Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Your Thoughts

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Jun 23, 2014
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Yeah it will, idiot. If all guns are banned, nobody will have a gun, stupid.
I saw this guy is now banned which makes sense, because I was about to say dude you have got to be trolling if you think creating "stronger gun laws" will cause thugs to no longer have access to guns. They will find a way to get them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I think most SS'ers understand that I am not a person with any animosity toward anyone else in regard to their race. But if you're standing in my way blocking traffic, the only thing that is going to happen is that it makes me hate you. That's what these Black Labs Matter morons don't understand. They are creating racial animosity, which is what they claim to be protesting.

Laying in the road to intentionally cause a traffic jam is domestic terrorism. The best way to solve this problem would be a statute exempting any motorist from criminal and civil liability for the act of running down a protestor who is in the road.
CHICAGO (WLS) --More than 100 protesters swarmed downtown Chicago for hours on Saturday....


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
That wouldn't make any sense, all you would be doing is causing law-abiding citizens to lose their right to protect themselves. Banning guns isn't going to keep Ray Ray and Pookie (thugs) from getting them, as they can care less about "gun laws", they will carry one illegally.

I completely understand what both of you guys (who are experienced in relation to law enforcement) are saying and the piss poor choices of people within these inner cities are things I call out regularly.

But as you guys know, I don't see this is a one-sided problem. There has GOT to be other ways to police these high crime areas other than coming in, over-policing, and pulling out guns. There has got to be another way.

There are surely times when a gun needs to be pulled out, but I just don't see it in the Sterling nor Castile cases YET....but like you both said and I agree....I'm not rushing to judgment here and we need to allow ALL of the facts of the case to come out.

But from my research on this issue, cops have ROUTINELY jumped "the gun" (no pun intended) to pull their gun out and start fvcking shooting when either the situation didn't call for it, or they could have used other means....all because they are fvcking afraid of the people they are policing.

Perfect example is Officer Groubert and Levar Jones from about two years ago. The Officer did get served with a sentence where he could face up to 20 years in prison I believe, but this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. The Officer clearly is over-policing, is clearly scared of the "type" of person he's policing, and has no business in the damn police force. Understand, one of those bullets could have easily hit Jones in the chest and killed him or hit him somewhere to paralyze him for life. All for LITERALLY....nothing.

When someone is pulled over and they jump out of their car it's a sign of aggression. The officer in that video should have told him to put his heads on his head and move away, or walk forward, from his car, and then detain, rather than tell him to get his license which was back in his car. That officer kind of created a bad situation by having him turn back around twice.

In that situation my gun would have been drawn but facing down until I had him detained, not arrested.

There are plenty of ways police do their job without ever arresting or detaining people. You never hear about it because no one really cares about anything unless it's someone with power potentially abusing it.

The issue of a community is the result of policing. Police are there to control unrest in a community. With that being said, communities should be helping their own neighborhood be a better place as well. Police can clean up crime all they want but as long as the community itself remains toxic at it roots, then nothing will really change.
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You have to look at each of these cases individually, not engage in blanket tribalism like Black Lives Matter. They were either totally wrong or partially wrong on Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. They were right on Walter Scott and Eric Garner. These two new cases look particularly awful to me, and I agree that police brutality is a HUGE problem in this country - among the top 3 biggest threats to our Bill of Rights. If convicted of being trigger happy these cops should spend the rest of their lives in prison.

The problem comes when they deliberately alienate white Americans by not acknowleding the fact that whites are victims of those too, and more often. Whites are killed at 2.5x the rate by cops, and the per capita argument falls apart because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime. You begin to understand why they are "overrepresented" in these shootings, because the interactions happen more often. Why? Because Alton Sterling had 20 prior items on his record. Blacks are actually not over-represented but far under-represented in these cases. They commit half of the violent crime (the sort of which can get you shot, like murder or robbery) in the country but make up only 25% of police shootings.

Black Lives Matter doesn't give a DAMN about the 326 white people killed by police last year. That's why it's a racist organization and a hate group. And decrying 'All Lives Matter' has separatist and supremacist undertones. But hate group doesn't go far enough. There is a petition up to designate it as a terrorist organization, because when you take your inspiration from a fugitive cop killer, hijack political rallies, consistently call for dead police, then police die at one of your rallies, in addition to looting and arson, and to top it off thousands of your supporters defend it on social media, there isn't much to argue about. That's why the petition is going to reach it's 30 day quota in less than 1 week.

You can sign it here:

People say "oh, a few bad apples they don't represent the entire group!" I'd like to ask these people WHAT WOULD IT TAKE for you to call this group what it is? Does DeRay and Alicia Garza have to execute a cop themselves?


