Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, Your Thoughts

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Former American Soldier in Irak who kill the police officers.... SWAT team from what I picked up. He was black too...

It could have been a suicide by police action.

However, you are in the USA, you have ALOT of Guns, some ALOT more powerful than your average police officer, racial tensions, disillussionned and impoverish war veterans (who come back also mentally sick and most of them are from these areas with racial tensions)

The people fighting the police, are more trained, better equipped. Took 6 SWAT to take down 1 crazy ex-soldier war veteran.... now 10% of the population was in the army, there is more guns than there is of people.

It's not a ''gun right debate'' but when you average ''anti-cop'' has more guns than the cops and the SWAT... oh and is more trained.. How you descalate it?

Add this to the ''crazy'', mentaly ills with easy gun access, the ghetto culture, the systemized racist system, poverty etc...

People down in the USA must start learning that shooting everything that moves won't stop a fire.

Time to put an end to that 1800's Civil War

RIP to these officers, especially the innocent victims of these madness
What "systemized racist system"?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Former American Soldier in Irak who kill the police officers.... SWAT team from what I picked up. He was black too...

It could have been a suicide by police action.

However, you are in the USA, you have ALOT of Guns, some ALOT more powerful than your average police officer, racial tensions, disillussionned and impoverish war veterans (who come back also mentally sick and most of them are from these areas with racial tensions)

The people fighting the police, are more trained, better equipped. Took 6 SWAT to take down 1 crazy ex-soldier war veteran.... now 10% of the population was in the army, there is more guns than there is of people.

It's not a ''gun right debate'' but when you average ''anti-cop'' has more guns than the cops and the SWAT... oh and is more trained.. How you descalate it?

Add this to the ''crazy'', mentaly ills with easy gun access, the ghetto culture, the systemized racist system, poverty etc...

People down in the USA must start learning that shooting everything that moves won't stop a fire.

Time to put an end to that 1800's Civil War

RIP to these officers, especially the innocent victims of these madness
The average anti cop does not have more guns or training than any enforcement agency... SWAT over here usually rolls in teams of 6, so that sounds about right. They don't just send one at a time...


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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The average anti cop does not have more guns or training than any enforcement agency... SWAT over here usually rolls in teams of 6, so that sounds about right. They don't just send one at a time...
Don't change the fact... the people who killed cops... where former soldiers who went crazy....

I agree the average person might not be ''trained'' like a cop... but ''how trained cops are?''

SWAT are efficient, the average cops in Canada never used his gun in a life time it must be the same in the USA.

It's just how you expect people who are stressed and in the line of fire, some unfit, some ex-soldier themselve... that only know how to shoot and not descalate to find them face to face to unknown more trained, more equipped (if not more trained, than atleast more guns) and who don't care about dead. Now you have entire population full of weapons instead of isolated pockets of criminals... basically turning everyone in a ''suspect''

About the systemized system, read anything


About the systemized system, read anything
Systemic racism doesn't exist, especially in the context of police killing blacks - and "read anything" isn't going to convince anyone it does.

If by anything you're referencing stats from terrorist organization BLM's website, or other radical left columns like Salon or Huffington Post that claim blacks are shot disproportionately, this is debunked six ways from Sunday.

Whites are shot at 2.5x the rate of blacks. And even though blacks only make up 13% of the population, they make up 40% of all violent crime and 52% of murderers - the sorts of crimes that can get a person shot. More crime means more interactions. Now considering they make up 24% of the police shooting but about half of violent crime, this is evidence police are far LESS likely to shoot blacks than other races.

In more simple terms, blacks committed about 5,000 homicides in 2015 while whites committed just over 4,000. But 326 whites were killed compared to 140 blacks. The Tamir Rice case was an outcry - he was one of five blacks with toy guns killed in 2015. 22 whites were killed for the same thing last year. Do you know the names?

The data just doesn't bear out these claims of "institutional" racism my friend.


Nov 2, 2011
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I personally think the root cause of it all are the black people themselves.

So you have a problem with N word? Blacks in Africa don't have that problem, Russians don't have that problem, in the middle east don't have that problem. Yet you black people in America have that problem, don't call you N. What that really is, you guys are ashamed of who you are. African-American? So you were born between Africa and America on a slave boat?

Blacks have self esteem issues that prevent them from getting education, good job, opening up their own business, getting successful. They are stupid, they want car with big rims, loud music, and they want to ride around smoke weed drink 40 and act like stupid idiots.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
I personally think the root cause of it all are the black people themselves.

