American Women


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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- highest maintenance
- fattest in the world
- most likely to cheat
- highest rate of divorce (60% - US-US marriages; 20% - US-foreign marriages)
- largest payout in divorce court (you'll be ass-raped for everything you earned, plus most of what you will earn for years to come)
- B!tchiest
- most likely to nag constantly
- most likely to believe in feminism and "equality"
- most likely to hate men
- spend least amount of time with her children
- worst at cooking and cleaning
- f@cked & chucked by tons of guys before tricking you into marriage


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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Bitter? No

Realistic? Yes

Stop and think about this. Men stop marrying women, women's debt goes up, bankruptcy laws change.

This means a lot of women who will be working 3 jobs, just to stay afloat until they are forced to retire due to disability.

With the anti-male laws, I am a future wealthy man that will never get married in the USA, I wonder how many other young men are like me, and think the same way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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Since you have this ongoing love affair with american wimmin why not marry one and see how much you get screwed financially when she dumps you for the hell of it.

American women have made this a national sport and add hugely to their own wealth while there are still suckers out there whom are of the opinion that they will be the exception, rather than the rule.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
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Originally posted by Immaculate
Since you have this ongoing love affair with american wimmin why not marry one and see how much you get screwed financially when she dumps you for the hell of it.

American women have made this a national sport and add hugely to their own wealth while there are still suckers out there whom are of the opinion that they will be the exception, rather than the rule.

Between you and WestCoaster ...

I'm sick of these american-women-bashing threads. Either move to China or shut up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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I forgot to add

1) Most likely want to be the head of the household.
2) Will never take responsiablity for anything.
3) Most likely to not need a man
4) most likely will compare you to a perfect imagine in her head that you will never be able to compete with.
5) Most likely to be a gold digger.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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I dated a hot latino girl and she is the exact opposite of my lists.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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Originally posted by frivolousz21
you know its weaker to blame your problems and make up things about women then it is to be clueless.

do you think all divorces are because of women?

how many women get beat?
or cheated on?
or mis treated?

why isnt there talk shows like oprah where 8 million men watch everyday to see how they get used and abused.


Just being a MAN you already have an sorry you cant use it for ur self

You can watch episodes of "Cops" on television and see these cases of domestic violence being played out as they happen.

The cops arrive on the scene, both hubby and wife (assuming they are married, not shacking up) and are divided into two groups.

Cop one asks the guy what happened and he explains his side. Cop two gets the other side from wife.

Both cops discuss what really happened, act digusted and decide to take the guy to jail so everyone can cool down.

Wife goes back to bed, hubby goes off to jail without a shirt or shoes.

Lesson learned: If you're gonna get into a loud argument with the old lady, get your shirt and shoes on.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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Originally posted by frivolousz21
you know its weaker to blame your problems and make up things about women then it is to be clueless.

do you think all divorces are because of women?

how many women get beat?
or cheated on?
or mis treated?

why isnt there talk shows like oprah where 8 million men watch everyday to see how they get used and abused.


Just being a MAN you already have an sorry you cant use it for ur self

Some FACTS taken from various articles found in Men’s Issues….I hope you can comprehend what it is I'm trying to tell you.

“VAWA-funded organizations routinely discriminate against men seeking help. Ten VAWA-funded women's shelters in Los Angeles were recently sued for refusing a male victim help.”

“Although the U.S. Dept. of Justice reports that 36% of all people physically assaulted by their intimate partner are men (835,000 men annually), many battered women's advocates insist that only 5% of victims are male.” 36%!! From YOUR Dept. of Justice.

“Columnist Cathy Young notes a case in her files that "speaks volumes about most advocates' view of female violence. Brenda C. was admitted to a shelter after being arrested for assaulting her husband (during a divorce) and ordered out of their home. A letter to her attorney from a shelter counselor gave a fairly accurate account of what happened: In an argument, 'Mrs. C. grabbed Mr. C. by his necktie (and) he pushed her away. Mrs. C. then punched his face and her nail cut his neck.'" The shelter's assessment? "'Physical abuse' of Brenda by her husband."”

“Time and time again VAWA-funded women's organizations have demonstrated indifference or outright hostility toward male victims. Meanwhile, federal regulations are routinely cited to justify denying funding to organizations that want to help men.8 The Texas VAWA funding application form is typical. Item number one under "ineligible activities" is "Programs that focus on children and/or men".9

Richard Gelles, Dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work, was one of the first researchers to study family violence. He notes that although there are more than 1,800 shelters for women, there's nowhere for men to turn. Shelters for battered men are occasionally created, but usually fail due to lack of funding.10

Gelles also reports that men who retain their children in order to protect them from abusive mothers, often find themselves arrested for "child kidnapping."11 How many children are harmed by these gender-biased policies? How many children are victimized by a system that removes the father they feel safe with and gives total control to their abusive mother?

