Am I too old to start smoking weed???


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
So exactly as the title says.... I am thinking of starting a new hobby of smoking pot.... Now let me explain...

Growing up I was conditioned to think that Marijuana was a bad drug and that I would develop an addiction for it and it would ruin my life.... So I basically never hung around with habitual pot smokers.... I did try it once in college and did it a few times randomly after that in my 20s when I was drunk... but truth be told I probably only smoked 3 times in my entire life and I can't even remember being high (probably didn't know how to inhale right)

So anyway the reason I am thinking of taking this up is because it seems like a lot of people do it.... and that it really isn't that unhealthy.... heck it might even be better choice to drinking which I do do...

Plus a lot of girls I meet do it.... I wonder if smoking with them makes it easier to have sex??? I am just apprehensive cause I really don't know what I'm doing and don't want to embarass myself.

So questions...

1.) How many of you smoke weed regularly?
2.) What are the real positives/negatives to smoking?
3.) If I start smoking now in my mid 30's is there any negatives?
4.) Does smoking weed with a chick make it easier to bang her?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
There's a huge difference with smoking pot for you, because you are not used to it at all. You'll be pretty retarded at first. Stay home and ponder your life at least the first few times you smoke, until you get a handle on how it makes you feel.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
MidnightCity said:
1) i used to smoke excessively in my late teens. now a couple of hits maybe once every 2 months
2)generally speaking, weed mellows you out initially. speaking from my own experience, it amplifies things. music sounds more pronounced. my thoughts become sharp and you stick with a train of thought to the end and continue onto the next. the down side is that it does make you paranoid. not frantic paranoid or anything crazy like smoking bath salts would do to you but it makes you feel like you are being watched or the cops are right around the corner. if you smoke in excess it WILL dumb you down. i have rarely met any high functioning responsible pot heads si there might be a correlation there.
3) the potential for the negatives is always there. your age doesnt matter much other than you might be a more responsible smoker starting at a later age.
4) smoking is a bonding experience. all kinds of interesting,wacky,stupid,funny conversations are shared when you smoke with someone that being said i would say in my experience that yes it is easier to get laid with a stoner chick.

you dont have to do it just cuz everyone else is doing it or some girl feels like getting high. you can easily brush people off by saying you get tested randomly or that you quit but youd be happy to just hang while they do it.
Thanks for sharing the info. You too BB. For the record I don't see myself doing this everyday... but maybe a few times a week like I do with drinking or socially with friends. So if it makes you think clearer and sharper that sounds like a good thing... how does it dumb you down? Just sounds contradicting to me...

As far as it making you paranoid... Is is just cause its illegal or does it scientifically do that?

A lot of chicks I meet smoke.. not necessarily regularly but have gone through phases where they have. I wouldn't consider them stoners.... but lets say I meet a chick and we go smoke at either her place or mine by ourselves... is it likely she will be more receptive to hooking up in that moment?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
I don't smoke weed. In my entire life, I have only done it once, which coincidentally was around the time my employer decided to do a drug test. I am not sure how stoners can live by with the thoughts that they might get caught at anytime.

From what I have heard, marijuana can make you dumb. How much dumber I don't know, and only other people who have known you for a long time would notice it. You will not notice this yourself since you are the one who's getting dumber.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
I used to smoke a lot of dope, and I used to drink a lot, as well as other drugs like coke, x a few times and plenty of shrooms.

In my experience, alcohol is the best for hooking up. If you're ONLY high, then I don't think you'd have the required stones to reach over and make a move on the couch, compared to say after having a few drinks.

If you were considering smoking a bowl every now and again as a hobby, consider it a chilling with friends or zoning out in front of the TV type of hobby.

If you were to choose a drug specific for girls, choose X or coke, or stick with booze.

But having some bud to toke may be a good reason to isolate, so it would be a good option. Just don't get so high you forget why you're there.

Just roll solo the first few times, like BB suggested. This will let you know how it works on you.

Once you're cool with that, then toke out in public, while hanging with friends, and see how it impacts your social skills.

You might find just the right mix of toxins to set you right :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Reyaj said:
So questions...

1.) How many of you smoke weed regularly?
2.) What are the real positives/negatives to smoking?
3.) If I start smoking now in my mid 30's is there any negatives?
4.) Does smoking weed with a chick make it easier to bang her?
1. I smoke (vaporize) an average of 5 days per week. Always at night when relaxing or on my days off.

2. Positives: relaxation, mood elevation, mild anti-inflammatory effects, MUCH healthier (or less detrimental) than drinking, minimized decision making impairment compared to booze, not physically addictive, great for outdoor activities or creative activities.