So you have a problem with N word? Blacks in Africa don't have that problem, Russians don't have that problem, in the middle east don't have that problem. Yet you black people in America have that problem, don't call you N. What that really is, you guys are ashamed of who you are. African-American? So you were born between Africa and America on a slave boat?

Blacks have self esteem issues that prevent them from getting education, good job, opening up their own business, getting successful. They are stupid, they want car with big rims, loud music, and they want to ride around smoke weed drink 40 and act like stupid idiots.
Lol. Usually most of you guys say pretty intelligent things about blacks regarding the community's issues but this post is crazy.

By "N" I assume you're referring to nígger. It makes sense to not want to be called it as it is an insult and has ties to days when blacks were subhuman disposable tools. Just as I'm sure you wouldn't want you and your people referred to as beaners, spícs or wet backs since that's what you really are right?

By your post I also assume you're not American and uneducated yourself. Given your dated racist generalization about blacks its clear you haven't actually ever interacted with any and the only thing you know about blacks is what TV and the media tell you.

African-American is a term that refers to blacks having linked ancestry to Africa but now being American. Which is quite clear. Your "between Africa and America" statement is idiotic. However, from a logical standpoint nothing is wrong with the term "black" as we call white people "white." So why not just use these two terms?

See your post didn't touch on your opinion of why you believe there's tension between blacks and the police, just your ignorance and racism. Which I can careless of. It just upsets me when people are having tough discussions over race matters and getting somewhere and somebody takes that as a green light to spew racist nonsense and ruin it but I digress.

The black community has huge issues, however, this is not why they are being shot. Like @BlueAlpha1 explained, blacks aren't even being shot disproportionately and the media knows this. Blacks are not being shot because they "want a car with big rims, loud music and to drink 40s" like how @backseatjuan so accurately described. The issue is that we are currently under a class war being masked as a race war by the agenda following media. This is because they know racial tensions will create societal tension and unrest, dividing us. Thus making the real issue practically invisible. The government has to much power.


Lol. Usually most of you guys say pretty intelligent things about blacks regarding the community's issues but this post is crazy.

By "N" I assume you're referring to nígger. It makes sense to not want to be called it as it is an insult and has ties to days when blacks were subhuman disposable tools. Just as I'm sure you wouldn't want you and your people referred to as beaners, spícs or wet backs since that's what you really are right?

By your post I also assume you're not American and uneducated yourself. Given your dated racist generalization about blacks its clear you haven't actually ever interacted with any and the only thing you know about blacks is what TV and the media tell you.

African-American is a term that refers to blacks having linked ancestry to Africa but now being American. Which is quite clear. Your "between Africa and America" statement is idiotic. However, from a logical standpoint nothing is wrong with the term "black" as we call white people "white." So why not just use these two terms?

See your post didn't touch on your opinion of why you believe there's tension between blacks and the police, just your ignorance and racism. Which I can careless of. It just upsets me when people are having tough discussions over race matters and getting somewhere and somebody takes that as a green light to spew racist nonsense and ruin it but I digress.

The black community has huge issues, however, this is not why they are being shot. Like @BlueAlpha1 explained, blacks aren't even being shot disproportionately and the media knows this. Blacks are not being shot because they "want a car with big rims, loud music and to drink 40s" like how @backseatjuan so accurately described. The issue is that we are currently under a class war being masked as a race war by the agenda following media. This is because they know racial tensions will create societal tension and unrest, dividing us. Thus making the real issue practically invisible. The government has to much power.
This is pretty much a perfect post.

But it is incumbent upon gullible and racist blacks and guilty whites to stop believing this garbage. It's really not that complicated to see, but tribalism is worse than it's been in this country in 50 years.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
I personally think the root cause of it all are the black people themselves.

So you have a problem with N word? Blacks in Africa don't have that problem, Russians don't have that problem, in the middle east don't have that problem. Yet you black people in America have that problem, don't call you N. What that really is, you guys are ashamed of who you are. African-American? So you were born between Africa and America on a slave boat?

Blacks have self esteem issues that prevent them from getting education, good job, opening up their own business, getting successful. They are stupid, they want car with big rims, loud music, and they want to ride around smoke weed drink 40 and act like stupid idiots.
You got a legit LOL from me, I'll give you that. Especially the last sentence. However I don't necessarily agree with the post.

