the circle he is trying to enter, dont give him your real name, you set the frame as "Lets all play a joke on this dude")

You: Does your mother know you are gay (childish I know)
Him:...Im not gay
You: Oh man this is bad....HE doesn't even know yet.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Wies :p why would I AMOG you in an internet forum? Man some one is paranoid ^^... Anywho as far people tell me im not a very punchable guy, and the art of doging punches have served me well when I have been in fights.




Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not talking about AMOGing on an internet forum retard.

I'm talking about, if i ever got AMOG'd at the bar and i know what he was trying to do, and i felt disrespected, i'd be swinging.

ps: not even boxers can dodge every punch, and they know its coming ! What makes u think u are better than them?


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Ha ha ha... point taken must have misunderstood your post, as far as AMOGing is concerned that just community jargon, I like to think of myself as a witty guy. I take all Wit as part of the banter...

Oh I know I can't dodge every punch, but there is a way not to get the **** kicked out of you... If you are in a bar (usual pick up place) and someone takes a swing at you its usually very clumsy, so its not that hard to move out the way (I know that sometimes you will be unprepared and get one in the chops) but if you don't react the bouncers will throw the person out, not to mention the use of force when someone makes a remark is also seen as beta-behaviour. If you react with violence you are showing that it affected you and that you couldn't diffuse the situation with words, if you keep your cool under all situations you are displaying true Alfa-status.

But yea I know what you mean sometimes violence is more gratifying :p.

Hugs and kisses


[Edit] Wow B-Lemond... trying to look cool in an internet forum? never knew they got that pathetic not to mention that; your post is even more useless than mine, all the AMOG lines you posted were ****e, and further more who the **** are you to tell me what to write or not? Now go back to jacking off over your "skills" cause mate that’s all you will ever get out of them. (****ing trolls)
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Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
I agree. Its def. easy to get out of the way after a while. But the initial punch might come as a surprise. After that, natural reaction says to get teh fvck outta there, which most will do.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
amethyst said:
Ha ha ha... point taken must have misunderstood your post, as far as AMOGing is concerned that just community jargon, I like to think of myself as a witty guy. I take all Wit as part of the banter...

Oh I know I can't dodge every punch, but there is a way not to get the **** kicked out of you... If you are in a bar (usual pick up place) and someone takes a swing at you its usually very clumsy, so its not that hard to move out the way (I know that sometimes you will be unprepared and get one in the chops) but if you don't react the bouncers will throw the person out, not to mention the use of force when someone makes a remark is also seen as beta-behaviour. If you react with violence you are showing that it affected you and that you couldn't diffuse the situation with words, if you keep your cool under all situations you are displaying true Alfa-status.

But yea I know what you mean sometimes violence is more gratifying :p.

Hugs and kisses


Thank you for that USELESS piece of advice.


If I wanted you to write about fighting then I'd let you know. Otherwise there is this great thing called the PM button...



Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Gunwitch said:
Cool Guy Method - This ones for shutting a guy up, maybe pissing him off and even better making him storm off in a funny way, who is really taking control of the hearts and minds of all present with his own brand of games. Need a partner to do this with and have it set up. Soon as you see the guys really working the room you or your partner whoever catches it first bends over doggy-style on all fours in front of him and the other guy simulates sex. This calls all attention off the guy and gets everyone laughing. I mean the guys sitting there talking and being serious or maybe even trying to be funny or cool, and you and your wingman are acting like you are ****ing, you do this as he is talking and its just comedy gold. RARELY they will call you on it and say it was rude or something, just say, “Ah man just a joke no worries”. Still breaks his hold on the crowd by then.
Pretty Funny AMOG tactic by Gunwitch.