Negatives: It can make you hazy if you smoke often enough, slower mental 'processing' time, short-term memory is nil when you are high, not a great idea to drive while blazed (DUI consequences), illegal in most states, expensive street prices. Paranoia if you get too stoned.

3. Not really, it depends on your job. Many employers will make you take a drug test if you get injured at work or have an accident. Obviously some employers test randomly or before hiring. Legal consequences vary by state from a petty offense (ticket) to a misdemeanor for small possession.

4. Possibly, but I found it makes me more awkward socially and hesitant. So I suppose if you are BOTH stoned you may want to bang more intensely, but I dont really consider it a panty-dropper.

I think weed for the most part is great. But it's not for everyone, and there are consequences if you get too into it. It's also entirely possible to get TOO high with today's high potency herb, and that is no fun!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
I smoked for years then gave it up years ago due to career, it's illegal in my area which conflicts with my work. I loved it and miss it, my life was genuinely better and happier smoking pot occasionally. Good wine/beer don't even begin to compare.

Good advice in the thread so far, would just add one caveat that many states have 0 tolerance amounts of THC in the system before charging DUI which means that if you are a regular smoker, you are literally DUI every time you get behind the wheel as a matter of law whether you have smoked that day, week or even month. A minor fender bender + jackas cop taking pee or blood and that's that. They will generally charge on small trace amounts and THC stays in your system for weeks. Pee and blood tests are much more common now than in the past as prescription meds and whatever is in your blood increases arrests, scams like towing and local fine and jail revenue, seizures. Due to a massive nationwide propaganda campaign and witchhunt, you will then be portrayed as one of millions of drug and booze crazed maniacs mowing babies down on the roads, lose your license for a long time, pay thousands of dollars in fines and financial repercussions even if you were stone sober and hadn't smoked for days or weeks, will have to disclose this on many job and school apps. This is true even if you live in states that have decriminalized. It is completely unconstitutional, but still goes on regularly in states where the state supreme court has specifically ruled it unconstitutional. It costs at least 5k and more usually about $10-20,000 on the front end to get to a court where unconstitutionality matters, and there is no civil remedy available afterwards to recoup that.

In the U.S. I could only recommend pot smoking to people who don't drive much or at all or the wealthy. Regular commuters, drivers, beware.

EDIT: One other thing, in my state, and presumably many others, you will lose your drivers license for a year for any drug possession charge including a single marijuana seed in your pocket or a tiny roach in an ashtray anywhere near you that a cop wants to say was yours... whether you were driving or not. Smoke a joint in your backyard and get caught somehow? Bye bye license. Work permit may or may not be available. Know the law before smoking weed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
I rarely smoke weed, I mostly vaporize :D It's easier on the lungs and more efficient. I probably blaze a couple of times a month now. I've been using it since I was 18.

I've personally never had any problems with it. For the most part it just mellows me out and makes it easier to enjoy the present moment. Like anything else, it should be done in moderation. Some people have addictive personalities and it would be best for them to stay away from it.

If you're just trying to use a drug to help you get laid booze, E or coke are better bets like others have said. Pot can help in that there is a subculture around it so you can more easily relate to girls who partake, but there are plenty of other subcultures (running, fitness, music scenes etc.)

Sometimes, when you're trying to close out the deal, you can sweeten the pot by telling her you've got bud at your place. That's certainly helped me a few times. But if you want to take up pot, do it because you enjoy it....not because you're trying to score some easy tail.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Reyaj said:
So if it makes you think clearer and sharper that sounds like a good thing... how does it dumb you down? Just sounds contradicting to me...
Pot will make you think clearer in the sense that it gives you a perspective that you would otherwise not have. Maybe you got into an argument earlier in the day and went home thinking what an assh0le the other guy was. Then you get high and start thinking, wait a minute, I'm the assh0le!

And in regard to the way pot dumbs you down...ummmm... I forgot what I was going to say :confused:


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
1. Get a vaporizer.

Smoking a joint here or there is no big deal but if you plan on this becoming a hobby then you need a vape. If you are already a smoker this may not mean much but smoking weed (chronically) is harsh on your lungs and your health.

Once you try a proper vaporizer you won't go back. By "proper" I mean a glass-on-glass vaporizer. Do your research and don't get fooled by false advertising or positive reviews from stoners. If a vaporizer uses butane, has plastic tubes, is made of plastic, or has a metal screen for a bowl this is bad. There are new products coming out all the time and I can't say I'm up-to-date on all of them but I have tried most of the popular brands and models.