Of course, we know that Barry from Honolulu is going to respond to this petition by inviting DeRay for a photo op and Medal of Honor presentation...


Jun 23, 2014
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When someone is pulled over and they jump out of their car it's a sign of aggression.
Good info Skyline but the situation here is that Levar Jones did not know he was being pulled over, at least from what I understand. From what I understand, when Jones got out of the vehicle that's when he saw the cop car behind him and that's when the Officer asked to see his license.

So Jones goes back into the car to get his wallet where his license was at....then the Officer (thinking Jones was going to get a gun) starts blasting.

That's just bad police work. If that were an older lady (white or black) with a church hat on and with gospel music playing in the car, would the cop have starting blasting like that if she turned around to reach back in the car for her license? MOST LIKELY NOT.....why? Because she doesn't fit the profile of a "thug" while Levar Jones does (young, black, and male).

You see, I'm not even against profiling. Young, black, stupid males who look like me are out here doing dumb shyt all day and RAPPING/BRAGGING about it on music. As a result, young, black males have the worse image of anybody in this country except for maybe young muslim males boarding a plane.

I have no problem being stopped if I look like one of these idiots. I will GLADLY tell you where I'm going, where I just left, show you my driver's license/registration/insurance, and hold a good conversation with you about whatever is going on that day...from sports, to the weather, whatever.

What I have a PROBLEM a cop rushing to judgment and pulling out a gun, or a cop over-policing me. Now granted, I have NEVER personally experienced these problems and I used to get pulled over back in my early 20's like every damn day due to speeding/not wearing a seatbelt. Most of the time I'm let off with a warning or a ticket that was significantly LOWER in terms of what it could have been based on my speeding. But just because I haven't personally experienced this, doesn't mean that there aren't cops out there who are over-policing and going well above the call of duty.

There should be ZERO wrongful police killings per year, just like there should be ZERO people in prison who are innocent. But we know that both aren't a reality. There are major issues within our Criminal Justice System.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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There should be ZERO wrongful police killings per year, just like there should be ZERO people in prison who are innocent. But we know that both aren't a reality. There are major issues within our Criminal Justice System.
There should also be ZERO wrongful deaths during an operation by a doctor.

For anyone wondering where that logic is...

"Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher 2014 between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death, the study says.

That would make medical errors the third-leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease, which is the first, and cancer, which is second."

There are major issues everywhere. Criminal Justice system, medical field, fast food service...


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
I saw this guy is now banned which makes sense, because I was about to say dude you have got to be trolling if you think creating "stronger gun laws" will cause thugs to no longer have access to guns. They will find a way to get them.
This is a woman for sure.

I dunno about you guys but China is looking like a mighty nice place to live compared to Murica.
The Officer clearly is over-policing, is clearly scared of the "type" of person he's policing, and has no business in the damn police force.

I've worked with a$$holes like this in security before. These people get off on having 'control' over others. They order people around and carry around batons and all kinds of other dumb sh1t after they take a 2 day course which qualifies them to do almost nothing more than a regular citizen. Rent-a-cops and bouncers are generally complete fvking loser white knights and these are the same people who go on to become police men... the broads are particularly bad. So I can see how sh1t like this could go down with idiot control freaks walking around with guns. I know of more than one supervisor who speaks in military terms when he is talking about securing a provincial park for teeny bopper concerts. He frisks people, searches their bags, pours out their water bottles, his wife (also security) is a land whale who does basically the same thing, they are two of the biggest losers on the planet and I hope neither ever become cops. I could totally see them or any of their 'team' doing stupid sh1t like this. I use my license to get into the odd event for free. :D I wish I had a camera for some of the stupid **** I put up with last month to see a concert. They bark orders as if they're in the military but I guarantee these types of guys would be the first to get shot... rent a cops bring sh1t like this on themselves.

I heard that your police hardly require training, ours usually require a 2 year long college course in addition to another year of extra training.... unless you are a woman, gay or a minority but thats a topic for another discussion.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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That's just bad police work. If that were an older lady (white or black) with a church hat on and with gospel music playing in the car, would the cop have starting blasting like that if she turned around to reach back in the car for her license? MOST LIKELY NOT.....why? Because she doesn't fit the profile of a "thug" while Levar Jones does (young, black, and male).