Having grown up in such a family myself, I find the prospect horrifying.

Many fathers stay in abusive marriages to protect their children.”

“A study of how one court in Massachusetts applies its abuse prevention
statute (ch.209A) as measured by the issuance of "209A restraining orders"
has just been published in the June issue of Journal of Family Violence.

The study found that women were 38% more likely than men to be granted a
protection order at an ex parte hearing, where only the victim is present
and the alleged abuser is unaware of the proceedings. Conversely, men were
240% more likely than women to be denied the immediate protection of an
emergency restraining order at ex parte hearings.

Similarly, the study found that women were 32% more likely than men to be
granted a permanent restraining order, usually for a year, when a temporary
order was pursued at the follow-up 10-day hearing.

Men, however, were 383% more likely to be denied protection when they
sought an extended or new restraining order at the 10-day hearing.

One of the more striking findings was that at 10-day hearings, if no
emergency order had been granted at the ex parte hearing (the decision was
deferred), 19% of the men requesting permanent orders were denied, but
women's requests for permanent orders were denied only 2% of the time. For
these cases, men were thus 850% more likely to have their request for
protection denied.”


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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Basically, the Dept. of Justice says that 1/3 of DV victims are men.

Ok, according to the Dept. of Justice, more women are assaulted. I get that. BUT....

From what I posted, it is CLEAR that men are routinely denied help. If this is the case, how accurate do you think the numbers are?

What if ALL men were helped and protected the same as women?

I think the DV numbers would be much closer between the sexes. We would see that women are perpetrators of violence just as much as men.

But keep those blinders on. Wouldn't want you to see the truth would we?


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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American woman...Stay away from meeeeeheeeee

American woman...Mama, let me beeeeeeheeee

Don’t come hangin’ around my door
I don’t wanna see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin’ old with you
Now woman, I said stay away,
American woman, listen what I say.


Oct 25, 2001
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And white guys wonder why white American women tend to like black men...they don't hate on American women like white men do.

Failed marriages are the fault of BOTH people involved, not just the one with boobs.

Domestic violence happens when you get involved with someone you shouldn't get involved with.

American women are just as much a by-product of what American men have become as vice-versa.

Take responsibility for your own mistakes and failures instead of blaming everyone and anyone else.

You're only a vcitim is you CHOOSE to be...


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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The bad thing is women truely should be more concerned than men about these type of points.

Are there good women in the USA? Hell yes.

But will the marriage rate continue to drop to ungodly low levels, because young men already know? Hell yes.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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While I'm a noted American woman basher, I would concur that the U.S. male species ain't so great either. Look at all the boards on this site: rampant AFCism. "What do I do" ... "That woman rejected me" ... "Why won't she call" ... wah, wah, wah.

American men are also the fattest in the world and so on. I agree, American women aren't the prize these days, but American men are closing in on their patheticness.

I blame it on our wretched society, which idolizes 50 Cent and Brittney Spears, but calls Bill Gates a nerd. In Japan and other countries, smart, intelligent people are admired.

Between McDonald's, awful music, bad sitcoms, horrible gossip magazines, gas guzzling cars that break down in a year, and stupid things like MySpace, American society blows chips.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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MySpace is creating more AFCs than internet dating ever dreamed of.

I see these knuckleheads on it, "She's hot, I want to hook up."

Whether they hook up or not is not the question, it's that these clowns haven't developed any inner game. They hook up, THEN they become HOOKED and go down the AFC path. "She won't call," ... "she's ignoring me" ... "What happened" ... and the women do the same thing.

The hook-ups and the dates happen quicker, but it's the biggest builder of AFCism in the country. Someone looks good on the internet -- big f'n deal -- you're still going down the AFC path, just like the internet daters.

That's what society wants MySpace to do because AFCers are the biggest consumers. It's all a game and a slave trade.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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Moral of the story? Don't give women any real power in life changing situations. It's amazing. Women will just lie and think it's cool, and yet they get upset when men lie?

It's safe to assume pretty much every woman you go into a relationship with will very likely lie. We got to start calling women on their sh*t from DAY 1!! Keep tabs on her almost like you would a child... so if she messed up YOU'LL KNOW.. and YOU WILL find out.

Women shouldn't be cutting men any slack either. Stop letting the losers prosper. And wonder why the good men are alone and wondering wtf?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
well then you need to leave the country or become a gay man
It's not that simple Frivolous...

I work in an international school. The people I work with range in age from 20 up to 50, all foreign. And I have heard about it all over the years. While I wouldn't call myself an expert, I think I can shed more light on the situation.

