"American women are the devil"


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I just noticed the biggest thread in the MM section is something about foreign women being better for the 28928time. It saddens me that I read many threads/blogs about how "American women are the devil blah blah" Are the women really that bad? I see you guys's point, but the thought to move to Thailand or Russia for some snatch really isn't appealing to me and honestly to me this is a lame excuse for guys to take the easy way out. I knew after coming to this site that learning game wouldn't be easy but most importantly self-improvement would be a long journey of ups and downs (Can' give up brah). I really think the solution to the problem is for every man to band together put their foot down and tell these narcissistic bytches we ain't gonna take it!

However alas I wake up from my daydream cause I know realistically it won't happen. There to many chumps who will do whatever it takes for a piece of the puss. This is one of the causes of women acting they way that they do cause they know their is some chump that will deal with their drama to get the puss cause she is hawt :rolleyes: I.e. That Ron guy from Jersey shore with that Sammi Broad, I saw one episode of him crying like a bytch while she was texting another guy, is this what its come too? I don't care how hot a women is if she disrespects me she is Casper aka Ghost aka Gone. What I find ironic is the same girls that you guys claim are "self-entitled bytches" are the same ones you wanna chase. Whats the point of learning this shyt if you just gonna deal with the same shyt again? Guys crying about bytches on POF, no shyt cause those ho's arent g/f material Sherlock!

Ultimately if moving is the best solution(or boycotting American women) so be it, but then you guys who claim to move are saying that you failed at learning Game and failed at Self-Improvement. I have never had anything handed to me except my fuccing taxes.I'm staying right here fucc moving to a another country. Here is what a prominent sosuaver had to say about this, some of you guys think he is a legend :whistle:

SoSuave Legned

I don't disagree with those guys, but the same issues can be found in other countrys. What these guys aren't telling you Solo is that when you go to another country you are "exotic". A black guy in Russia? you would clean up there quite nicely. I presume you've read my threads on masculinity, and frame control. The game is very simple, and the truth is those guys who claim to be in shape or that all women are entitled are dealing with some low quality women. You will catch more fish with a larger net. You will find, at your age, that when you are muscular and ripped, your success with women will increase ten fold--women will approach you!

In your 20s, women 27 and below, look mostly to your appearance. If you are targeting women in this age group, focus strongly and solely on your appearance, not your game. With 6 months of a serious workout regime and diet, your appearance will increase dramatically. This is the area that I think you should focus on.

Your focus may be better directed to the "Health and Fitness" forum, as this is the area that will bring you 10 times more compatible partners than your game.

You are still young; however, you will find that you that moving forward, the years will pass very quickly. I want you to focus on building your career, finances, or education. It's not necessary to focus on your education, if you are earning six figures annually. In the latter case, continue working and building. However, if you have been trying to earn consistently for five years or more and cannot break the six figure barrier, you are best to return to education, as you will find 10-15 years from today, you will be financially stronger.

To sum it up, focus in two areas: the Gym and your Finances.


Or I can move to Thailand



Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
"The grass is greener" syndrome.

And right now, somewhere in Italy or Russia or wherever, there's a dude saying "I hate the women in this country. I'm gonna move to New York and find me an American woman!"


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score

Plus, don't be fooled guys, if you're rich and can afford to get away for a year or two and travel and run game, more power to you, sounds like an excellent adventure!!

However, for some poor schmuck, be careful. Realize that 90% of people outside of United States would give their left kidney for a chance to move to the US.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Unfortunately there is a lot of truth to this.

I met a pair of HB10 turkish girls in virginia beach last year. Both of them message me all the time on facebook and say they can't wait to see me next summer (they're going back there next summer) and I'm far from a handsome man. I'm not disgusting, but even ugly women locally don't check me out.

In America, let's say you're a 5-6 like myself (and I work out too) you're just "any other guy" and not "the 10 percent."

I tend to like quirky/cute women anyway for American women, not the douchey women, but they don't grow on trees and honestly I have better things than to go on some manhunt for a decent girlfriend.

In America, especially up here in the Northeast, simply having a pvssy gives a woman so much power. 6s walk around like they're 10s.

I was with my friend (who is considered "hot" by a lot of women) at the mall in line at the food court, and he asked a group of 3 women in their 20s if they were on their work break...the two attractive women said nothing and pretended he wasn't there...the less attractive one talked to him.

Then there are a lot of women who aren't even attractive but think they are because so many guys have given them attention for sex.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Iceberg said:
"The grass is greener" syndrome.