You see, I'm not even against profiling. Young, black, stupid males who look like me are out here doing dumb shyt all day and RAPPING/BRAGGING about it on music. As a result, young, black males have the worse image of anybody in this country except for maybe young muslim males boarding a plane.
I'd like to respond to this because you make a good point. I think a lot of it comes down to perception. I don't think most officers are "afraid" of young black males, rather they are a bit more suspicious if that makes sense. If you see a guy with his pants hanging off his a$$, dreadlocks, gold teeth, and covered in tattoos then yeah he looks like a thug. Or you see a guy in a suit that's clean cut and looks like Bryant Gumbel he's not going to raise much suspicion. It's the same as if you see a white guy in a wife beater covered on tattoos with a beer stain on his shirt. He looks like a dirtbag. Even if he's the nicest guy on earth and wouldn't hurt a fly, he still looks shady. In the years that I've been a police officer I've had very few real problems in my encounters with young black men. I give everyone their common respect regardless of their ethnicity. I don't start out an encounter with a hostile attitude. So in return I get very few problems in return. But I think some officers around the country approach people, young black males in particular, like they are a criminal and treat them as such, even if they haven't done anything wrong. In return they get a hostile attitude right back. Which may lead to a heated encounter.

Some cops escalate situations rather than the opposite. They are known as "sh*t magnets" by their coworkers. I've actually seen this with my own eyes, thinking to myself that if that officer had just approached the situation a little more tactfully the outcome would have had been totally different. Working in the inner city or a high crime area takes it toll on officers, they are constantly responding to violent calls and dealing with the worst of the worst. It leads to a real cynical attitude. Imaging taking a 45 minute shower after coming home from work and still feeling like you haven't gotten all the sludge off of you.

This is where the argument that the training of America's cops needs to be changed a bit. More emphasis needs to be put on mediating and de-escalating situations rather than escalating them...running and gunning so to speak. Of course there are situations that warrant a quick, sometimes violent response with no time to think about it or to reason with people. Some scenarios are going to go south and be violent no matter what, and the police must be prepared for that too.
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Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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Where in the police book where it says to pin someone down and shot them five times in the chest? These guys are not cops anymore. I call them race solders

Another thing, finding all this crap about these two guys past is really low. If they did make mistakes so what, that mean they should lose their life?

The white supremacist on this board really make it evident.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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This can all be summarized in the following: Follow instructions. If the police tells one to obey their commands, one should obey them.

Boy, one can't help but ponder how different it might have been if Castile & Sterling did as they were told.

Police officers aren't out there to kill people. Follow commands and nothing happens. In all these cases, we can encounter a similar pattern.

The perpetrators didn't do as they were told. How difficult is it? Seriously.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I have seen people say let the community police itself. Cops should reside in the community they police.

Well, that's great, until a particular community doesn't have the tax base to even pay an adequate police force. Then the government has to step in. I mean, cop salaries are cop salaries....pretty low across the board. You can't pay a cop more (factoring out for cost of living) in Beverly Hills than they would get in Ferguson.

Either way, this would probably end up with the community trusting the police more, and the citizens sort of creating their own police force. The crime would then simply be a factor of the community.

If I'm a white cop, I honestly would not get a job in a black community. They obviously don't care about you or want you there. I'd have to be a hardcore idealist and have a heart for helping the downtrodden black community if I was to take that job.

As for the 2 guys that got killed, they were obviously criminals and doing some shady stuff (do the research, I'm not linking it). Probably didn't deserve to die, though. And in the case of Sterling, the 4 year old kid wasn't even in the car. Who cares the details, it just proves there is a media conspiracy.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
A lot of good comments here, however I am going to boil down the situation into two short sentences.

Resisting arrest while having a gun is a recipe to get yourself killed. And it will always be completely your fault.
Just like the muslims want sharia law in this country, the BLM folks want a tribal chaotic existence. It's just what they know.

The United States is a conglomeration of a bunch of cultures that just aren't all on the same page of advancement. We all come from different areas with different backgrounds and different evolved practices over a few thousand years. Take a town in 1900 England, Zaire and any country in the Middle East. Put them all together in one place and you see the different issues that the U.S. is facing. Notice how colonial rule broke down all over Africa in the places where whites settled? Notice how democracy didn't really work in Iraq? I know you can go into detail with Asians, Indians, Hispanics etc. but for the moment I'll stick with the examples above.

We in American need to decide what we want to be. It seems the left wants a cesspool of chaos, and I don't understand it. I don't understand the white kids out there supporting BLM. Those black people HATE white people, and if they are in charge they'll kill them if they can. What's the point? What's the end result?


Just like the muslims want sharia law in this country, the BLM folks want a tribal chaotic existence. It's just what they know.