The entire goal of vaporizing vs. smoking is for health benefits. So sucking your weed through a plastic/rubber tube, plastic bag, or metal contraption defeats all that. People get personal about their choice of vaporizer and will debate these points but once you've tried all of them there is no argument. Glass-on-glass is the purest and cleanest way to vape.

The only true blue glass-on-glass vaporizer that I know of is the Vapolution. Glass bowl is inserted into a heated glass tube and you draw thru the glass tube/bowl. If you are doing it properly you literally taste nothing. If you do taste it then the bowl is done and you are smoking rather than vaping.

Once you experience real glass on glass you will taste how bad the majority of other vaporizers taste. Why do they taste bad? Because you are sucking butane, plastic, heated metal, etc.

Another recommendation (for portable use) is the Magic Flight Launch box. It isn't perfect but if you keep it clean it is very pure tasting. It is extremely stealth and very versatile if you are out and about.

2. Don't do too much.

People who smoke weed all the time seem to need more to get them high. Real chronics may need an entire joint just to get where they want to be. When those same people take a break and then come back to it they find that just a couple tokes gets them super ripped.

Don't be a consumer just for the sake of it. If you are a regular user and keep your consumption low you don't ever need much to get high. Why smoke a joint a day when you could smoke a little nugget. Again, better for your health and wallet too.

3. Use less potent product.

While getting super ripped may be fun for certain occasions, if you do that all the time your entire life suffers for it. Here is where smoking pot gets a bad stigma. Stoners are always searching for the most potent weed and the best way to get high. Beginners or occasional smokers get turned off because they smoke some high grade sh!t that totally fvcks them up and they get paranoid or self conscious. It's too bad because I think a lot of people would have a different view of weed if they limited how much they smoke at one time and used a much less potent product.

If you only use a low-to-mid grade product and you don't smoke too much, weed can be a great thing. It is incredibly inspirational and I truly believe the effects on your overall health and well being are positive. The medicinal properties of weed are directly related to your mindset.

If you have a person who sells you weed ask for the least potent sh!t. It's usually cheaper and the guy may start giving it to you because he can't get rid of it to anyone else. If its really low grade you can make cookies. Ask for all natural outdoor stuff too. No fertilizer, no chemicals, just sun, water and dirt. In some places this stuff is rare if not impossible to get. Once again after using all natural for awhile you will try some real high grade sh!t and all you will taste is chemicals and fertilizer. Gross!

If you can, grow your own! :) If you keep your consumption low you can make just a couple plants last for a long time.

(P.S. I don't even smoke weed…..anymore….:))


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Slickster said:
1. Get a vaporizer.

Smoking a joint here or there is no big deal but if you plan on this becoming a hobby then you need a vape. If you are already a smoker this may not mean much but smoking weed (chronically) is harsh on your lungs and your health.

Once you try a proper vaporizer you won't go back. By "proper" I mean a glass-on-glass vaporizer. Do your research and don't get fooled by false advertising or positive reviews from stoners. If a vaporizer uses butane, has plastic tubes, is made of plastic, or has a metal screen for a bowl this is bad. There are new products coming out all the time and I can't say I'm up-to-date on all of them but I have tried most of the popular brands and models.

The entire goal of vaporizing vs. smoking is for health benefits. So sucking your weed through a plastic/rubber tube, plastic bag, or metal contraption defeats all that. People get personal about their choice of vaporizer and will debate these points but once you've tried all of them there is no argument. Glass-on-glass is the purest and cleanest way to vape.

The only true blue glass-on-glass vaporizer that I know of is the Vapolution. Glass bowl is inserted into a heated glass tube and you draw thru the glass tube/bowl. If you are doing it properly you literally taste nothing. If you do taste it then the bowl is done and you are smoking rather than vaping.

Once you experience real glass on glass you will taste how bad the majority of other vaporizers taste. Why do they taste bad? Because you are sucking butane, plastic, heated metal, etc.

Another recommendation (for portable use) is the Magic Flight Launch box. It isn't perfect but if you keep it clean it is very pure tasting. It is extremely stealth and very versatile if you are out and about.
It's true that vaporization is a far superior way to consume cannabis, but it really has to do with the temperature rather than materials. The "bad taste" you experience is mainly due to too great of a temperature for vaporizing. Most quality vapes have a glass heating unit and bowl, and maybe a metal screen. Plastic hoses are common. Depending on the dryness of the herb it shouldn't take more than 160-180 degrees Celsius to vaporize the active constituents. Greater than that and you get bad flavor instead of natural plant flavors. That's why variable temperature vapes are ideal for a regular user.

I have the Hot Box, which is a simple glass-on-glass vape. I've also heard the Pax is nice, but I think it's too expensive. The Magic Flight Launch box is not perfect like you said but probably the best portable value on the market right now.