Blacks in Africa have plenty of problems though. Look at South Africa and countless other countries in civil wars, famine, etc. Some people blame it on the white man coming in and colonizing and pillaging. I really don't know. Maybe a little of both. I suspect that's what the blacks in America REALLY want at its core.....a more African style culture, which is less rigid and more primitive than European colonization.


You got a legit LOL from me, I'll give you that. Especially the last sentence. However I don't necessarily agree with the post.

Blacks in Africa have plenty of problems though. Look at South Africa and countless other countries in civil wars, famine, etc. Some people blame it on the white man coming in and colonizing and pillaging. I really don't know. Maybe a little of both. I suspect that's what the blacks in America REALLY want at its core.....a more African style culture, which is less rigid and more primitive than European colonization.
This is out and out rubbish and propaganda that the far-left elite media and academia are ramming into kids' heads from an early age, but it's wildly exaggerated scapegoating which stems from this liberal/millennial obsession with "not punching down." Because this mythical "white privilege" has permeated mainstream discourse, it's a form of virtue signaling weak white people do to proclaim "I'm one of the good ones, and not racist!"

Blacks enslaved whites in North Africa during the Barbary Slave Trade, the Ottoman Empire slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians, the Turkish occupation of Cyprus has killed 4x as many people as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Muslim Jihad accrued as many dead bodies on 9/11 as the Klan did in it's 50 year reign of terror. We also have a modern day 1984 hostage crisis going on in North Korea. But please SJWs, keep telling me about the African slave trade, the Jewish occupation, and "Christian terrorism" (the funniest one of all) as though white colonialism is the beginning and end of history. Because black, brown, or yellow people have never committed atrocities.

Evil is inherent in all humans, but if you want to talk progress, look at a map of MODERN DAY slavery and you'll see that the only continents that have totally abolished it are North America, Europe, and Australia. The safest and most peaceful countries are in Scandanavia. The most secular and free societies are the "colonized" places we call home.

Success does not necessarily equate to theft and privilege. It's more likely that those espousing this anti-white bigotry are expressing jealousy more than anything, and that the liberal whites repeating it are actually the few white racists left. This is called the soft bigotry of low expectations, where bleeding heart whites refuse to hold "those oppressed dark-skinned people" to the same standards of ethics and accountability as we hold ourselves to.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
From what I have seen so far, most of it was justified.
I doubt you can make that call you can't distinguish abstract ideas or thoughts


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Yessssss, blacks need to ditch this integration/Koombaya shyt and develop their own everything. MLK and other buck dancing blacks have made us the butthole race in this country. Whitey doesn't want you leave the ghetto because he'll have to give more jobs to black people instead of his own. If you think he will then you just need to go shoot yourself because you are just harming the black community. Whitey loves the token because he or she is a weapon used against the black community to defend whitey's comfortable position in group economics.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Whites are more sick of the "poor me" victim blacks, and tired of getting blamed because they stupidly choose thuggery over civilization.

You made yourselves the butthole race, i just feel sorry for those who were smart enough and worked hard enough to get out of that $hit and are still tarred with the $hithole behavior and hated by their own people for ruining their victim narrative.
Yep, classic example why blacks need to own their own shyt. This Campfire Koombaya shyt has ******* us over really badly. In addition, I am encouraging personal responsibility too, so idk why you are mad.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Yessssss, blacks need to ditch this integration/Koombaya shyt and develop their own everything. MLK and other buck dancing blacks have made us the butthole race in this country. Whitey doesn't want you leave the ghetto because he'll have to give more jobs to black people instead of his own. If you think he will then you just need to go shoot yourself because you are just harming the black community. Whitey loves the token because he or she is a weapon used against the black community to defend whitey's comfortable position in group economics.
This has been my position for quite some time on this....and it's that we need to build up our own group economic networks. Over $1.1 trillion in spending power flows through the black community but a dollar stays black for less than 6 hours.

I'm NOT saying not to do business with other races because that would be stupid economically, what I am saying though is that it's well apparent that either we don't SUPPORT black businesses for some reason, or there aren't ENOUGH black businesses, because a dollar staying black for less than 6 hours is a problem.

Now, what could be the reason for this?

- Either it's that there are a lot of good established black businesses but for some reason, we don't go there either because they fail to do good marketing/awareness of them, or the service sucks, or the product sucks, or the employees suck.