Some people think that if you don't like American women, then you can marry a foreign woman, and life will be great. But that's not the case. Sure, foreign women are raised closer to their families in most cases. So they do know how to be mothers, and they do know how to be good to their husbands, but as I said, it's not that simple.

I will tell you this. I know four guys who married foreign women. Three of whom met them through doing the same job I have, and one of them met a foreign woman while he was staying in a hotel overseas. I don't remember how long it takes to get a green card. But in every case, they were divorced within six months of the woman receiving her citizenship. And these poor guys are asking me 'Why did she do this?" They are so deluded they can't see the writing is on the wall. "You were their knight in green card armor my man!"

And guess who these women marry after they divorce? Dudes from their countries! Think about it. Why wouldn't they if they can?
I would marry a good American woman over a good foreign woman any day. I know Colombian woman who has been married five times. Her first husband died, but then she came to the US and married and American. They, of course, divorced after citizenship. And she's remarried three other times to Latinos. Oh yeah, this isn't included in the other four guys I told you about.

You all know I've dated women from all over the world. Some of them were great. A lot of them were hot. Hell, I went on a date with a Japanese model just last week. But I would never marry a foreign woman. She may treat you like a king, but who knows for how long. You may marry her, and actually believe that it's going to be great, like she is totally into you. Then she's going to dump you.

You all can say I'm wrong....that I don't know what I'm talking about, but every guy I know who has done this has had the same ending. I talk to foreign people all the time at work about this and they always spell it out for me. Don't believe me, then go for it, and see what happens.

Immaculate, I agree that American chicks are Premadonnas. They need a f!ckton of attention in general. They often have dysfunctional family relationships. They are raised on crappy food and tv. But aren't American men raised the same way? I could say I'm the same way. What do you all think?

I think the main issue is that we DJs need women who are as enlightened as we are. I thought my ex was enlightened because I shared all of my NLP, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Memetics, Positive thinking, John Gray....stuff with her. But her core remained the same. I think that in order to live an enlightened life, you have to stick to improving yourself and growing. Otherwise, you will revert back to your undesirable behavior. She did, and I can also say that I did, too.

The only way I see getting around this is marrying a foreign woman and staying in her country, so you know she isn't with you for citizenship. But who wants to do that?

I'm just warning you guys. I don't want you to have to go through a divorce or something brutal like it. You know my story of course and I don't want any man to ever suffer like this, whether it's from an American or foreign woman.

Regardless, I'm sticking with finding an American woman to have in my life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2003
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You don't marry a foreign chick unless she already has a green card, mos def.


Oct 25, 2001
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Originally posted by BGMan
Yes, it's hard to get justice in this world. I know about all that. But complaining about it won't help.

Both men and women are at fault and need to shape up.

One also must ask how many of the marriages that DO stay intact are because both the man and the woman are of good moral character, and took more care than most in choosing their mates.

Unfortunately, there aren't too many people like that nowadays. Too often, people marry who seems hottest to them at the moment despite knowing that they grew up in a broken home and slept with half the men in the school.

I am the youngest of 4 girls. My 3 sisters have been married since they were quite young. One sister has been married 31 years. One has been married 25 years and the other has been married 20 years. I was married for 10 years and am the only one of us to get divorced. If I hadn't of made a mistake in who I chose to marry, I would likely still be married, too.

See that guys...I admitted that I made a mistake in who I chose. Even though my ex is a complete and total asswipe, I'm not blaming everything on him. I had a choice and even though I may not have known any better...I still made the choice.

It's really NOT that hard to take responsibility for your choices and mistakes. You actually LEARN something if you do that. You don't learn diddly squat when you blame everyone else.

Marriages don't last because the vast majority of people (BOTH men and women) have a sense of entitlement, are selfish and lazy and are expecting to be given everything they want but aren't willing to give a damn thing in return. Men are just as much to blame as women are...period.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
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Originally posted by Wyldfire
Marriages don't last because the vast majority of people (BOTH men and women) have a sense of entitlement, are selfish and lazy and are expecting to be given everything they want but aren't willing to give a damn thing in return. Men are just as much to blame as women are...period.
I couldn't agree with you more Wyldfire. I think the bottom line is that people have to grow. The opposite of growth is death. Thus, we have to continue growing or we are dying. And the same thing applies to relationship. The relationship has to grow, too. When we get lazy, that's when things start to fall apart.

But all of this presupposes that you have found a healthy partner. Some of us do not, and you see what happens. You married an asswipe. I was engaged to a woman who didn't want to do any work in the relationship. It happens.

It's a problem when guys and girls think that they can get married and just be who they are for the rest of their lives. When you commit to a relationship, it's just like committing to a career. You have to work at it. I think a lot of American guys erroneously think that this rule doesn't apply when they marry a foreign woman, and I want them to understand it does.