Slickster said:
2. Don't do too much.

People who smoke weed all the time seem to need more to get them high. Real chronics may need an entire joint just to get where they want to be. When those same people take a break and then come back to it they find that just a couple tokes gets them super ripped.

Don't be a consumer just for the sake of it. If you are a regular user and keep your consumption low you don't ever need much to get high. Why smoke a joint a day when you could smoke a little nugget. Again, better for your health and wallet too.
Agree with that. All I need is 2-3 vapor puffs. 1 during the day for activity stuff.

Slickster said:
3. Use less potent product.
Beginners or occasional smokers get turned off because they smoke some high grade sh!t that totally fvcks them up and they get paranoid or self conscious. It's too bad because I think a lot of people would have a different view of weed if they limited how much they smoke at one time and used a much less potent product.
Absolutely. This has turned a lot of my friends off from weed. They get super paranoid and dont like it.

Slickster said:
If you only use a low-to-mid grade product and you don't smoke too much, weed can be a great thing. It is incredibly inspirational and I truly believe the effects on your overall health and well being are positive. The medicinal properties of weed are directly related to your mindset.

If you have a person who sells you weed ask for the least potent sh!t. It's usually cheaper and the guy may start giving it to you because he can't get rid of it to anyone else. If its really low grade you can make cookies. Ask for all natural outdoor stuff too. No fertilizer, no chemicals, just sun, water and dirt. In some places this stuff is rare if not impossible to get. Once again after using all natural for awhile you will try some real high grade sh!t and all you will taste is chemicals and fertilizer. Gross!
The taste can be affected by bad curing (drying) as well as fertilizers. But, fertilizers are technically "natural". N, K, and Ph mostly, all found in soil. Even hydro bud is fairly "natural". I do notice a subtle difference in the high between outdoor bud and the hydro-medical bud you can get here in CO. It's hard to explain. Both are good, but some medical stuff is just too damn potent, even for me.

Slickster said:
If you can, grow your own! :) If you keep your consumption low you can make just a couple plants last for a long time.
That's the way to go. A $400 investment in a hydro setup can net you over a POUND of massive buds in 3 months. That is value.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
North America
Ask yourself what kind of personality do you have?
Is it an addictive one?

I'm not sure of your life style, but it will likely mess with your workouts, life goals if you end up a chronic.

I'm not sure what kind of women you date either. I have no puffers in my social circle.

At the end of the day, to actively seek out a habit would seem a little ... anti-pook-ish.

However, if you're not the addictive personality type (like I am) then get used to it in a safe environment so you learn how to function while stoned.



Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
1.) I toke a few days a week. I smoke at night, when I want to wind down and play music, watch tv or play video games. I used to smoke before going clubbing with friends a few years ago, and I actually enjoyed it, but now I find it makes me socially awkward, I don't feel relaxed in that setting anymore when I'm high. So I smoke by myself or around people I feel comfortable with. I'm planning on saving up and getting a vaporizer due to the reduced lung impact.

2.) When I'm high I tend to look at things differently. Sometimes I end up feeling like an ******* because of things I've said or done. It can also inspire me musically and in sports. Overall it relaxes me in my own little world.

I tend to overthink things when I'm high, I also get very critical at myself and where I'm going in life, so I do get paranoid sometimes. But I've been working on minimizing those thoughts, by reminding myself that it's all in my head. I mean, at least I have a job now so I'm doing something. So I try to look at the positives more. So in a way, being critical is a good thing.

If I smoke the night before work, it makes it harder to get up for work in the morning, compared to when I don't smoke.

3.) I don't think so. You have a more mature perspective on life now compared to teenagers. Do your research about the plant and try to get the natural stuff, outside grown. Start small, 1 or 2 hits, and then just go with the flow. Don't let it take over your life though.

4.) I think it could, if it's a chick you're comfortable with and there's some attraction. It's something I've always wanted to try. Weed can really make you horny sometimes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Understand the cons.

It can possibly make you demovitated.
Short term memory loss.
Muchies can ruin your diet and demotivation can keep you out of the gym.
If not legal in your area it can lead to jail or DUI.
Paranoia is not fun.
If you have a history of mental illness or a family history (especially schizophrenia), be careful and think twice about smoking. It has been known to be a trigger for soem problems (but mostly in teens, not adults).