- Or, there's not a lot of good established black businesses to even choose from.

I believe the answer is a combination of both. There AREN'T enough established black businesses to choose from and from the ones that ARE THERE, far too many of them (not all, but far too many of them) have flat out bad customer service, bad products, bad marketing, and other operational inefficiencies.

My plan to fix the black community has always been to fix our economics first, which is to support group economics and get more thriving, successful, growing, GLOBAL black businesses. From this foundation, we can hire "our own people" in higher numbers and we can also establish a CREDIBLE political base where we tell the government that these are our tax dollars.....and as a result....we want "X" requirements from our police force, we want "Y" requirements from our local political leaders, etc....and if we DON'T get it, we are taking our fvcking resources and leaving.

My approach is a far better approach to these problems than remaining poor, with no group economics, no tax base, and no political base....but just marching, protesting, and bytching in the middle of the street.

But when I stand up in black circles and present my plan, damn near NO black person agrees with me and instead just starts calling me Uncle Tom, coon, saying that I hate myself, and saying that I don't fully understand institutionalized racism because everything I laid out, they claim CAN'T be done because the white people will just come burn it down or the white people will STOP it in some other fashion.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
This has been my position for quite some time on this....and it's that we need to build up our own group economic networks. Over $1.1 trillion in spending power flows through the black community but a dollar stays black for less than 6 hours.

I'm NOT saying not to do business with other races because that would be stupid economically, what I am saying though is that it's well apparent that either we don't SUPPORT black businesses for some reason, or there aren't ENOUGH black businesses, because a dollar staying black for less than 6 hours is a problem.

Now, what could be the reason for this?

- Either it's that there are a lot of good established black businesses but for some reason, we don't go there either because they fail to do good marketing/awareness of them, or the service sucks, or the product sucks, or the employees suck.

- Or, there's not a lot of good established black businesses to even choose from.

I believe the answer is a combination of both. There AREN'T enough established black businesses to choose from and from the ones that ARE THERE, far too many of them (not all, but far too many of them) have flat out bad customer service, bad products, bad marketing, and other operational inefficiencies.

My plan to fix the black community has always been to fix our economics first, which is to support group economics and get more thriving, successful, growing, GLOBAL black businesses. From this foundation, we can hire "our own people" in higher numbers and we can also establish a CREDIBLE political base where we tell the government that these are our tax dollars.....and as a result....we want "X" requirements from our police force, we want "Y" requirements from our local political leaders, etc....and if we DON'T get it, we are taking our fvcking resources and leaving.

My approach is a far better approach to these problems than remaining poor, with no group economics, no tax base, and no political base....but just marching, protesting, and bytching in the middle of the street.

But when I stand up in black circles and present my plan, damn near NO black person agrees with me and instead just starts calling me Uncle Tom, coon, saying that I hate myself, and saying that I don't fully understand institutionalized racism because everything I laid out, they claim CAN'T be done because the white people will just come burn it down or the white people will STOP it in some other fashion.
Yep, we have too many good black people aiming to go to white schools, white businesses, white neighborhoods, white trophy wife. and etc. Instead, a lot of them get screwed over or some slip through cracks. These people don't have any intentions on building up their own empowerment. If they slip through the cracks of white supremacy then they are silenced by it. For example, Oprah has to hold her tongue because relies off of white people for money. However, Donald Trump can go and preach white american empowerment in a covertly way and he'll be unaffected. I work for a white company and if they found out my views on race then they would fire me lol. Meanwhile, Billy Bob can freely without consequences talk about how all liberals need to die, #bluelivesmatters, God is this, and all muslims are terrorist. We literally have to manage two different personalities or we get screwed over fast. We either crack and go crazy or turn in to an Uncle Tom lol. It doesn't matter how much the white man tells you how different you are from the other blacks because you are not immune to the OJ/Bill Cosby treatment. All it takes is one slip up or a hint of suspicion from the white man and you are gone. I'm sick of Uncle Tom ass blacks acting like "breaking barriers" is the best thing for the black americans. No! We just get used like a dirty condom and dumped in the trash after our use. This is why we need to own our shvt.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I'm not mad. Whites aren't trying to keep you in the ghetto though. Democrats are, that's why they keep trying to hand you all free $hit. To lose your ambition. Break free of that insidious slavery.
Ya, break free from the Democrats and start our own political party.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Yep, we have too many good black people aiming to go to white schools, white businesses, white neighborhoods, white trophy wife. and etc. Instead, a lot of them get screwed over or some slip through cracks. These people don't have any intentions on building up their own empowerment. If they slip through the cracks of white supremacy then they are silenced by it. For example, Oprah has to hold her tongue because relies off of white people for money. However, Donald Trump can go and preach white american empowerment in a covertly way and he'll be unaffected. I work for a white company and if they found out my views on race then they would fire me lol. Meanwhile, Billy Bob can freely without consequences talk about how all liberals need to die, #bluelivesmatters, God is this, and all muslims are terrorist. We literally have to manage two different personalities or we get screwed over fast. We either crack and go crazy or turn in to an Uncle Tom lol. It doesn't matter how much the white man tells you how different you are from the other blacks because you are not immune to the OJ/Bill Cosby treatment. All it takes is one slip up or a hint of suspicion from the white man and you are gone. I'm sick of Uncle Tom ass blacks acting like "breaking barriers" is the best thing for the black americans. No! We just get used like a dirty condom and dumped in the trash after our use. This is why we need to own our shvt.
I agree, now let me ask you what do you think is the solution to get blacks behind this? Because again, when I share my plan with just about EVERY other black person, they immediately dismiss it.