And right now, somewhere in Italy or Russia or wherever, there's a dude saying "I hate the women in this country. I'm gonna move to New York and find me an American woman!"
Yup agreed, but this is still the greatest country on earth bar none and I'm proud to be here!

sexysuave said:

Plus, don't be fooled guys, if you're rich and can afford to get away for a year or two and travel and run game, more power to you, sounds like an excellent adventure!!

However, for some poor schmuck, be careful. Realize that 90% of people outside of United States would give their left kidney for a chance to move to the US.
If your rich sure, I'm all for wordly travels but like you said there people right now who wouldnt just give their left kidney but their left nut as well to live here. If you make 30grand a year your in the top 30% in terms of income in the whole entire wolrd! better then 4 Grand a year you get in Thailand

satelliteparties said:
Unfortunately there is a lot of truth to this.

I met a pair of HB10 turkish girls in virginia beach last year. Both of them message me all the time on facebook and say they can't wait to see me next summer (they're going back there next summer) and I'm far from a handsome man. I'm not disgusting, but even ugly women locally don't check me out.

In America, let's say you're a 5-6 like myself (and I work out too) you're just "any other guy" and not "the 10 percent."

I tend to like quirky/cute women anyway for American women, not the douchey women, but they don't grow on trees and honestly I have better things than to go on some manhunt for a decent girlfriend.

In America, especially up here in the Northeast, simply having a pvssy gives a woman so much power. 6s walk around like they're 10s.

I was with my friend (who is considered "hot" by a lot of women) at the mall in line at the food court, and he asked a group of 3 women in their 20s if they were on their work break...the two attractive women said nothing and pretended he wasn't there...the less attractive one talked to him.

Then there are a lot of women who aren't even attractive but think they are because so many guys have given them attention for sex.
While Some chicks here are Aw's/princess/ dumb biatches there still a lot of girls who don't fit the stereotype. I see cool down to earth every day at work, church, the grocery store etc

Your last sentence is the truth American men gave their "power" on a platter to women and now that's why an "average" guy is having to bust his ass. But I see average guys all the time with nice chicks so what gives?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
but the thought to move to Thailand or Russia for some snatch really isn't appealing to me and honestly to me this is a lame excuse for guys to take the easy way out.
The foreign guys having the time of their lives being treated like kings by women in Asia probably disagree with you.

But you're right it is the easy way out but like the saying goes "once you go foreign you never go back" :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Come on guys.....we're no saints either. We just want to get laid. If you truly despise "American" women then why do you still want to stick your d*cks in them.

If you're looking for a LTR....surely you can find ONE woman out of 150 million who you're compatible with and enjoy being around


Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
-Game players
-Attention *****s
-Symptoms of BPD

Don't know if this describes a lot of foreign women, but it definitely describes a lot of American women.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
sstype said:
If you're looking for a LTR....surely you can find ONE woman out of 150 million who you're compatible with and enjoy being around
Most guys my age I know that are in LTRs are dating an UG/fatty or a girl that wouldn't rank any higher than a 5 (if that) to a guy with taste.

Looks aren't everything (I wouldn't date a HB with a sh*t ass personality) but there needs to be attraction for there to be interest, especially when I work out everyday and am always updating my wardrobe and bettering myself.

Yeah, there are cute/hot girls out there with good personalities, but like I said, I don't like "searching"...it shouldn't be that hard. I get the impression most guys are AFCs and just date whatever girl shows interest in them through their social circle or at work or whatever...and some luck out and it turns out to be a cutie or hottie, but most don't.

That's why it frustrates me that I instill myself with all of this knowledge, work on myself, am so much better off than a lot of guys even if I'm not great looking, and don't even have one HB lay to show for it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
satelliteparties said:
Most guys my age I know that are in LTRs are dating an UG/fatty or a girl that wouldn't rank any higher than a 5 (if that) to a guy with taste.

Looks aren't everything (I wouldn't date a HB with a sh*t ass personality) but there needs to be attraction for there to be interest, especially when I work out everyday and am always updating my wardrobe and bettering myself.

Yeah, there are cute/hot girls out there with good personalities, but like I said, I don't like "searching"...it shouldn't be that hard. I get the impression most guys are AFCs and just date whatever girl shows interest in them through their social circle or at work or whatever...and some luck out and it turns out to be a cutie or hottie, but most don't.

That's why it frustrates me that I instill myself with all of this knowledge, work on myself, am so much better off than a lot of guys even if I'm not great looking, and don't even have one HB lay to show for it.
Lose the sense of entitlement. Women are not going to fall into your lap simply because you workout and read Sosuave articles.

I was slacking from the gym and unemployed when I met my gf at her job. What got her to like me was being confident, RELAXED and not putting any pressure on the outcome. She initially blew me off but I calmly persisted and the rest was history.