Do your research, you've been given some top advice in this thread. Never do things to fit in or to score chicks. Do it because you want to explore and experience otherwise your reasons are weak. If you don't care and are just doing it for poon, leave it. I wouldn't tell someone to start drinking or smoking cigs for poon. It's unAlpha. Be who you are.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
surprised nobody mentioned how amazing food tastes when under the influence or how an orgasm seems to last a lot longer.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I don't smoke often now, but did in my teens and up to maybe thirty. As for paranoia, if you smoke a big joint with somebody and especially end up in a social setting afterwards, it can make you paranoid.
I only smoke out of a one-hitter pipe now, and it is just right. A little booze with your weed will eliminate paranoia, as can smoking cigarettes while getting stoned. But obviously not too healthy. Caffeinated drinks help with paranoia too.
I don't know how common hashish is these days, but no paranoia with it either. In fact hash is king for me! Miss it...Is it still available?
As for sex, if you get really wasted it can make the act seem stupid...
But an orgasm can be overwhelming! in a good way...I remember thinking both balls were gonna go right out my ****!!
And yes munchies can be hard on a diet. The sensation of chewing potato chips can be like chewing clay lol! But most foods taste really good when stoned. Deep thinking is enhanced. As others here say, I would do it at home a few times first. Then I would go shopping or something a few times, as being around people when high will seem different.

One thing- Don't get drunk first, then get very high. This will really mess you up big time! You will be bowing to the porcelain god within the hour!
And DO NOT try to drive if you do that...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
glass half full said:
One thing- Don't get drunk first, then get very high. This will really mess you up big time! You will be bowing to the porcelain god within the hour!
And DO NOT try to drive if you do that...
This. I hated weed for the longest because nobody told me this. Smoke then drink, NEVER get drunk then smoke.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I have been smoking on a daily basis for about 22 years now. When I smoke I tend to get "stuck" meaning you just don't talk too much. Really bad for picking up girls. You are high, you feel good and you're just chilling. Also the herb gives me a tendency to not want to do anything. When I was younger I didn't have so many responsibilities so it didn't matter. But nowadays I have bedrooms to paint, cars to fix, servers to setup I like doing these things myself so I put them off until I do them.

Generally I don't smoke until later on in the evening when i'm all done with my day. If it's too late I won't smoke either because it makes me extra groggy in the morning. I'll smoke around 10PM, sleep around 12 and i'll be fine. I won't smoke if i'm going out unless i'm with a group of people that are smoking also. I don't even want to think about how much money 22 years worth of smoking cost me. I have easily spent a good $30k on weed my entire life. I honestly don't regret it. It's something I enjoy, it's a part of me.

Weed is not bad, the only real bad drugs in my opinion are crack and heroin. Those are truly addictive substances. I do not consider something you do alot because you like it addictive (like video games). I consider something that makes you feel restless/anxiety that makes you think about it when you don't want to addictive (like cigarettes).

It doesn't really make me paranoid at all. I have to agree with the get drunk then smoke thing. That's true it makes you get really sick sometimes. I never really knew it was all about the order you took things so thanks for this info guys. As far as making you stupid goes I think that happens because people allow it to demotivate them. If you sit around and do nothing you will get stupid regardless of the herb in your system.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Reyaj said:
Plus a lot of girls I meet do it.... I wonder if smoking with them makes it easier to have sex???
Along those lines, now is a good time to talk about honey traps.

It just happened recently to Bernie Goetz (

An attractive, unaccompanied woman will approach you, asking you if you can help her get high. Then she will want you to give or sell her a tiny amount of whatever drugs you share with her. In Bernie's case, the woman insisted upon paying him, but in the eyes of the law it does not matter. A gift of drugs is the same as dealing drugs. The same woman might come back multiple times to do the same thing. Then you can become a career offender and major drug trafficker in the eyes of the law, before you ever learn that the woman is what the police call a "confidential informant." She probably got busted for coke or heroin, and the cops told her if she brings them enough arrests then she will avoid jail.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Along those lines, now is a good time to talk about honey traps.

It just happened recently to Bernie Goetz (

An attractive, unaccompanied woman will approach you, asking you if you can help her get high. Then she will want you to give or sell her a tiny amount of whatever drugs you share with her. In Bernie's case, the woman insisted upon paying him, but in the eyes of the law it does not matter. A gift of drugs is the same as dealing drugs. The same woman might come back multiple times to do the same thing. Then you can become a career offender and major drug trafficker in the eyes of the law, before you ever learn that the woman is what the police call a "confidential informant." She probably got busted for coke or heroin, and the cops told her if she brings them enough arrests then she will avoid jail.
Yeah man these situations do occur fairly often, any career drug user has been approached by police undercover. I have at least twice... buy from people you know. Never sell anything to anyone. Deal only in small personal amounts. Try not to keep anything in your car. The most obvious is when someone asks you to sell them a large amount. Never ever ever sell someone a large amount of anything out of the blue like that.