It's like most black people see the solution to our problems as more protesting, marching, and bytching for the same group that they call enemy (white people) to GIVE them certain forms of resources based on some position of "fairness" and "ethics"....

We all know that life ain't fair. Life has never and will never be fair.

Life is all about POWER.

Just like when it comes to women/getting laid. You get pvssy when you have the characteristics that make her pvssy wet....such as good looks, personality, and good finances. That's POWER. It's not fair and many times it's not ethical because you can be the nicest guy on Earth, potentially be the best Father on Earth, and carry a high level of ethics. But if your looks, personality and finances are have NO POWER and thus you will get little (if any) pvssy.

Blacks as a group have no collective group economics, no collective tax base, no collective political power, WE DO NOT own/control any major industries, NOTHING.

We have no fvcking Power. This is why as a group, we are disrespected, overlooked, not hired, discriminated against, and all types of shyt.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
This has been my position for quite some time on this....and it's that we need to build up our own group economic networks. Over $1.1 trillion in spending power flows through the black community but a dollar stays black for less than 6 hours.

I'm NOT saying not to do business with other races because that would be stupid economically, what I am saying though is that it's well apparent that either we don't SUPPORT black businesses for some reason, or there aren't ENOUGH black businesses, because a dollar staying black for less than 6 hours is a problem.

Now, what could be the reason for this?

- Either it's that there are a lot of good established black businesses but for some reason, we don't go there either because they fail to do good marketing/awareness of them, or the service sucks, or the product sucks, or the employees suck.

- Or, there's not a lot of good established black businesses to even choose from.

I believe the answer is a combination of both. There AREN'T enough established black businesses to choose from and from the ones that ARE THERE, far too many of them (not all, but far too many of them) have flat out bad customer service, bad products, bad marketing, and other operational inefficiencies.

My plan to fix the black community has always been to fix our economics first, which is to support group economics and get more thriving, successful, growing, GLOBAL black businesses. From this foundation, we can hire "our own people" in higher numbers and we can also establish a CREDIBLE political base where we tell the government that these are our tax dollars.....and as a result....we want "X" requirements from our police force, we want "Y" requirements from our local political leaders, etc....and if we DON'T get it, we are taking our fvcking resources and leaving.

My approach is a far better approach to these problems than remaining poor, with no group economics, no tax base, and no political base....but just marching, protesting, and bytching in the middle of the street.

But when I stand up in black circles and present my plan, damn near NO black person agrees with me and instead just starts calling me Uncle Tom, coon, saying that I hate myself, and saying that I don't fully understand institutionalized racism because everything I laid out, they claim CAN'T be done because the white people will just come burn it down or the white people will STOP it in some other fashion.
I am a white person, and I think this is an idea I would support. I would rather like to see something like such happen… Many black people seem to feel disinfranchized. I think that from what I can see the black community does not seem to have strong and defined locust of control. Let me make an example which would make more sense… The police are not seen as their own, as part of their community… This may have to do with black people lacking a strong base of power, and power over their own community (economic and political power but the two go hand in hand). If the black community became more independent and there was a growth of black businesses, then this would likely change many things. Part of the reason why the inner cities suffer because of money (the other part is degenerate value systems but I have spoken about that already but if the black community becomes more independent then I think this could change a lot also)… Most people in them are in poverty, there is a lack of good opportunity and education. If the black community developed an economic base then perhaps jobs can be created in these places… Jobs create opportunity, businesses create money, money creates change because it provides a kind of power. If successful black businesses develop then it will change the communities they are in by increasing the economic power. This increase in economic power will provide for better schools, better healthcare, better communities, and more economic and political independence.