If you're projecting this sense of urgency, desperation, and willingness to quickly throw in the towel then you will repel women no matter how great you seem on paper.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
What's this anti 'entitlement' mentality I see a lot of recently.

I think if you work out and are in shape it's reasonable to expect to get somebody else who is in shape no?

Is it so bad to think like that? I understand that it might not make sense to talk about how things should be and how things are but the disparity is at least mildly irksome.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I am the type of guy where sometime it is too much of a challenge but I am not going to cop out and make an excuse. while a lot of women are devious I feel I can find something to do to use to my advantage and find a way to defeat it.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
nobody is entitled to anything you got to go out and get it. Expecting it to come to you just because you have a million dollar body is crazy.

Wow Solomon is done? there is def something wrong then.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Women Haze,

I understand that logic and it represents reality. On the other hand I think if you're a really in shape good looking guy and you are just landing warpigs, you're bound to be thinking 'What the **** is going on here?'.

You can say nobody is entitled to anything but I think it's still ok to say there's a lot of unfairness in the dating game. I agree there's no point getting overly bitter about it but it's ok to recognise it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Solomon said:
I just noticed the biggest thread in the MM section is something about foreign women being better for the 28928time. It saddens me that I read many threads/blogs about how "American women are the devil blah blah" Are the women really that bad?

No they arent that bad. Just crybaby scrubs make it seem that way.

I see you guys's point, but the thought to move to Thailand or Russia for some snatch really isn't appealing to me and honestly to me this is a lame excuse for guys to take the easy way out.

Real Talk

I knew after coming to this site that learning game wouldn't be easy but most importantly self-improvement would be a long journey of ups and downs (Can't give up brah). I really think the solution to the problem is for every man to band together put their foot down and tell these narcissistic bytches we ain't gonna take it!

You wish dude. Myself as well. Not many REAL men exist. Men who are masters of their sexuality and can control their hormones and not let women dictate sex. We have failed as a collective gender when "cry moar" dudes whine and run half way across the world to get third world tail.

However alas I wake up from my daydream cause I know realistically it won't happen. There to many chumps who will do whatever it takes for a piece of the puss. This is one of the causes of women acting they way that they do cause they know their is some chump that will deal with their drama to get the puss cause she is hawt :rolleyes: I.e. That Ron guy from Jersey shore with that Sammi Broad, I saw one episode of him crying like a bytch while she was texting another guy, is this what its come too? I don't care how hot a women is if she disrespects me she is Casper aka Ghost aka Gone.

Props to you for having respect for yourself and a backbone. I feel the same way. If a girl disrespects, I next her. Funny thing is my guy friends will constantly call me crazy for being picky and not putting up with crap from chicks. My one good friend thinks I should put up with more bs, as if getting laid is worth sacrificing self respect

What I find ironic is the same girls that you guys claim are "self-entitled bytches" are the same ones you wanna chase. Whats the point of learning this shyt if you just gonna deal with the same shyt again? Guys crying about bytches on POF, no shyt cause those ho's arent g/f material Sherlock!

Ultimately if moving is the best solution(or boycotting American women) so be it, but then you guys who claim to move are saying that you failed at learning Game and failed at Self-Improvement.

^This ad infinitum

I have never had anything handed to me except my fuccing taxes.I'm staying right here, fucc moving to a another country. Here is what a prominent sosuaver had to say about this, some of you guys think he is a legend :whistle:


Or I can move to Thailand

In the bold is my response. Repped bro. OP is full of win right now.

SosuaveLegend said:
What these guys aren't telling you Solo is that when you go to another country you are "exotic". A black guy in Russia? you would clean up there quite nicely.
So so true yet dudes try to deny and/or ignore this fact. You should see when my average French buddies were here in NY on exchange for a year. They cleaned up in the bar. As soon as girls heard them talk it was easy pickings for them.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Solomon said:
SoSuave Legned

I don't disagree with those guys, but the same issues can be found in other countrys. What these guys aren't telling you Solo is that when you go to another country you are "exotic". A black guy in Russia? you would clean up there quite nicely. I presume you've read my threads on masculinity, and frame control. The game is very simple, and the truth is those guys who claim to be in shape or that all women are entitled are dealing with some low quality women. You will catch more fish with a larger net. You will find, at your age, that when you are muscular and ripped, your success with women will increase ten fold--women will approach you!
Life as a black guy in Russia would be incredibly hard. It would almost be impossible to get with a girl, because Russia is probably the most racist country in Europe. Black soccer players have to be protected 24 hours a day over there and many have come back because of the racial abuse they have to endure. So in this particular instance, no, a black man would not be considered "exotic" in Russia.

