Well this is what happened.
Today's my day off, normally on my days off im never ever home im always shoping or out doing something but never home, so today i decided to stay home and record some songs.
Well around 4pm my friend came over to visit me out of the blue cause he never comes and pops up just like that, and he had some friends of his in his car, one boy that also raps and one girl.
Well i open the door and he tells me that hes just stopping by cause he was in the area, then i told him that i was busy recording and whatnot and that was supposed to be it, but then i told him that i wanted to see the chick in the car , so we made a quick excuse for me to come out to his car, i went up and i changed clothes (LOL) cause the chick was supposed to be hot although i never ever see her. So i go out to the car and the boy comes out and asks me if he can come in to record cause he raps too lol i didnt hesitate to say yes cause that ment that the gurl was coming in too.
So as we make our way upstairs i ask the girl whats her name and where she from, now for our coincidence she is from the Dominican republic and i said that i was too, although im not but i speak spanish too my mom is dominican.
we had a nice time upstairs recording all 4 of us, laughing cracking on each other back and forth watching tv, converstating, the chick seemed like she was into me i get that sense and feeling from her plus the way she looked at me and anytime i talked she was very attentive.
So it was time to go and i said where yall going now, they said to get some food so i was like wait im going too, now we outside, and i say ok now somebody gotta ride with me, ha guess who said ill go with you, yes yall got it right she did, so ok now we both in the car on our way to drop her home and we conversate all the way thru, when we were close to he house she asks me for my phone number, so i give it to her (speaking spanish though
) and she said that she will call me to see when she can come over to "Record some songs" (haha yeah right like those are all my intentions
So one day that i decide to stay home, bang my friend stops by with a spanish hotti on my driveway wich got into my house and ended up interested in me.
Today's my day off, normally on my days off im never ever home im always shoping or out doing something but never home, so today i decided to stay home and record some songs.
Well around 4pm my friend came over to visit me out of the blue cause he never comes and pops up just like that, and he had some friends of his in his car, one boy that also raps and one girl.
Well i open the door and he tells me that hes just stopping by cause he was in the area, then i told him that i was busy recording and whatnot and that was supposed to be it, but then i told him that i wanted to see the chick in the car , so we made a quick excuse for me to come out to his car, i went up and i changed clothes (LOL) cause the chick was supposed to be hot although i never ever see her. So i go out to the car and the boy comes out and asks me if he can come in to record cause he raps too lol i didnt hesitate to say yes cause that ment that the gurl was coming in too.
So as we make our way upstairs i ask the girl whats her name and where she from, now for our coincidence she is from the Dominican republic and i said that i was too, although im not but i speak spanish too my mom is dominican.
we had a nice time upstairs recording all 4 of us, laughing cracking on each other back and forth watching tv, converstating, the chick seemed like she was into me i get that sense and feeling from her plus the way she looked at me and anytime i talked she was very attentive.
So it was time to go and i said where yall going now, they said to get some food so i was like wait im going too, now we outside, and i say ok now somebody gotta ride with me, ha guess who said ill go with you, yes yall got it right she did, so ok now we both in the car on our way to drop her home and we conversate all the way thru, when we were close to he house she asks me for my phone number, so i give it to her (speaking spanish though
So one day that i decide to stay home, bang my friend stops by with a spanish hotti on my driveway wich got into my house and ended up interested in me.