Given. I guess what I'm doing is filtering 100 down to a few, on the basis that if I go out with only those that really sizzle for me, any likely prospect that emerges will be a HB7>10 in my eyes. Plus, I avoid forming unintended attachments to HB6s or less.Point being, if you date 100 women, you will find 1 that merits your exclusivity.
It's just that it seems out of 100 random women, only three may possess the outward traits sufficient to get me to want to find out about the inner traits. So it's become a few and far between scenario. I was at the mall the other day, which especially because of the holidays, is abundant with women, and yet, I only saw about three that I thought were hot enough. Of course, I see them as I'm sipping coffee with Ms. FiveKids.
But JEEZ, 100 women? I don't think I could bear listening to 100 HB6s telling me about the kitty cat they saw crossing the street that day, what they found at the department store and other assorted female stories.
I hear that. Though I think my pal wasn't shaming me, though I think he was expressing this common belief that being picky keeps you single, and being single is a bad thing, ergo, one should lower one's standards in order to find someone to be with. I believe, OTOH, that single is the natural way of life. We're born alone, we die alone (even if we're in a relationship at the time), and we have to live alone in our bodies, in our experiences, throughout our life while other people may come and go. We may have others join us, be with us, but ultimately, we experience our lives by ourselves. That's our constant.someone labeling you as 'picky' is really just a shaming tactic.
And that's part of why I'm picky. If another person joins in my journey, they have to enhance my life. Not cause problems. Not cause trouble. Not cause rife. Any bad behavior from another person pulls my life down, not up, therefore, why would I want to be with anyone that doesn't thrill me? There I go again.
I guess I needed to hear whether or not I'm being picky AKA ridiculous. I guess if I found something wrong with 100% of everyone, that would be ridiculous. At 98%, I'm still at 2% ridiculous-free.