The United States is a conglomeration of a bunch of cultures that just aren't all on the same page of advancement. We all come from different areas with different backgrounds and different evolved practices over a few thousand years. Take a town in 1900 England, Zaire and any country in the Middle East. Put them all together in one place and you see the different issues that the U.S. is facing. Notice how colonial rule broke down all over Africa in the places where whites settled? Notice how democracy didn't really work in Iraq? I know you can go into detail with Asians, Indians, Hispanics etc. but for the moment I'll stick with the examples above.

We in American need to decide what we want to be. It seems the left wants a cesspool of chaos, and I don't understand it. I don't understand the white kids out there supporting BLM. Those black people HATE white people, and if they are in charge they'll kill them if they can. What's the point? What's the end result?

"Oh, but the guy had nothing to do with Black Lives Matter!"

Is this excuse ever dried out or what. Let's see..

- Their inspiration was Assata Shakur, convicted cop killer and fugitive.
- They intimidate and exclude whites off public property.
- They chant for dead cops at their rallies.
- A few "lone wolf" attacks happen (Ismael Brinsley, Frederick Young)
- Then five cops die DURING ONE OF THEIR RALLIES.
- Thousands praise the monster on Twitter.

There is literally a straight line to terrorism, from their inception to Dallas. But it doesn't matter to these loons. If DeRay or Alicia Garza themselves murdered a white cop and his entire family in their home, and draped BLM t-shirts over the bodies, these racists would say "But it's not EVERYBODY in the group!"

Fortunately that petition reached it's 30 day quota in 6 days. But Barry from Honolulu is probably going to invite DeRay back to the White House and present a Medal of Honor in response...


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
This can all be summarized in the following: Follow instructions. If the police tells one to obey their commands, one should obey them.
Only to a certain extent. There are laws in this country and rights that citizens have within this country. Just because you put on a fvcking police uniform does not give you the right to now go around acting like a complete and utter DYCK.....and if people don't comply with your DYCK demands, then you have a right to tase them, beat them, and shoot them in the chest. Again, it's called bad policing.

If I'm a white cop, I honestly would not get a job in a black community. They obviously don't care about you or want you there. I'd have to be a hardcore idealist and have a heart for helping the downtrodden black community if I was to take that job.
I 100% agree. I honestly wouldn't sign up to be a cop that has to patrol the inner city period (no matter my race, even if I was black). The communities are out of control, violence is through the roof, families are broken up, thug culture is worshipped, and a guy running from/fighting against the police is more likely to be championed (along with get more pvssy) than the law-abiding guy.

It's a shyt job all the way around which is why I said.....let the black inner city police themselves. Since cops are demonized as being all one particular way (racist and bad), then fvck it...stop calling 9-11. When Ray Ray and Pookie are breaking in your fvcking house, YOU get Ray Ray and Pookie out of your damn house then! When Ray Ray and Pookie are robbing you on the street, YOU police Ray Ray and Pookie's then!

As for the 2 guys that got killed, they were obviously criminals and doing some shady stuff (do the research, I'm not linking it). Probably didn't deserve to die, though.
Sterling was a criminal, that guy's list of criminal shyt was thicker than the Yellow Pages. I don't believe Philando was a criminal though from what I understand. He had some traffic tickets but those aren't anything major.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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I've thought about this one too.

I'm white and used to live in England's version of project housing.
Everyone was white, piss poor and almost no one went college and nearly everyone was a crook of some kind. Quite a few joined the army, some went to jail etc...

Like you say about your friends not caring much about the black people killed by other black people but furious about the cops... was a bit like that where I lived to... no guns there though and people not getting killed , but hating the cops! and everything was blamed on the government, hardly any one had personal responsibility.

Many of the cops actually really were complete *******s and myself I've been on the end of violent lying aszhole cops..

In the end I think its a combination of things that would bring it out of a depression... takes both sides to make it happen. Government has to do things to help people up and the the people have to lift themselves up. And the cops have to be trained and held accountable.

Also having travelled the world a fair bit and lived in a city with people from all over the world... what I've noticed is that almost everywhere I've been it seems like Chinese people will have strong families, educated kids, careful with money and not make a lot of trouble.. black people, to be real, if theres prostitution around or drugs for sale, even in say Japan or Thailand where you don't find many black people... theres will be more than a fair share of black guys involved in the business end. And most the families don't have much in the way of a father.

I had a black guy work for me for 4 years, he was from Jamaica and he really good guy.

At one time we worked across from a college and we could see through the windows of it. My worker guy said its all whites and Asians in there, and he thought it was racist.... I said to him, how.... its Canada, anyone can go to college...

Next day on a break outside, was near a park where lots of crackheads hang out... my worker used to sell drugs (maybe still does) so he has an eye for spotting who is doing what.... as he pointed out 3 of the half dozen people selling stuff were black...

