Am I blowing my opportunities by not providing enough attention? Help!


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2002
Reaction score
Hey gang, I've blown a couple opportunities with the girls lately & and I need you help to figure out what went wrong. My theory is that I did not keep up the "pressure" or "pursuit" and did not act like a salivating puppy and so for some reason they started wondering about my feelings towards them. I dunno that's my theory. I wasn't "playing" them but I wasn't acting needy either. I'll call towards the end of the week and make quick convo and try to set up the date for the weekend. I do this for the first few dates. I don't call needlessly midweek just to chat, after all I barely know the person after a couple dates why act like I am "in love" and call them a lot? I mean that's what the date is for - to see each other and talk, right?
Do the girls want a lot of attention from you ie. acting wussy to see that they are being"wanted" in your eyes?

Anyhow here is the last mishap: she initiate contact with me online, we bounced a few emails for a week, she sent me one every day or so then she sent me her # without me asking for it. I called in a few days, chatted, set up a date. She seemed energetic on the date, then she hinted about wanting to see my place as we talked about it before so we went to my house and rented a movie to watch. Drank some wine & watched a movie while she snuggled up. I was massaging her up a bit but that's as far as she let me go that night :( I tried for more but she said she "was not that drunk yet, may be later". Ended on a good note.
Anyhow week after that was Thanks Giving, I called her up once to see how she was doing, and kinda probe the waters for that weekend but she was sick. She was apologetic about being it. Next week I called her again and she was busy with work and again sounded very apologetic and wanted a raincheck though. OK so I called her last Friday & Saturday in an attempt to reach her - well she called me back at 6PM on Saturday saying she was busy cleaning the house all day?! So I told her that I called her to see if she wanted to go out for dinner tonight but since it's already past 6PM it's too late for that. I said it in a joking mood and finished off that it's not too late however to go for some drinks if she was up for that. Well the cell phone dropped the call and that was it, she wouldn't answer again. WTF?

I only met her once therefore I think I was doing the right thing by calling her Thur or Friday to setup a date for Satuday. I'd chat for ~ 10 minutes and get to the point. I wouldn't call her midweek just to chat - is that the problem? Did she want me to call and spend hours talking on the weeks that we were not able to meet to show my affection for her? Help?!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
Your methods looks solid. I mean you're pretty much following the textbook DJ dating style down to the letter, and the people who have way more success than I do all say that's the right way to go.

It sounds TO ME like she's just not that into you. Repeated reasons not to see you week after week are not a good sign. I hear this crap again and again on these forums and always that same story, she just wasn't interested.

When this happens to me I just cut off all contact. If she's interested she'll get back, if she's not then it's not worth my time chasing her.

My humble opinion, sir. And for the record, I think you did the right thing going in for more during movie time.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
u seem to b doing everything rite so far. u dont seem needy or clingy. i think its just a matter of interest. mayb she's not that interested in u. ignore her for a while and see if she initiates contact.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2002
Reaction score
Well I think you guys are right, I did not contact her all week and neither did she. I guess that answers my question.
I was just wondering because out of the last 4 chicks I went out with, 3 ended after 1 or 2 dates. So I was wondering if the girls were looking for more affection from me midweek. I know everyone likes feeling wanted, so I just figured thats what they wanted and I wasn't provinding it.


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
I'm the same way, and that's happened to me before. Im always worried im not doing enough.