Overall there is some truth to it though. I'm sure that I may be considered "exotic" in the States too. I'm Belgian, but speak Dutch, Italian, English and French fluently. For a Belgian it's normal to speak at least two languages and because I've studied in Italy, my Italian is great too. Now in Belgium this is seen as okay. But when I go to English or Spanish speaking countries I am suddenly considered some sort of genius, because someone who speaks English rarely speaks a second language fluently.

What I'm trying to say is this: in Belgium this wouldn't really give me an advantage, but in the States or in Australia, it most certainly would.

EDIT: one thing I would like to add though. Although I haven't been to the USA myself (but I'm probably going there next year), many of my friends have. And they all say the same things. First they say the girls are very easy. But then they say the quality of the girls is very low, because there are so many obese women. It's what I notice too when I'm in Florence (I'm there at least once a year as a tour guide and many Americans visit): a lot of Americans are really really really fat. And I can imagine it would be difficult to score a hot girl, because she knows she's rare.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score

Rep for being a Belgian I'm a dual citizen of the US and Belgium. (Sadly, I only know French having been born in the States.)

I've seen both Europe and the states and when I was last in Europe (summer of 2010) I had to look really hard to find a fat person. Sure there are guys who are slightly overweight but usually they are 50-60 years old; whereas in the US you can't go 10 feet in crowded area like a mall without seeing a fatty.

I will say that the hot women like everywhere are packed in certain areas and of course they tend to be near or in the big cities.

The thing of it is that women in the US love foreign men and the reserve is true foreign women tend to love men from the US. Problem is that men on the whole haven't really stepped up and put women in their place and called them on their ****. It was easier 100 years ago when women rarely worked and they certainly didn't make as much money as men. Men held the power because a woman was extremely unlikely to fend for herself and god forbid if she had children.

Now things are much more equal and women aren't operating from such a position of weakness. Men need to just step up as a whole and tell women to gtfo when they pull their bull****.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Cultural differences aside, I'd say the real game changer in the USA is the obesity epidemic. I can throw a stone and hit a fat chick in the USA, but I did not see a single one in eastern europe, and in western parts they were much less common. With that in mind, the dynamics here must be different with a larger majority of men seeking the smaller minority ( redundant I guess) women.

as for personalities, you'll get all sorts wherever you go. I meet american women with good heads on their shoulders, and eastern european chicks who are somewhat spoiled and selfish. The grass might be greener in some regards, but it still has deer **** too

your best bet in the USA is to date within the proximity of a major city. Women i find are of better quality when competition amongst them is stronger. this quality seems to decline as you more further and their commodity 'value' goes up

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
The way I look at it is, if you're buddy can have a nice attractive loyal girlfriend.. Then you can too. It just takes time to find her and you have to wade through the waters and not be afraid to approach. That next girl who you do not approach from approach anxiety may be your next sweetheart. Who knows!.. She may be a total cvnt too though.. ;)


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Cultural differences aside, I'd say the real game changer in the USA is the obesity epidemic. I can throw a stone and hit a fat chick in the USA, but I did not see a single one in eastern europe, and in western parts they were much less common. With that in mind, the dynamics here must be different with a larger majority of men seeking the smaller minority ( redundant I guess) women.

And right now, somewhere in Italy or Russia or wherever, there's a dude saying "I hate the women in this country. I'm gonna move to New York and find me an American woman!"
lol, no.

Game+Gym+Guap(fiances)=Profit + american marriage = Potential Loss

Or I can move to Thailand and have a life.
I'm simply amazed at the number of know it all American guys who have never lived abroad but seem to know everything about foreign women. American guys are so stupid, you deserve everything you get. I'm so amazed at American ignorance... nono you are ALL right, you should all stay in the good ole USA, American women are wonderful and American men are entitled to them. I wish all the haters as many American women as they can handle. :D
I am the type of guy where sometime it is too much of a challenge but I am not going to cop out and make an excuse. while a lot of women are devious I feel I can find something to do to use to my advantage and find a way to defeat it.
Good luck slaves.

Foreign women are so ugly! Look at these ugly typical korean girls!!!
Yuck Gross!

Check out these disgusting Chinese girls!!!! Tarded fashion!!!
Just sick!!! Man why would you want a financially responsible girl.... despicable!

Dirty fvckin commie bastards look at them!!! Disgusting!
Just gross!

Look at these lazy Mexican beaners! They suck!
Dirty Mexicans!

I'd rather have a good wholesome american girl with real family values!
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