I didn't say a lot as didn't want to fall out with him, but did think it sort of summed things up.

The other thing is the guns you have down there, I mean to most of the rest of the world it looks fvckin nuts! People driving around with a legal concealed weapon? It seems mind boggling that its allowed.

I can imagine back in soccer hooligan days of the 70's and 80's Manchester united v Liverpool and everyone packing a gun, including the cops... would have been mayhem.

Saw this story... Norway's cops haven't killed a single person in nearly 10 years!
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Only to a certain extent. There are laws in this country and rights that citizens have within this country. Just because you put on a fvcking police uniform does not give you the right to now go around acting like a complete and utter DYCK.....and if people don't comply with your DYCK demands, then you have a right to tase them, beat them, and shoot them in the chest. Again, it's called bad policing.
Please explain what the "dyck" commands are? "Stop?" "Let me see your id?" Here is part of the reason stuff seems to happen: Not being educated. Not in a "high school and college" way. I mean in the "way of law enforcement." Robbery occurs 3 blocks away and guy is wearing an orange shirt and blue hat, with a gun tucked in his waistband and he has a medium build and light complexion. Call came out and I was a few blocks away. As I'm coming up, there you are, in an orange shirt and blue hat, with the same build and complexion as the suspect. You literally just came out of your house to go up the street for some milk. You know that. I don't. Guess who is being told to get on the ground at gun point until I can verify you don't have a gun and aren't the suspect? Do I have to hop out of my car and say "excuse me sir, I got a call of a guy with a gun who just robbed someone. Was that you?" No...Nor am I going to. Now, once I am able to verify you aren't the person, I will have no issue saying "hey man, sorry about that. Here's what happened up the street. You may want to buy some new clothes for the future..." If you think you got wronged, that's what the court system and a complaint to the supervisor is for. Before people whine about "man, that never works!" It has at my agency. I have seen a few fired for stupidity and other crap.

I 100% agree. I honestly wouldn't sign up to be a cop that has to patrol the inner city period (no matter my race, even if I was black). The communities are out of control, violence is through the roof, families are broken up, thug culture is worshipped, and a guy running from/fighting against the police is more likely to be championed (along with get more pvssy) than the law-abiding guy.
I work in the inner city. I'm a white guy. Yeah, crap happens more often than what some of my friends in the "nicer" areas get, but guess what? I knew what I was getting into. Does it wear on me at times? Yeah. That's why people need hobbies outside of work. But it's also the reason why suicide and heart disease/heart attacks are the biggest killers of officers within 5 years of retirement/quitting/being fired. You don't sign up for this job to say "man, I want to do something easy."

It's a shyt job all the way around which is why I said.....let the black inner city police themselves. Since cops are demonized as being all one particular way (racist and bad), then fvck it...stop calling 9-11. When Ray Ray and Pookie are breaking in your fvcking house, YOU get Ray Ray and Pookie out of your damn house then! When Ray Ray and Pookie are robbing you on the street, YOU police Ray Ray and Pookie's then!
That will never happen. There is a reason why people sign up to be police, despite everything going on. Same reason people sign up for the military even when there is a war. It does take a special type of person.

Sterling was a criminal, that guy's list of criminal shyt was thicker than the Yellow Pages. I don't believe Philando was a criminal though from what I understand. He had some traffic tickets but those aren't anything major.
Blame the courts for this, for Sterling. For Philando, being pulled over atleast 50 times does raise a flag, especially all the suspended driving charges. A lot of people wanted to say he was targeted. I have no idea. All I know is, when someone is speeding, or infront of me, I couldn't tell you who the hell is driving. There are times when I *might* be able to see if it's a white or black driver (I have to lump asian and hispanic into white, because you really can't see exact ethnicity) when I am behind them, IF the lighting is just right. Otherwise, I got no clue until I walk up to the car. I also work nights and most people have tint. Good luck even knowing if it's a male or female at that point...

I'm still waiting to see if that whole "he was a possible person of interest in a robbery" thing that was going around. I heard both sides of it. Still waiting one way or another.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Only to a certain extent. There are laws in this country and rights that citizens have within this country. Just because you put on a fvcking police uniform does not give you the right to now go around acting like a complete and utter DYCK.....and if people don't comply with your DYCK demands, then you have a right to tase them, beat them, and shoot them in the chest. Again, it's called bad policing.
Once again, we go back to the problem. Whatever the demands are, whatever the problem is, whatever the inferiority complex is, it wouldn't exist IF one followed the instructions by the officer.

See how simple it is? Do as you are told and be on your way.
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