New Member
Ok guys. Lemme break down the situation. It's Sunday night as I"m writing this. I work in the IT Department at the local hospital in town. There's a chick that I'm working on named Megan, and she works in the Radiology department. Therefore, I see her occasionally in the halls at work, as well as at school. Well, last Thursday (at work), our hallway conversation went beyond the usualy friendly "hello" and turned into a 5 minute convo. During this, Megan asked me "Where have you been? I haven't seen you at school lately!" along with other things that I took to be positive signs of interest. So, because catching her in the hallway is rare, I phoned her department later that evening and asked her if she'd like to grab some lunch one day. She said she did, and initially she wanted to have the lunch date the next day (I took this as another sign of high interest), which was Friday. Unfortunately, our work schedules conflicted for that day, and it wasn't possible. Despite this, I told her that we'd have to do it another time.----------->Fast forward to Friday. I still haven't phoned her yet. As I'm arriving at work, she was just getting off of her shift. She saw me, and drove and parked beside me in the parking lot. We talked for about ten minutes there. We had some small talk, ect. But the main point of the conversation was "What are your plans for the weekend?" I was using this question to sorta screen her social see if the was seeing other guys and whatnot. She told me that she might go to <insert local football game here> with a girlfriend of hers. I had originally planned to attend that game with some friends of mine anyway, so, still feeling that her IL was high, I told her "well, maybe we'll see each other there" I hadn't called her yet, so I gave her my number and told her to gimme a call if she decided to show up. Fast forward to Friday night.--------->I'm at the game, and it's only in the first quarter. I then decided to phone her and see if she decided to show or not. When I phoned, I got no answer. At that time, I took this as a possible sign of disinterest. But then, my spirits were lifted when she promptly returned my call and asked me who was winning the game! Again, I took this as a good sign of interest. She and her friend went to a local circus in a neighboring town. We had a short convo. and she told me that she'd call me back later. She never called back that night. I took this in stride and decided to play it cool. I definitley didn't want to look desperate, so I didn't call her again that night. Fast forward to Saturday morning-------------> I may have made a mistake here...i'm not really sure. ANyway, I phoned her at abotu 11:30 that morning. She answered the first time I called, and we talked a bit. I asked her how her night was and all. She was eating lunch though (in a public place) So, she told me she'd call me back later. Well, she didn't call me back at all that day. Again, in an attempt to not seem desperate, I did not try to call her again that day or on Sunday (today).
This girl is sending me mixed messages. I'm not really understanding why she hasn't returned those calls. I feel that if she didn't wanna talk to me at all, she would've just ignored them instead of answering my calls. Please give me some new perspectives on this. I posted earlier requesting links to a few posts that I felt applied to this situation.
Specifically, these two.
What do you guys think?
I'll probably see her tomorrow. How should I conduct myself?
This girl is sending me mixed messages. I'm not really understanding why she hasn't returned those calls. I feel that if she didn't wanna talk to me at all, she would've just ignored them instead of answering my calls. Please give me some new perspectives on this. I posted earlier requesting links to a few posts that I felt applied to this situation.
Specifically, these two.
What do you guys think?
I'll probably see her tomorrow. How should I conduct myself?