Uncle Tom for preaching self-reliance? That is short sighted...


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
This forum literal
I agree, now let me ask you what do you think is the solution to get blacks behind this? Because again, when I share my plan with just about EVERY other black person, they immediately dismiss it.

It's like most black people see the solution to our problems as more protesting, marching, and bytching for the same group that they call enemy (white people) to GIVE them certain forms of resources based on some position of "fairness" and "ethics"....

We all know that life ain't fair. Life has never and will never be fair.

Life is all about POWER.

Just like when it comes to women/getting laid. You get pvssy when you have the characteristics that make her pvssy wet....such as good looks, personality, and good finances. That's POWER. It's not fair and many times it's not ethical because you can be the nicest guy on Earth, potentially be the best Father on Earth, and carry a high level of ethics. But if your looks, personality and finances are have NO POWER and thus you will get little (if any) pvssy.
The goal to black empowerment is a step by step plan. Right now, we are pretty much owned by white people. Again, Oprah is billionaire, but she can't preach black empowerment. Tyler slipped through the cracks and got an upper management job, but let him say something about Blacklivesmatter or something and he'll get replaced lol. We need to start doing what other minorities do and get in to fields that aren't as glass ceiling friendly and own our own businesses. Black Americans are brainwashed in to thinking the white standard is ideal and that's what drives their lives. You convince them the black standard is better when we have an ugly rotting foundation. Like you said, we need money first which equals to power later on.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I am a white person, and I think this is an idea I would support. I would rather like to see something like such happen… Many black people seem to feel disinfranchized. I think that from what I can see the black community does not seem to have strong and defined locust of control. Let me make an example which would make more sense… The police are not seen as their own, as part of their community… This may have to do with black people lacking a strong base of power, and power over their own community (economic and political power but the two go hand in hand). If the black community became more independent and there was a growth of black businesses, then this would likely change many things. Part of the reason why the inner cities suffer because of money (the other part is degenerate value systems but I have spoken about that already but if the black community becomes more independent then I think this could change a lot also)… Most people in them are in poverty, there is a lack of good opportunity and education. If the black community developed an economic base then perhaps jobs can be created in these places… Jobs create opportunity, businesses create money, money creates change because it provides a kind of power. If successful black businesses develop then it will change the communities they are in by increasing the economic power. This increase in economic power will provide for better schools, better healthcare, better communities, and more economic and political independence.

Uncle Tom for preaching self-reliance? That is short sighted...
The police can easily target blacks and get away with it because they don't have any power. When I was in my fraternity, we had cops come to our house and tell us how to host parties without getting caught. Cops just simply looked the other way for college kids breaking the law every day. As long as you had your beer in a red solo cup and didn't freak out then the cop wouldn't say ****. However, if you are black and a cop catches you Jaywalking then he will automatically assume you are carrying drugs.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
The police can easily target blacks and get away with it because they don't have any power. When I was in my fraternity, we had cops come to our house and tell us how to host parties without getting caught. Cops just simply looked the other way for college kids breaking the law every day. As long as you had your beer in a red solo cup and didn't freak out then the cop wouldn't say ****. However, if you are black and a cop catches you Jaywalking then he will automatically assume you are carrying drugs.
This is exactly why I want to see more independent and empowered black communities. If they become empowered and self-reliant I would not have to listen to this all the time... This kind of incessant complaining and victimhood make me sick, I do not care if it is black, white, Asian, whatever. Tenacity is here providing reasonable and well argued solutions to the problem, no complaining just logic. He is talking about actual empowerment. Then you come and simply focus on the negativity and feed the victim mentality... Victim mentality is incompatible with empowerment. If you keep on with the mentality that you are helpless then how can you help yourself?
Instead of thinking about the cops and how they will victimize you, why not think about how to change that? Why not consider ways to improve the situation? Why not take steps to improve this?
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