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AM I A DJ Yet? IS this chic for real?


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Very Perceptive!

Iqqi, props for recognizing the chameleon! I never even noticed!

You got all the makings of a good mod lol


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Dirty_Socks, whatever your real nic is,

I have seen this kind of situation many times in the workplace (too many times personally sad to say and with other co-workers many times as well.)

What you have here is the Office Attention-Wh0re. She is just playing you for attention, showing off / marking her territory for the other co-workers, getting what she needs 24 hours a day(you're just the work-hours attention-giver).

It is as classic as it gets (everything from the sexual innuendu, to the jumping up in your lap when the other female co-worker comes in.)

Back-off totally for about a week and watch her attach herself to another guy in the office / restaurant / whereever you work.

Office Attention-Wh0res do sometimes cheat with you but it always ends up in a really bad situation eventually.

And, by the way, everyone you work with knows what's going on and the smarter ones (especially the women) recognize that you are getting totally played.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Guys The real Dirty_Socks has stood up. I am very very sorry about these posts. It's not that I am trying to play games here, and it's not that I don't like the response's I have got. I just get so many variations, I don't know what to do. I know you guys don't like these posts analyze this analyze that, but I am just been so so depressed about what to do.

The thing I was doing was just adding new stuff that she has done. I am truly so caught up with this woman it is making me sick. I am so worried is she playing me is she not. I pretty much have feelings for her "I know real AFC". I have sunk so deep into spending all my time worrying about this situation. I even have my best friend at his wits end about listening to me go on and on about her. U asked her about this herself and she told me signs she has given me She says she bumps into me she eats lunch with only me she would find reasons to come into my office to see me and she said alot of other little things. I again got on her about this and she start yelling and said " I thought we was sharing our feelings for each other"

I figured 1 she has a boyfriend so she may be confused on what she wants. 2. She lets me touch her without yelling at me although it not sexual touching. 3. I had a talk with her friend a co-worker and she verified what she has told me. 4. We eat and drink after each other, which I would never ever do unless I was into the person. 5. She does stuff for me. 6. I don't compliment her buy her stuff "although I may have in the past prior to spending so much time reading the DJ Bible. somebody said that I was her work attention giver, however I have been to her house invited over several other times without going though been invited to go to a bar with her and her friend. Although the last time I was supose to go to the bar with her Boyfriend was going which I don't want to be around plus she said that day will I baby sit her daughter I am sure that must be a joke I don't know plus she is always telling me her daughter likes me, why she tells me this I don't know. I guess what I am looking for and have been is what to do with this updated info.

I have been reading the DJ Bible like a mad man. I spend so much time on this site reading I don't know if I am getting anywhere. I am so un-trusting of people I guess thats why I don't know if I can trust her or not. I am sure this no-trust thing is going to ruin my life but I just can't seem to shake it. I am so depressed about her it is tearing me apart. Thanks for listening

The Real Deal

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
State of Intoxica
" the last time I was supose to go to the bar with her Boyfriend was going which I don't want to be around plus she said that day will I baby sit her daughter I am sure that must be a joke "



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Dirty Socks, just leave her alone.

this will solve many of your dilemas you'd be surprised!

just leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alone

repeat after me,

just leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alonejust leave her alone...


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
"I have read the DJ Bible several times and I am still
unsure on this"

I have been here for 8 months and still havent read the entire DJ bible..Kudos for you for reading it several times!