American women are, generally speaking, not good for anything other than cheap, easy, and usually good sex.
Most can't cook.
Most are/would be horrible mothers.
Most are filthy, I live in Denver where every damn single woman has a dog in the house that vomits, sheds hair and dander, pisses, drools all over their house.
Most are utterly selfish to the point of quasi-solipsism.
Most have contradictory and unrealistic demands of relationships, which gives this chip-on-the-shoulder atittude and lets them justify the most scandalous, disrespectful bullshyt.
Most are utterly irresponsible.
Most have no loyalty and will let their "feelings" take control of them and sleep with the alpha-male-du-jour (a committed American woman is the easiest target in the world - you're only competing with her stay-at-home chump and given her contempt for this guy, it's an easy competition).
Most are blissfully ignorant and would rather keep up on the latest goings-on with Jessica Simpson and that douche she married than anything that matters (science, politics, culture, art, etc.)
The sad thing is, all or some of the above faults apply to most women in general. What disctinguishes American woman and puts them in a unique category of worthlessness is their almost inherent spoiledness. Among American women, there is a sense of entitlement. She believes by virtue of being a Vaginal American, she deserves certain utterly impossible and contradictory things from life and especially from her mate. (I won't go into those here, essentially they want an alpha male who will be their special beta, when any alpha male that stoops to a beta lifestyle almost inevitably becomes beta). These expectations are NEVER met. The American woman then experiences the inevitable disappointment. This disappointment, in turn, allows her to lose all sense of guilt and shame when she does scandalous evil shyt. She thinks "well this douche that I'm with doesn't deserve me, little else my respect - so F- him, I'm going to f- anyone that make my pyssy tingle."